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  1. Past hour
  2. Kit Cat


    Meow purr meow!
  3. Kit Cat


    Can I take an edible, before I become the edible?
  4. Mistress Kang

    BARK for me

    You may be in luck because Mistress Ito loves cats, but she may not love disobience...
  5. Kit Cat

    BARK for me

    100% disobedient here. Meow meow!:)
  6. Yesterday
  7. Itty- you posted this back in 2019 and you've finally found your match 🙂
  8. You have a way with words.
  9. Mistress Kang

    Kang In 2025

  10. I love that rubber ducky ball gag! Looking beautiful as ever Mistress
  11. Will luvvvv to be her lil puppy and human seat
  12. I love the attire at the gas station! WOW!
  13. Ha, ha! I wonder how many will get your reference? It has been a long time since I heard that story.
  14. 💯.We have lots of experimentation to do.😏.👩‍🔬👩‍🔬🔎
  15. That's what a mirco weiner deserves 😈
  16. Both pair can make you cry like a baby
  17. Lilbitchbobby

    BARK for me

    Lbb <—— looking 👀 up at mistress
  18. Mistress Ito

    BARK for me

    Come here puppy
  19. Mistress Ito

    BARK for me

    I wonder what a mule sound like
  20. Mistress Ito

    BARK for me

  21. Mistress Ito

    BARK for me

    What a well behaved puppy
  22. Mistress Ito

    BARK for me

    That's sweet
  23. I like to see obedience. *Head pats* 😏. 😎
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