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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. I think we're both right Phred. But I'll take it out on your big baboon behind anyway. We (females) are heavily influenced by both our parents, given that we have two to raise us. Some don't. And to be perfectly honest, some I can see how you would surmise that women tend to assume a motherly role in a relationship -- given that they have the experience of witnessing their mothers in a relationship. Again, some single mothers remain single through a child's formative years, thus a void is created where the relationship to a man is concerned. But I can only speak from personal experience. Living in New York gives me a slightly skewed perspective of independent women. The ones I've met here are fiercely independent, and very few are vying for the status of wifey. And others seek to redefine the concept of marriage altogether. But don't forget that the rest of America, especially the Bible Belt, is eons behind, and still a majority. But I have immense hope for this Paradigm Shift
  2. haha for example: Rhianna says, "let Drake beat you up!"
  3. I wish I could give a thorough psychoanalysis of Rhianna, but I can't. One thing I do know is that people tend to unconsciously repeat the patterns their parents set for them. Personally, I have known that the predominant factor in relating to males is the patriarch's model set in childhood. Females tend to gravitate toward men who reflect their own fathers back to them, hence if a female was devoid of a father figure, there may be confusion or a sense of unknowing. Perhaps Rhianna had an abusive father..
  4. Dolli has an exuberant, delightful personality that matches her looks. She's the kind of person you want to keep in a suspended-animation capsule so you can take her home and watch her all day long.
  5. This video both annoys and pleases me. It's clearly the director/stylist using artistic license to create this very "Curse of the Golden Flower" type of cinematic drama, a mish-mash of Pan-Asian influences. The "Asianess" is so scattered, or perhaps all-encompassing. What pleases me is that Rhianna is hot, no matter what ethnicity she's emulating. Ps. If Rhianna was truly a Mistress, she wouldn't have let those photos of her beat-up face surface all over the world. She would've taken Chris Brown by the balls and hung him by them in a display of public humiliation.
  6. toiletface might be one of the best usernames ever
  7. Only when I can glide across the oceans with each foot on a skate
  8. Hey guys! I posted a bunch of photos from SMACK, they're in the Superheroes thread.
  9. Hi wolverine! So glad to see you on the forum. Thank you for the fantastic review, I can't wait to play with you again xx
  10. I had no idea this snuff film was in circulation. It's a part of life, albeit a part that I wouldn't condone or engage in either, mongoose. And I think it's an important prerogative to ignore certain things, for it weakens its power over us.
  11. I am certainly sadistic, borderline sexual sadistic. But just like anybody else, I get a giggle out of seeing someone fall down the stairs. Don't you? And I think I agree with many others that given the right person/circumstance, I would gladly submit to the right person if we had that sort of chemistry. I do think that understanding the full gamut of the spectrum makes one a better equipped for anything. I'm not so sure Mistress Kang secretly switches. I think her keen sense of sadism is uniquely innate and having sociopathic tendencies doesn't hurt either This is what I'm referring to..but on the sadistic side for you regular subs. So far, it seems that most of you focus on being the submissive without too much thought as to what it would be like if the tables were turned. That a lovely young masochistic lady would want to submit to you. But so be it. A tree doesn't dream of being a bird. This sounds like my kinda ride!
  12. I am very curious if there's a Kinsey scale for Sadism and Masochism. For myself, I embody both desires, but definitely one more than the other. And I know a few subs who also top, but to which degree, I'm not sure. So all you subs.. do you ever have sadistic desires? And how do you deal with them?
  13. Hey shrimp, New York even permits toplessness as long as you leave your house that way! Nude beaches are a staple in any progressively-minded city I can't wait for summer to be here!!
  14. LOL for real?? Deadpool is quite..manly.
  15. Hi shrimp This summer, I intend to go to the two nude beaches that I know of in New York, and several others that I don't yet know of. And I also plan to purchase a few new bikinis, all of which I'll be sure to post pics of I'd also like to have a few Mistress picnics in the park, which will surely attract some lurkers, always a lot of tease and denial fun for the entire crowd. Lastly, I'd like to visit some larger parks upstate for some hiking, preferably around a lake or stream so I can do a little skinny dipping! That is all.
  16. Can you believe Kylie Minogue is 44 years old?!! Truly inspiring.
  17. I think this "Apocalypse" theory is a little askew and extreme, but still applicable to what's happening today. It's the Old Paradigm vs. the New Paradigm. Old Paradigm: organized religion major corporations controlling our alleged freedom "should" rigid rules, stoic demeanors, pure logic and reasoning fighting for peace New Paradigm: individuality in spiritualism grass roots organizations and small companies "could" flexibility, intuition integrated with logic and reasoning focus on peace aaaand the Old Paradigm will basically destroy itself.
  18. it seems that your excitement is very hard to hide these days, bisa
  19. Yes! I've had a long-standing fascination with putting makeup (especially mascara) on guys. It eventually evolved into dressing them in wigs and bizarre lady clothes. While most of my friends in college were either homosexual or bisexual, it didn't really matter to me. Once, I was dating this boy, and he had a fresh, young face and a skinny body. I dressed him up in an array of costumes complete with wigs and backdrops (both public and private), and photographed him in three different settings. And another time, I managed to get my best friend to dress up as Marilyn Monroe and mug for my camera. But as for the subs of the Fortress, I haven't achieved that. Yet.
  20. ooo I'll have to try that with him. I knew that he was hopelessly ticklish, but that sounds like a great combo!
  21. There's this one episode of Law & Order SVU where Benson (the pretty lady detective) discovers that a certain suspect has a boot fetish. She goes into his office and askes him a few questions, and he nervously tries to snub her. She gets close to him, towering over him in her black stiletto leather boots, puts her boot on his desk, and demands, "LICK MY BOOTS, WORM. NOW!" The suspect instantly drops to his knees and starts licking her boots, of course. That scene made my heart beat faster at the extreme intense shift of power and how sexy it was to watch a "female detective" use her power like that.
  22. Much obliged, fellow pervs It's a cinch taking photos of such gorgeous models, no bad angles!
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