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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. There are so many images and guesses flying around! Clarify your answers by quoting the original query, please
  2. You guys were right! But it was fun watching your decision wavery a bit, Johnny, based on my silence But it seems that only Edgar is available to claim his prize. So Edgar, why don't you bring some dumplings for our session Friday! hehehehe And for all you other weiners, here's some more feet for you to guess on!
  3. Hi Torso! How ya doing?

    1. Tmz356


      You must be telepathic (or magic :) )...was just thinking about you. Really hope to see you again soon.

    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Why, yes, I am! And I'll be seeing you very soon!

  4. Close, but no cigar. Thank you for playing. Please see Mistress Kang for your consolation prize!
  5. Meanwhile, you hair will turn back to black! LOL I only know of one EDS, and I hope it's the only one
  6. BibityBoo, A mystery mistress session is almost always guaranteed to be exciting, if not for the sheer unknowing, then all that follows! All you have to do is request a mystery mistress session and give a few of your interests. You won't have to show up blindfolded, unless you really want to!
  7. LOL, unfortunately it isn't. I can give you the answer in a different electronic format, or you can keep guessing Does this mean if you guess correctly, you'll want to eat Chinese dumplings out of my buttcrack too?
  8. So far, none of you contestants are right for your guesses on the second pic. Try harder!
  9. Ok I have one! Guess who these soles and booty belong to Winner gets to eat Chinese dumplings out of my buttcrack! LOL
  10. The only "gift" I've ever received from a kitty is half a carcass. Not a whole one, just usually either the top half or the bottom half. woffy, are you sure you'd like to be passed on, like a fetal pig in biology class?
  11. Hi ksync! We had a fun time, didn't we! I was very impressed with your eagerness and skills. You're quite salacious for a noob How could I not smile at your candyass dancing around like the Fortress is a discotheque? Looking forward to our next time together!
  12. ME TOO!!!! Wouldn't it be fun if we could all go together, only you subs would be our snack gophers and footrests?!
  13. Naive is an understatement. But the "extraction" would've been far more satisfying if he'd been strapped down and made to experience the pain of feeling each tooth being yanked out, blood spurting from his gummy holes.
  14. Hate is such a strong word, Dash. But thank you for your admiration
  15. There are tiny hairs in the ears that sense air movement, thus triggering a physical reaction very close to the spine known as "tingling" I don't bite people, my saliva will eat through your flesh.
  16. Perhaps we'll leave it up to Mistress Tran to determine whether any fingers shall be lifted to punish you for your so called betrayal.
  17. You'll have to guess.. And if you guess right, perhaps I'll give you a special treat when we meet
  18. Clearly, you've never seen my squat. It's fierce.
  19. I hope that in the middle of the night in your fuzziness, when you go to pee into the toilet with saran wrap on its seat, it splashes back and hits you in your eyes and gaping mouths. Antagonistic fuckers.
  20. LOL it's true! One time I was foolishly walking on a pole like it was a tightrope, and fell straight down onto my vag. Didn't hurt a bit.
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