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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. I just wanted to back up a bit and extend that exploring your fetishes is not a diminished cause for BDSM relationships. Admittedly, a fetish hardly ever tires, as I've experienced with my own, and just becomes more polished and refined as time goes on.
  2. (Only with the most important element, consent) I encourage it. And if I could help, I would!
  3. Thanks, baby kangaroo. Flattery will get you everywhere! Especially under my freshly polished feet
  4. I think the "secret" depends on what you're looking for. There are people who come to us just to get their fetish fix of feet or leather or whatever. Then there are those who are looking for some type of a relationship, albeit within professional parameters, so that they can somehow grow. Undeniably, sex is an act that bonds people together, which is why I allude to deeper emotions. I've known many people who deepen their already sexual relationships with BDSM. To manipulate those deeper emotions without sex is tantamount to psychological domination. As Phred mentioned, the feeling of safety is another major factor in the release and relief of submitting. We as dommes work with your willingness to be putty in our hands. Even in daily life, when I mention to a stranger what I do for a living, the stranger usually opens up about any and all secrets he/she has been holding in for years, especially sexual ones. Our mere presence inspires catharsis
  5. I prefer "complex" Excuse me, tommy, what are you sorry about?
  6. Of course! Also, feel free to make new requests if you hear of something that interests you
  7. I would be happy to leave my signature all the inside of your eyelids!
  8. A tung twe is a Chinese feather duster made out of a rattan cane and long chicken or ostrich feathers. Let's find out if it hurts or tickles you!
  9. Yeah, why don't you change it to Gadzooks
  10. More like a Ducati I can only speak for myself, and I am purely low maintenance. What I do enjoy is giving someone an especially difficult task just to amuse myself with their difficulty in completing it. Like painting my nails with my sheer stockings as a blindfold
  11. I've got a lone glass swizzle stick with your name on it
  12. Thank you Phred! I'm giving you the biggest, toothiest grin I can manage
  13. hahahaha SO not falling for this! It definitely gave me a jolt when I first watched it!
  14. Hi Bisa! It was fun playing with you! I hope we can further your "training" and keep having fun in the future! And who knows, maybe another Mistress or two will come say hi
  15. Dental work and dental torture are two very different things! I used to have braces and actually loved going to the orthodontist. Perhaps that's why I've become rather attached to my teeth. The idea of someone pulling them out of my head with a pair of rusty pliers and a deranged smile is a grade A nightmare.
  16. I can't watch dental torture. It's my #1 phobia/obsession.
  17. Congrats on your first session. Proving that you're a wimp is actually a blessing...it can't get any worse
  18. With professionalism as the predominant social and ethical structure, therapy is just one of the many possibilities, but definitely my favorite one. The idea of helping someone in some way grow beyond themselves is one of the reasons I absolutely love what I do. And with therapy comes release and relief, whether it be that floaty subspace feeling, or a deeper, more cathartic impact. sk2, you are right about the personal relationships being more intimate and open, but mainly because there are perhaps deeper emotions involved. And what is "the secret" you speak of, which lies beyond the confines of the BDSM relationship?
  19. guess those session videos were a hit! Who wants to be in the next one starring Me and the HOOK??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Phred


      Totally up for the hook. Totally!

    3. wild willie

      wild willie

      Love the idea of a video to much of a whimp for the hook < i can only guess>

    4. Whostoy


      Not sure what the hook is. But I'm definitly interested. Just say when

  20. Let's just say it happens on a sliding scale. And by pain, I mean it in the broadest sense; includes frustration, shame, humiliation, confusion, fear, anxiety, distress, etc.
  21. Is it considered a fetish if everyone is interested in it?
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