Hi Moz,
To answer your first question, yes. When I create an experience for a client, I have both triumph and defeat in mind. With my triumph of will, I defeat theirs, and this in turn, allows them to feel triumphant as well. Something sensually unexpected that opens their mind, perhaps building a new synapse in their brain. Conflict helps us grow.
I do hope that after a client has left the session, they think about it from time to time.
Are you familiar with the symbol of the ouroboros? As C.G. Jung puts it, it represents the paradox of duality moving into wholeness through cycles. Duality being the defeat/triumph dichotomy. Without one, you cannot have the other. When you accept both, you are complete. Growth.
So essentially..the conundrum you gave of truly taboo scenarios is a rare treat. What's considered taboo is also somewhat subjective. Not all clients have a desired outcome, other than to enjoy the ride.
Why did you choose the example of the emotion shame?