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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. You can take pain. I'm willing to bet my panties on it.
  2. You're such a thoughtful music nerd xx

  3. Naturally. The play isn't so much confined to sessions when it transcends the professional realm. Many times it's just whenever I feel like it. And usually the sub/player is someone I already know from daily life.
  4. A pain slut who isn't a good enough pain slut... HAHAHAHA the twinkling smile of victory!
  5. Pro-dommes and subs have a symbiotic relationship by nature. What's a Pro-domme without a sub? Although this is also a lifestyle, our profession dictates that we have certain parameters to work within. Maintaining the relationship without sex makes use of our other wiles. Some use emotional domination, which ultimately is still psychological, but the point is to go deeper than just a little kinky foreplay.
  6. Thanks for your recommendation, akira
  7. sk2, 1. I think intimacy is a given in sessions. The Mistress and sub are enclosed in a small room together and chances are, she will use her physical presence to overwhelm and coerce you to bend to her will. It may not be romantic intimacy, but I think it fits in the category. 2. 95% of the experiences I've had in sessions is based on sexual arousal. Fetishes, kinks, and bdsm all fall into the area of a certain kind of foreplay. But that is not to say that some subs come for the pure enjoyment of being a masochist under a beautiful, sadistic woman's twisted desires. One of my favorite things to hear is "My name is _____ and I like pain" BDSM is an umbrella term for all kinds of play (and non-play). I consider most foreplay of that nature kinky, unless it extends into a more cerebral territory of power dynamics remaining consistent throughout. Clearly you are of moderate to high intelligence if you're enjoying this type of discussion, so perhaps what you seek is a more psychological approach to being dominated. Your sparse visits to your domme could be out of an unrelenting desire, but it seems that if you were devoted to your own play, you would visit her more often.
  8. Well said, Phred Everything you need in life is within you. Hearing that defeat drives and motivates you to do better (in life, in session, and otherwise) is a huge compliment. Not that you were aiming at complimenting me with that statement, but it makes me feel like the chemistry and energy is positive enough to move you toward something greater rather than slump and wallow in defeat. Which, in turn, motivates me to challenge you further and energizes me with new creative ideas to do so.
  9. <exercising my tickle fingers> We may have to strap you down for the ride!
  10. You are always so full of compliments, LW. I truly appreciate someone who can understand my well-meaning therapies on all levels
  11. I have been meaning watch that film. At the time, two Michael Fassbender films came out simultaneously, and naturally, I chose the one about a desperate sex addict, Shame. What are your thoughts on the A Dangerous Method?
  12. I take it you're equating the feeling of emptiness and desperation with defeat. As in the grander scheme of life, one who becomes addicted to the high of chemical release during a rather painful, scathing session but feels the emptiness of mundane life without out it, thus needing more? Are you still asking me to explain how I determine to create a feeling of triumph or defeat? Overall, I aim for a complete experience for the client. But the aftermath is entirely up to the client. For example..I know a top who likes to re-enact the exact same taboo scenario over and over. His triumph over his sub seemingly causes a bit of shame afterward, unless the sub truly enjoys the scenario (which most don't). But he always comes back for more, unable to shake this need for a shameful triumph. I think that within his "addiction" to overpower his sub, he is struggling with a twisted morality that can be very difficult to admit (defeat). But by acting out his extremely taboo scenario with an experienced sub, he is channeling this dark energy into a safe avenue of expression (triumph). And to be perfectly Zen about the two examples of addiction you've given, a Winston Churchill quote: "If you're going through hell, keep going."
  13. HAhaha! I love it when someone is so fresh and green that words elude them. Tmz, it was really fun playing with you. You seemed so open and trusting, even when you were denied your chance to "Hello Kitty that thing". Mistress Vu would've been very disappointed and perhaps started crying. Hope to see you again!
  14. Hi Moz, To answer your first question, yes. When I create an experience for a client, I have both triumph and defeat in mind. With my triumph of will, I defeat theirs, and this in turn, allows them to feel triumphant as well. Something sensually unexpected that opens their mind, perhaps building a new synapse in their brain. Conflict helps us grow. I do hope that after a client has left the session, they think about it from time to time. Are you familiar with the symbol of the ouroboros? As C.G. Jung puts it, it represents the paradox of duality moving into wholeness through cycles. Duality being the defeat/triumph dichotomy. Without one, you cannot have the other. When you accept both, you are complete. Growth. So essentially..the conundrum you gave of truly taboo scenarios is a rare treat. What's considered taboo is also somewhat subjective. Not all clients have a desired outcome, other than to enjoy the ride. Why did you choose the example of the emotion shame?
  15. Are you a funny little man playing funny little mind games?
  16. I haven't heard anyone use the word 'Gadzooks' in my entire life time. I'll show you retro. Bring me a branch from a tree.
  17. This just goes to show that even though magick has been squashed and diluted down by so-called organized religions, a bit of superstition remains. Superstition, in my humble opinion, is the belief that there are forces beyond your scope of vision keeping an eye out for you.
  18. Thank you mongoose. They are symbols for numbers, a bit of sacred geometry design Thank you johnny. I appreciate your keen eye for beauty
  19. I'll need to see it to believe it. And if you laugh, it means you're having fun!
  20. If you need her permission, you're a total weenie. <stirring the pot>
  21. Thank you for your appreciation and recognition <3
  22. "Tickling is the nicest way to make somebody very uncomfortable" - mZ
  23. Interesting story Johnny. I can understand your inclination to connect the occult with supernatural occurrences. That's one danger of dabbling in the occult, you may or may not be practicing magick in the safest way. Not to get all nerdy on you, but did you cast a protective circle when you did your spell for healing? The thing about magick is that it's exponentially kharmic. Anything you do to cause a change in the energy of the universe to serve you, whether it be completely self-serving, vengeful, or for the greater good of mankind, will return threefold in your life.
  24. This explains why you're a bit of a killjoy on the forum!
  25. Although I only take your words with a half a grain of salt, you still find a way phrase things inappropriately. I am keeping tabs on you for your next discipline session. Clearly a woman is needed in your life to keep you in line.
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