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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. There were definitely moments in the session when he seemed to be on mental overload, all he could say was, "Oh my God.."
  2. In times of cold feet, I tend to refer to Lucille Ball's excellent quote: "I would rather regret the things that I have done that the things I have not" And besides, what's a little humiliation worth when you're surrounded by silky skin, soft giggles, and sweet smells of the Mistresses lightly running their delicate fingertips over your body?
  3. Thank you for sharing Johnny0000.This story was really enjoyable. I wouldn't say that I fear ghosts or spirits, but I do know that there is a difference between the two and have definitely encountered a friendly spirit making her presence known in a non-threatening way. Ghosts, on the other hand, I'm a little more leery. Sometimes when I think about a ghostly encounter, I get chills and decide that I'm not really ready because my heart will leap out through my chest and my body will crumple into a heap after I jump out of my skin. Also, I hear that when a ghost is near, the temperature of the room will drop drastically. That's enough to make me run. But there's also a part of me that really wants to experience seeing a ghost, to face that impending terror.
  4. I feel satisfied that you used a few of your sacred, limited words to express gratitude and farewell as I was leaving the room. It was fun doing things to your face
  5. Looks like I need to watch this film. If not for session ideas, then just pure entertainment.
  6. One of my very wise friends devised an acronym about about fear that really helped me to discern what fear was and how to manage its grip. False Evidence Appearing Real Fear is just a perspective, an opinion, albeit very "real" in your body because your mind controls your body. Let your mind and body surrender to the fear and it no longer holds any power over you. Just throwing that out there, now that I know your fears and have some leverage when we play next
  7. Let me get this straight...you're terrified of cats? gee, I wonder if it's because the clown's tits have fallen out of her bikini.
  8. Fresh meat! Looking forward to seeing you this Thursday!!
  9. When I catch someone staring at me in public, I often wonder.. a. if they're simply awestruck by my beauty (hehe) b. if they're grappling with the reality that up until this moment, they've only seen me on the Fortress website and in person, I look different (etc.) c. if there's a booger on my face d. all of the above
  10. That's exciting news! Now I'm looking forward to spring for so many more reasons
  11. LOL! You're referring to your psyche as an onion...how apt ;P
  12. "Beware! The sweetest kittens have the sharpest claws..."
  13. live2, I love it when this stuff happens right in front of me without my awareness, only to read about it a few weeks (?) later after a long day, giving me an exciting second wind! The most gratifying aspect of this incident is knowing that I can inspire such naughty fantasies, leading to a real, live boner The idea of being a voyeur to such a sight is madly arousing, too. I wish I would've been clued in as to what was happening. If ever you are inclined to come see me, I would be more than happy to arrange a performance for you to participate in for my amusement. ..Or perhaps we'll coincidentally run into each other at said eatery and you can slip the waiter a little note for me to "look up"
  14. Has anyone noticed all the fun trendy nail designs around? They've come a long way from French manicures! Personally, they're a bit too fancy for me, I prefer simplicity. Like golden triangles
  15. Hi Alex! Just thinking about the time I made a hair comb out of needles on your chest. Missing you!!! Hope Houston is treating you well :)

  16. I vividly remember tickling you while you were trying to complete a task, crouched in a tiny corner, laughing your ass off....
  17. sybarite, I really like that you have this tradition of celebrating your birthday this way! Looking forward to seeing you and a whole mess of icing, cake, and sweet bits
  18. Adding Mistress Jung would double the sweet treat fun!
  19. It's called GRAVITY ;)

    1. TrackWarrior


      HeHe It's more than that Ms. Zhao. It's as if You are the Sun and all of us tiny planets are orbiting around You. Hoping to come in soon and do a D&D with You and Ms. Tran. Thank You for Your comments. They are nice affirmations of sessions past. Have a great week Ms.Z.


    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Ooo that would be so much fun!

      If you're a tiny planet, guess which planet you'd be! If you win, you get to eat your meal with utensils! heheheh

    3. TrackWarrior


      Ummmm.....i think i'll wait to answer that Ms. Zhao :) but i can't wait.

  20. Just wanted everyone to know that I used to receive email notifications when someone posted something on my profile (but don't anymore), so apologies for being unaware of new posts!

    1. EdgarAH


      Hey mZ! Go to your profile in the upper left corner, then My Settings, then Notification options, then click what you want, then click Save Changes.

  21. Hello sybarite! Bring CAAKE!! I love any and all flavors, from the simplest vanilla to the more exotic..pistachio. I like Chinese cake and Mexican cake, Italian cake, you name it! Strawberry shortcake would be fun, with pieces of strawberries that may get stuck in tiny crevices And happy early birthday! ps. I try not to mention any expicit session details, but all of my references to sploshing were sessions with you!
  22. This is one of my all time favorites, too. Thanks skeech. I had one person compliment my 'vascular' arms, which I thought was an unusal compliment..
  23. I never thought anyone would pick my candid picture, but thank you Edgar and Johnny for your simple yet classy taste. xo
  24. When I was in 3rd grade, I sat next to a boy who would always unzip his pants and play with himself every time the teacher turned out the lights for a filmstrip (!) Outwardly appaled, I was secretly very aroused by this defiant pervy act. He always knew exactly what he was doing, and that I was watching. I think it definitely paved my way into my voyeuristic tendencies and even public sexual displays. But, as a teacher, I would never tolerate such lewdness and would probably humiliate the perpetrator publicly
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