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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. Looks like I need to brush up on my extraction technique. 10 vials..that gives me inspiration. Next time I'll just bring in an empty 2 liter soda bottle. That'll give me all the "red paint" I need for a little while!

  2. Self bondage is about as entertaining as one hand clapping. Get together with a friend and hit up Two Knotty Boys for an afternoon.
  3. Merry Christmas to you, too bear!! xx

  4. Hi TW! Any particular thought that made you smile? I do like inspiring random smiles :) Oh, and have a sumptuous, merry evening on this eve of Christmas!

  5. Hey Charliebear, should I be worried about you?

  6. Alex Jacob makes understated, beautiful whips. I'll take one of each!
  7. I will be in L.A..Are you going to see Steel Panther?

  8. Thanks guys! I do appreciate how so many of you remember our birthdays! As for my own birthday, I've taken the liberty to extend this entire month to be my birthmonth! So the celebrations will continue until the end of the year Just a small commentary about holidays: While I am not the least bit jaded by the "holiday spirit" or whatever cheery warm feelings people find themselves feeling closer to the end-of-year holidays, I do find that the same degree of cheeriness is not consistent throughout the year. Why not? Mood swings and celestial events aside, our attitudes about life sometimes call for a kick in the butt. What do you have to be grateful for? Cheery warmth is an everyday feeling, and confining it to "the holidays" is not enough for me. I like giving and receiving it all the time, not just on birthdays or holidays. I understand the philosophy of Jehovah's Witnesses much better now in this light, how they don't really treat certain days any more special than others, because every single day you're alive is special. And though I'm not one to push or indulge in religion, I do have an appreciation of some practices and beliefs, and tend to practice them in my own capacity. So the celebration of life and the warmth and cheerfulness of the holidays is something I encourage everyone to try to feel in some small way, every day.
  9. Johnny, Glad to have gotten your imagination juices flowing A mildly sploshy video incorporating our lovely feet would be a fantastic idea! And don't beat yourself up too much about being young and dumb..we've all been there. Just be sure to always carpe diem from now on!
  10. Thanks for the warm birthday wishes!

  11. Thanks TW! I did indeed have an excellent birthday :)

  12. Thanks bear! It was indeed a full moon on the stroke of midnight of my birthday. And apparently there was also a lunar eclipse that was unseeable from North America.

  13. Just like a python, slowly squeezing the life out of its prey...45 seconds is a lifetime! And watching the life slowly fade out of a sub's head while it's between your thighs is rather amusing. Most of my prey haven't made it past 20 seconds And I've been told that I have deceptively strong inner thighs.
  14. I wouldn't necessarily consider sploshing a personal fetish of mine, but it is SO MUCH FUN!!! The foods I've encountered always end up in an indistinguishable smear all over the players and whatever plastic tarp spread underneath us. It's intimate, playful, and most of all, oral There have been mostly sweet foods involved (honey, chocolate, strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, cannoli, etc.), so it always becomes a big sticky mess, and I love messy fun. And when there's an entire cake involved, I tend to want to sit my butt right down on it! Next time, I think I may request coconut shavings and chocolate sprinkles for a variety of texture.
  15. Trouble brings experience, and experience brings wisdom - fortune cookie

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Outcast


      Trouble also brings jail :(

    3. skeech2


      Trouble can be defined in so many ways. If defined as mistakes, the wisdom is hopefully to not repeat. If it is defined as finding yourself at the feet of a beautiful and mysterious, dominant Asian woman, then that is trouble that I would like to repeat many many times. Does that make me wiser?

    4. wild willie

      wild willie

      Ah trouble brings a damn good whipping ye

  16. I was wondering about your absence just the other day. So glad to hear from you! Thanks for the early birthday wishes :) And I hope to see you again sometime!!

  17. Aw..what a sweet gesture in your dream. I'm glad that you're not having nightmares of me mummifying you in saran wrap with a dead fish :)

  18. hi bear! what prompted my guest appearance in your head?

  19. We'll see if you're still feeling that way after Thursday :D

  20. you're lucky I'm merciful ;) sometimes

  21. It's been a few weeks, CharlieBear! Feeling backed up yet? :D

  22. premium topsoil? more like 'poop mulch'

  23. Hm..sounds vaguely like a popular blockbuster movie starting Arnold Schwarzenegger..but I LOVE it!!!!! The visual of having your shredded up arms thrown at you!
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