My "shadow" self has very little to do with BDSM.
It has more to do with my ego's demands to be recognized and validated as someone who is attractive and intelligent. This poses problems in the split identities arena, as the dualities become twice the work to manage in this "shadow play".
Over the course of the years that I have been "becoming" I strive to unite these dualities in both the aspect of idenitity, as well as the anima/animus, and finally the public/shadow self. Relationships play a major part in this integration, both with clients and personally. I feel parts of my shadow self being summoned into play at the Fortress, and utilizing these darknesses allows me to recognize, accept, and play with them.
Of course, there are parts of my shadow self that I have not had the courage to display in session, ones that I feel would compromise my dominance over others. These are ones that I work on in private, but relentlessly. I think that the more I become aware of these shadows, the "thinner" it becomes, and the more whole I feel. It's still a work in progress though!