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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. Lita looks amazing in that video!

    I need to coordinate a fire poi routine to this song. Maybe I can melt some cheese ;)

  2. As far as I can tell, every single one of us LOVES to bust balls.
  3. Good job CharlieBear!!

  4. Looking forward to it!

  5. Your comments to my page make me very happy. Glad to share my energy with you, and bending you to my will was also very enjoyable :)

  6. Mistress Tran's booty is very spankable! But if any of you ever get the idea to try to spank her, you might lose consciousness for a few days. That was definitely a very once in a lifetime event. Mistress Choi and I win!!
  7. We have a winner!!!! I'll let Mistress Tran do the honors because it was her idea, but it sure was fun watching the results roll in!
  8. Hm...Australians, eh? Thanks for the literature regardless ;)

  9. hey mr. dj

    thanks for the links!

    been listening to Young Galaxy lately..heard of them?

  10. I'm free all Thursday as of now. Get to it!

  11. You are clearly being very naughty in your head. The wrong head, that is.

  12. Your idea has a lot of potential, hope you're ready to be disciplined like a domestic pet slave ;)

  13. Always. The question is, are you any good?
  14. Sounds like a prelude to our upcoming session
  15. gerry have you not seen the videos where I am wearing nothing but leather? http://fortressnyc.com/players/mistress_zhao (the last two videos)
  16. I have to give you a test run first. If you're not watery enough, I may have to give you a refill! hehe

  17. Unfortunately, your opinion is still in the minority. But I foresee progress for mankind in my crystal ball
  18. I've always wanted my own personal waterbed! :D

  19. If we had the facilities to do so, I would do my fire poi while standing on your belly!

  20. All good TW, guess it wasn't our time yet. But soon! Condolences to you for your loss.

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