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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. Hi spocky. I feel good, but I know that there are still stored up toxins that need to be released. Been going to massage and daily yoga. Meditating on health and wellness every night, too. :)

  2. mono, Not to belittle your taste, but after watching the first one, I am having gas cramps from the cheesiness of it. I guess some people love watching cute Japanese girls do just about anything, but GAAAH. Not even the bdsm overtones redeem these works. What I like about the Devendra Banhart video is that it's so pure and heartfelt, not like he's using the concepts or idea to craft this cool image, but like he's somehow living the lifestyle and understands the psychology of what these relationships entail. :x
  3. lashee, Somehow, I get the feeling that your "no" actually means "yes" Now hold still..no flinching or else you're gonna end up with bitch brows.
  4. It may be later in the summer. Things are always in flux in my life. Fire is constantly changing Be careful what you wish for....
  5. spocky, Thanks for all your kind words. I feel like we had a very unique time in our session, and also with Mistress Ree. I am grateful for your knowledge in energy healing, and will most definitely request more of your services in that area Now if we could get our energies to make waffles for us while we session, and then picnic afterward!
  6. spocky, you're right about all of that. I am rechannelling my energy toward healing and wellness for myself instead of drawing more darkness to me. Thanks for the experience :)

  7. Thanks for your compliments!

  8. Well, it was in reply to my query, so I am partially responsible. Naah. Silly babydick. Hahaah. When was it you were planning on coming? I may take a trip out to the west coast in early May..
  9. What I meant by underground was more in the vein of the genre of music Devendra falls into. Lo-fi freak folk, etc. And I like that he's undergroundish. BDSM is everywhere, seeping into pop culture. No denying that. The new Lady Gaga video, Telephone, has quite a few bdsm overtones. She's also hinted at much of a masochistic side in many of her lyrics. I actually like her, although her music is more like dancefloor anthem than actual substance. She is definitely helping the vanilla commoners understand the edgy side of life a little more.
  10. When Mistress Ahn and I session together, we are like the two most deviant school girls in the entire high school. Both of us having an inclination to playfully diabolic behaviors, our two sexy brains together devise of the most twisted things. She fuels my energy to push the envelope and is one of my very favorite playmates.
  11. What did you say to get the small penis humiliation thread locked, you babydick?
  12. Post them!!! I wanna seeeee. Japanese culture is mind-bending. I can't wait to visit!
  13. Mistresses are like a Chanel suit. Never out of season. I wonder what you'd look like in a Chanel suit..
  14. The new Devendra Banhart video... http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=104348575
  15. Who are you referring to? Mistress Ahn and I? Mistress Ahn and lashee? Ahn, me and lashee? Regardless, it was fantastic.
  16. We're an electro-pop drag band :)

  17. We're a drag-electro-pop band :)

  18. thanks for the comment on my blog :)

  19. Hence the name small cock LOSER hahaha Besides, love/hate relationships help us G R O W
  20. Hi Spocky.

    Yes, I would like to discuss energy healing much more in depth with you. Somehow the topic seems to evaporate when we are in session, though. When I see you next, we can chat about it after the session :) Looking forward to bringing you closer to nirvana!

  21. Yes, it does. It's probably exponentially more exciting if it actually happens in real life.
  22. It has its own zip code. Comes in its own limo. And the only souvenir you get is a gaping..smile.
  23. Hi Robbie So good to hear from you again. I'm glad to know you're looking forward to coming back to The Fortress for another session. I have been honing my skills and really look forward to implementing them on your defenseless body for entertainment Let's push those boundaries until you're not sure who you are anymore! xx
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