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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. The view from the cage is much more enticing than that old statue of liberty bat. Her dress is soooo old-fashioned As our prisoner, we'll put you on a steady diet of white rice and carrot shavings. You'll be tortured, played with, teased and humiliated to our heart's content. When it's time for you to return to your beloved BC, you'll be grateful for the cold, wet, windy weather, as well as any physical activity you can muster. Doesn't that sounds like an ideal time? MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. brings the pain, sometimes a little too much.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. robbie


      Yes, brings the pain, but it is a very fun, very addictive, and looking into your naughty eyes it might be many times 'a little too much'

    3. JayNorth


      Oh boy! Friday can't come fast enough! Would you like me to bring anything?

    4. JayNorth


      Ill be in NY this weekend you wanna see some fist pumping! Lets play sunday..

  3. "it hurt" short and to the point LOLOLOLOL
  4. sexface is a great name. that is all.
  5. Seriously, mong. How does one become an ex Dragon? I thought that once you were born, you couldn't really change your birth year anymore. I know you're totally baiting me at this point. All I will say is BRING IT.
  6. Coincidentally, my toenails never stop growing.
  7. Why don't you just come and be our prisoner. We have blankets and a shower
  8. Oh goody, interrogation. Just had a 2-hour interrogation session yesterday. Needless to say, I got the information I wanted It would be my pleasure to implement new forms of torture for drawing answers out!
  9. slc, Maybe it could be more like "JUNGREEZHAO" hahahaha
  10. That's a nifty suggestion, but drawing myself in sharpie onto human skin is a task I find overwhelming tedious and dare I say, above my skill level. You would be at the mercy of my frustrations, a box of toxic markers, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Maybe a photo transfer
  11. flying to NYC? Careful, we may make a prisoner out of you so you make good of everything you've said on this forum!

  12. Well..? Care to spill your fragile beans?
  13. Better yet, sharpie + needles, so you get the full experience
  14. Olde English always does it for me. It could say "cumrag" in that font across your body and I would still think it somewhat attractive. I would also suggest a slight arch for the wording so it moves with the contours of your body. We could try it...I have a sharpie and took typography class in college
  15. spocky, It seems that our sadomasochistic activities are rather counter-productive to holding any sort of deep or meaningful conversation about metaphysics or anything that requires much thought. Actually, it's ironic how that happens because we are actually paving a pathway to Nirvana of sorts with our activities instead of discussing them, but in a more perverse way. I have to admit that I held back just a bit, but your willingness to reach that nirvanic place will allow me to push more next time. xx
  16. It's from Neale Donald Walsch, who wrote the Conversations with God series. He's great! I highly recommend his books.
  17. A long time ago, I answered an ad on craigslist for a "sushi party" with "live girl" which seemed fun. This woman who ran this service seemed very interesting. She was ardently Japanese. She invited me over to "do some promotions". We sat down at her laptop and she pulled up a porno chat site full of nude Asian female body parts. I tried to "do some promotions" but quickly realized that these men were only after one type of fish, and not of the sushi variety. So I split. The end.
  18. This world is pretty messed up already. I wouldn't mind a "reset", which would most definitely end some things as we know it. Maybe that's what will occur in 2012. Hey, survival of the fittest is the ability to adapt, not resist.
  19. A- I happen to enjoy subbing quite a bit.
  20. Keep blowing smoke up my ass, boys.
  21. Hi Whip! You need an avatar!

  22. Do you ever have whole steamed fish? It's my favorite. Sometimes I feel like that fish. Laying there with my mouth gaping open, helpless to move. Here come the forks. Not sure why, it's usually the other way around during sessions.
  23. Thanks, mong. I take pride in my skills with my giant camera
  24. A- You're like that guy sitting on the sidelines with a full commentary for each play, but no plays himself ;D When are you actually going to physically prove your worth?
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