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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. Uh oh..attitude. You're looking to get brutalized, mong?
  2. Hi Alex Your stream of consciousness request seems impassioned. Yes, we can do 2 hours of you sucking on my long toenails. And yes, I will find some fancy glass slippers to wear during our session.
  3. "Sometimes, I feel like Chinese food"
  4. Mong You should really start off easy first, like with a cobra. I am a dragon, not a baby-snake. My fangs are much larger and my breath, a lot hotter. “Meddle not in the affairs of the dragon; for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup”
  5. spocky, Looks like we want the same thing Fear is just an illusion: F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal
  6. Aw spocky!! I can play nice, too. Honestly, I don't mean to be any more fear-inspiring than anybody else. I just have a twisted sense of humor that leans toward the dark. Especially on the forum, I like to keep things "light" be being humorously sadistic. Don't let my words scare you off
  7. That's extra-flattering, scl. Thank you.

  8. I bet you'd be capable of the most catatonic sort of submission. My demented mind is twisting thoughts already. Let's see...I need to procure a frying pan, a circle saw, some butter... Have you ever seen Hannibal? <sinister grin>
  9. Spocky, Your humility is endearing. When I think about you, I usually only see the top of your head, as if in a permanent bow. Since you hold me in such reverence, wouldn't it be fun to play a little game of Queen/slave? I could make you do all sorts of lowly things and most of all, I'd get to use you as a pincushion all over again. I get excited just thinking about how many needles!!
  10. I'd like to see you wrestle a real cobra. That's not too far-fetched, is it?
  11. I have glamoured you. You are now under my spell until I release you ;)

  12. Hi spocky, Somehow I missed this review. Thank you! Apologies for being so late in my gratitude. xo
  13. Are you really a mongoose? I hear snakes/dragons and mongooses get along famously.
  14. cupcakes, I like your draw toward the subtlety of domination. There's not enough of that. Maybe I'll go check those books out, too..
  15. A, I don't mind. As long as you're headbanging the whole time. Make sure you wear a posture collar or neckbrace, as you'll have severe whiplash. Let me know how it goes. Oh, and I'll need video evidence with time stamping. And you said this is just to start with, meaning you'll do the rest, right? <diabolical grin>
  16. The poem was an impressive attempt at the "saying" part. Now for the "doing".. Would you.. ..eat one of your fingers ..kill a puppy ..listen to death metal for 4 days straight just for me? <evil grin>
  17. LL, Anti-sake! Sounds like Anti-Christ! Koshu sounds delightful. I wonder if there are any Koshu breweries in NYC.. I have tried shochu before, and found it quite refreshing and enjoyable in its various flavors and lightness. It's much like vodka, but smoother and tastier Everybody keeps talking about the effects of alcohol on Mistress Tan, but I have yet to witness the bedlam. I feel like I'm missing out!! Can we please do an experiment in a controlled environment where we feed her drinks and then watch her release her wrath from a safe distance, preferably behind bulletproof glass?!
  18. Hi Alex!

    All you have to do is send a message to [email protected] and you will receive a reply very shortly. Just include a timeframe of when you'd like to come in and all the details will be worked out. :) Looking forward to seeing you!

  19. How unfortunate. It's like being allergic to birthday cake!
  20. Clearly you have a shoe fetish, as do I :)

    I'm afraid that a photo shoot with the Mistresses is not possible given our security measures and rules. However, if you are in session, and ask your Mistress permission to photograph just her foot in her shoe, I doubt any of us would decline. :)

  21. A, I challenge you to new outlets of expression of your adoration. Hows about you write a poem for me?
  22. ...and 1,000 other things to say to impress a Mistress
  23. Thanks, Mong. I'm sure you'd look great in my black outfit, too
  24. How poetic, A. But you know the saying...actions speak louder than words
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