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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. Mong, I have not tried it, but I know not to use it alone. It's said that it will get stuck without the aid of some fibrous counterpart such as Psyllium Husk. I think that may be my next cleansing experiment! Have you tried it? With satisfying results?
  2. Astonishing. No wonder I always get mistaken for a ladyboy when I perform with my tranny band!
  3. I'll take your butt kisses and raise you a stifling butt smother. Or two. Or twenty.
  4. All this talk of pie makes me hungry! I would absolutely KILL for a blueberry pie, sans ego. Any bakers?
  5. As stated in his name, he is a small cock loser But we welcome those, too.
  6. Spocky, I am getting better about being on the forum. I simply forget sometimes! So in being my vampire victim, there would be much bloodletting involved, in which case you would be the perfect victim And as for the volume of your suffering, a simple ball gag would do the trick. Hehe. And I think you just coined a new term, which beats all those other Zhaoisms I've seen lately... Zhaolicious! My favorite! xo
  7. Cute. I have to admit that there are definitely similarities in our 'mental chatter'. It's almost like small manifestations of the chemicals that are being pushed out/eliminated while fasting. I don't ever feel fat or unhealthy, especially if I compare myself to others. The fast is more like a mental reset which is reiterated through my physical being. Thanks for that delightful interlude.
  8. Spocky, Thanks for those kind words. Of course I would love to crown you with thorns! At the moment, our needle supply has run low so they need to be replenished before I go at your poor member with the extra-thick gauges. It is indeed something I always look forward to doing, no matter what. And why do you think that I wouldn't prefer you? Our first time together was spent as a group, and was most definitely my first needle training session, and it's been over a year. You could even say that I learned to love needles because of you. If I don't see you soon, I'll forget what you even look like! xo
  9. My tongue is always available for slicing ego pie. Especially my own. In fact, I would very much like to function on just a sliver of my own ego pie rather than gorging myself on it. Lately, that's been the case with me now that I've become aware of just how big my ego is. Sorry if those words were inappropriately or unnecessarily scathing to anyone, most of all your beloved Playboy Playmate friend, Mong!
  10. I love the idea of electricity for interrogation. Like that scene in Taken, so badass! I've heard of glass rods being used (ie. inserted and then broken), but that may be too brutal for play. Caning is effective, too. Especially on the back of the legs and soles of the feet. Ooo do we have a way to waterboard? Maybe utilizing a toilet full of pee?
  11. Hi Ulti,

    How considerate of you to ask.

    I appreciate black lacy things, like panties and stockings (size small).

    Also, I have an affinity for books and films. A gift card for any bookstore or theater is also welcome.

    If you really want to indulge me, an ipod nano would be fantastic.


  12. I love that the pic is from 1994 and already considered vintage. I guess she's still flying on the belief that her beauty can get her by with things in life...oh to be a vacuous fleshbag.
  13. Generally, that's true of the vapid model types, but once not to be unfair, I'm sure there are a few "normal" ones out there. One would hope. I'm sure they're about as rare as unicorns though.
  14. Hey Stinger, How sweet of you to send us roses. It's also Chinese New Year this Sunday. Is anyone attending Chinatown festivities??
  15. dm, Thanks. I'm sure your tits are just perfect, too.
  16. Akira, You are quite proficient in the art of ass-kissing. I'd like to see how much ass you can actually kiss in real life.
  17. Woo! One of my very favorite activities! I LOVE electro. Maybe because I'm a pyromaniac and the possibility of it becoming a potential fire hazard is thrilling. <evil grin> kidding! One thing I absolutely love indulging in is hooking-up the sub in multiple places on his body and cranking the power up slowly as I press my body against his so I can feel the pulsating of the electricity through his blood. All that twitching and convulsing gets my juices flowing! Another of my favorite activities involves temporary piercing. After I've diligently arranged the hypodermic needles on his chest and cock and balls, I use clamp the electrodes to multiple needles and let him twitch.
  18. Hi Porno Person. Great name! So..what excites you? Makes you drool? Captivates your imagination? I'd love to know, so I can bend your mind. xo
  19. Hi Fendy, Reluctance is understandable. If you have any questions at all, or are simply seeking a gentle nudge, Mistress Kang is your Dr. Ruth. She will most definitely guide you to the right player. There are no stupid questions. We also have this awesome new live chat during our hours of operation where you can simply chat with our administrator to get a feel of what to expect. You only live once!
  20. Naturally, the letters are white to torture you, and you alone. So..Playboy model, eh? Aren't they a dime a dozen now? As for your limbs, we can fix that. LOL Glad you're back, Mong.
  21. It's a nice addition, isn't it? Unfortunately, the only ones I see of myself are where I'm wearing a blonde afro wig, being silly.
  22. Bad Ray, taking things that don't belong to you! 300 swats for you!
  23. The question is, would you want to grow your tits out? At the expense of people calling them "moobs" (man-boobs) or "bitch-tits"?
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