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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. I swell with pleasure and pride. It's so very satisfying and enthralling to see such positive feedback from all you Seung admirers. Capturing truthful beauty in all its moods and realness is one of my favorite things to do. I usually prefer real people to models for that reason. I'm looking forward to shooting Vu and Ng next, capturing their personalities as I perceive them.
  2. maxxx, I use a Canon 5d sweet... that the 12.8 megapixel one or the mark II with 21.1 megapixels? far better than the tinkertoys i call a digital camera by any stretch.... can it take video? i think the mark ii can.. anywho, kick ass... glad you are lugging that monster and taking pix... appreciate it It's the older one, the 12.8 megapixel mini-monster. I don't really have a need for the mark II mega-monster that takes video, just yet Well, maybe I do.. xo mZ
  3. Wooo! Thanks Woofyboy! I really enjoyed that special edition DVD of My Fair Lady you brought for me. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and sweetness. You get an A+!! xo mZ
  4. Dearest Ms Zhao. As I mentally prepare for our second session next week, I'm wondering if I'll need to be brave also? With love Raymond Of course you do, Woffy. Be brave, be very, very brave xo mZ
  5. Nice! Extra points for good taste, Toby xo mZ
  6. Hello there Kim! Your latex outfit really stood out and looked great on you. I sent pics to M.Kang, but to upload them to the forum I have to adjust the size, as they are too big. Soon! xo mZ
  7. Thanks goosey, and all you sweet boys. I just love getting in front of the camera. I'm making up for lost time after being behind it for so long. Maybe I'm a bit narcissistic xo mZ
  8. Hello Love, Glad you enjoyed playing with us. Dress up is one of my favorite games! Hope to see you next time you're in the states. xo mZ
  9. Thanks Shermie! Hot indeed. Leather is like a second skin. Ooo I'm gettin' all hot and bothered just thinking about it too! I miss you and your musical anthropology trivia. When's our next round? mZ
  10. Thanks Shermie! Hot indeed. Leather is like a second skin. Ooo I'm gettin' all hot and bothered just thinking about it too! I miss you and your musical anthropology trivia. When's our next round? mZ
  11. Hey now, you are hittin' too close to home. That's what I wear when I hang around my house. Spurs on my house shoes, yeehaw!
  12. Sometimes fear is the best disciplinarian. So the question is, do you need disciplining? Dear mZ: I'm beginning to understand. Should I fear you? Dannyboy
  13. Thanks boys! I do what I can It's not easy maintaining my century-old body by bathing in virgin's blood. Virgins are a rare species nowadays!! xo mZ
  14. It's Sunday and I'm so excited about the Rubber Ball!!! I think I'll wear my translucent military-inspired dress, thanks to maxxxlube for that idea. It would be awesome to have some stockings made of the same material with red seams, but oh well, next time! And we're sure to have some fabulous photos courtesy of my beautiful tranny friend, Candi Shell. She'll be dressed as a rubbermaid xo mZ
  15. It's Sunday and I'm super stoked about the Rubber Ball tonight!!! I think I'll wear my translucent military-inspired dress. I wish I had some latex stockings, maybe of the same army green translucent material with red seams, but it's a little late to seek those out. Oh well, next time! We'll be sure to have some superb photographs courtesy of my gorgeous tranny friend Candi Shell. Hope to see you there! xo mZ
  16. As of late, I've had many consecutive sissy sessions -- 4 in a row! Oh how I enjoy the process of transforming a pathetic man into a less pathetic femaleish-looking object. Randi, you were a total blast, thank you for the fun. Your runway model strut still needs much work, but I see potential in your future. xo mZ
  17. Dearest mg, I hope your next visit will be filled with riotous laughter, tears of joy, and much exploration into your darker fetish psyche. I fear I may have been too gentle with you and possibly spoiled you a bit. So prepare to be brave! mZ
  18. Having my very own heavy-metal dawggy-dawg friend was such fun. It entertains me to no end when a sub eagerly plays along with every whim of my fantasy, especially at the expense of his own behind. Thank you for such an amusing and enjoyable session. I look forward to hearing your doggy-vibrato in the future. mZ
  19. Woffyboy, I take great delight in discipline and punishment, especially when one does not take their disobedience seriously. Next time, I'm bringing a ruler to see how you measure up. And if you're lucky, I just might beat you with it, too! mZ
  20. The sound of pleasure and pain intertwined is music to my ears. If the noise is too much on from the pain zone, it hurts my ears. If it's purely pleasure, I'll know to stab a little deeper. If pain is the melody, I like to hear that pleasure is the harmony, a perfect duet of juxtaposed sound.
  21. Thank you all for such a warm welcome. My training has been pleasurable and enthralling! I look forward to more intimate sessions with each of you. xoxo
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