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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. When I was small, I was "exploring" my father's drawer and found a magazine with a picture of two naked women tied to wagon wheels on the cover. I had never seen a naked woman before and was quite aroused.
  2. Strictly heterosexual. I must admit that while seeing two men making out grosses me out, seeing two attractive women do it can be arousing.
  3. Big Trouble Baby

    Very nice.
  4. Dr. Nihill, Why don't you book a session with her just doing a role play without BDSM? If you're mesmerized by her pictures, wait till you see her in person. In the words of Al Jolson, "You ain't seen nothing yet."
  5. The season started off slow, but finished strong.
  6. Hi Mistress Zhao. I may be available late next week. Would you like to discipline me?

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Hi BTB! I will be unavailable until the 23th! What about then?

    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      That should work. 2PM?

    3. Big Trouble Baby
  7. She's a Pastor's wife? Bet she took grief from the congregation over that.
  8. Thanks for a fun time yesterday, Mistress Lu.

  9. As Dannyboy mentioned earlier, almost impossible to pick just one. Maybe we should pick from different categories. Some of my favorites Westerns: Shane The Searchers Fort Apache (1948) The Man Who Shot Liberty Vallance Winchester 73 The Magnificent Seven Destry Rides Again Stagecoach The Last Wagon
  10. Hi Mistress Zhao. I'm looking forward to seeing you next week. It's been far too long.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Hey BTB! Me too! And the hour goes by too fast! But we'll get some walloping birthday spankings in for sure :D :D

    2. Big Trouble Baby
  11. Hey Sperm, I just saw you're taking a leave from The Forum. Maybe a break will help you rekindle your interest. I've had some issues myself and haven't been following or posting lately. I haven't been to The Fortress in about 9 months. Maybe a little break will recharge your batteries and renew you enthusiasm. You can always e-mail me if you wan to talk. Be well. BTB

    1. Outcast


      Hey BTB, thanks a lot for the offer. I hope you're feeling well and looking forward to your bday! I'm doing ok, just have to chill with sessioning and posting for the time being(maybe for good). But I'm doing good and checking.in here and there on the qt. Hope you are well!!!! High sign!!!!!

    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Back at ya, bud. High sign!!!

  12. When I was a kid, it was cartoons and Sugar Frosted Flakes with Tony the Tiger. THEY'RE GR-R-REAT!!!
  13. When I was a kidnapper, I used a large sock and tape.
  14. Actually Mistress Kang, I got Mistress Zhao right. I didn't see your row designations and I used corners instead of rows. According to your rows, I had Mistress Zhao on the middle left, Mistress Fei on the middle right, and Mistress Lu on the bottom right. I'd be happy to just get Mistress Zhao right as I'd hate to have to explain to her why I got her feet wrong.
  15. Mistress Zhao, upper left corner and Mistress Lu, lower right corner.
  16. I had ideas about 'liberating' him once but thought better of it.
  17. Hey Peach Person, where do you do yoga? I take classes at Yogaworks and Ishta.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Manpeach


      Hey Wofyperson. My daughter needs to take a slew of meds for schizophrenia. It took a long time to diagnose and find the right balance. And they added to her weight as well. But she is doing well now.


      Really sorry for your suffering. I know this must be a devastating loss for you and life will never be the same, in time you'll be able to function and again feel happiness.

    3. Manpeach


      Did you see the poem I wrote for you on your Cure for Depression thread?

    4. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Hey Peach, yes I did. A couple of days ago. It made me depressed (kidding). Thanks, bud.

  18. Saw someone viewing this and thought I'd revive it. Good to see the postings by Mistresses Ahn, Choi, Ree, and Biff. One of my Fortress regrets is that I only saw Ms. Ahn once.
  19. Hey Milk_dud, why did you change your name? Mistress orders?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mistress Zhao
    3. Milkdud


      we are but two core members of the cult of Zhao;-) I am sure there are many many more!!

    4. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Truly. We are Charter Members.

  20. This could be a takeoff on the WWII era Kilroy was here.
  21. Love your new selfie. Best one yet.

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