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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. Dannyboy; Catching up on this. I would overwhelmingly prefer to be charged interest and penalties by A Mistress than the IRS. Ray
  2. Hey TG. I saw you wished Ms Jung good luck on her page. Did she leave the Fortress?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tommygermany


      no problem... sorry, that it had to be me starting to spread the word....

    3. Dannyboy


      Tommy: These thoughts have been going on for a while with many of us. All you've done is to shine a light on what was lurking in the darkness. Thank you for a service to us all.

    4. tommygermany
  3. I really don't know. I think it was on a Fortress link and maybe Youtube, but I haven't seen it in a long time. There was another one called "Minnie's Microwave Dilemma" and another with Mistress Kang and Mistress Vu.
  4. I miss Minnie's target practice video with her whip.
  5. I have four cats and can bring all the cat hair you like.
  6. I once broke down and cried like a baby in a session with Mistress Zhao. It wasn't from her punishment, though. it was more from my mental state at the time. I came very close to crying in a session with another Mistress but I fought it off.
  7. You're welcome, Howard. I'm glad there were some responses and hope to see some more on this topic. Ray
  8. Saw someone viewing this Topic and also saw I tried to revive it some time back. Maybe it's ready for a Revival now.
  9. Hi Mistress Zhao. I may be available later this month. Would you like to discipline a wayward youth?

  10. Surprised this didn't get more attention.
  11. Saw someone viewing this and thought I'd update my resume. I forgot to include Mistress Choi before and now I'll add Mistresses Koi, Tran, and Haru.
  12. Mistress Jung. Tuesday was "National Waffle Day." Thought of you and The Coach House.

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      You keep making me hungry! ;-)

  13. Another "oldie but goodie" revived. While I've had great times with all the Mistresses I've seen, only Mistress Zhao has gotten into my psyche.
  14. You're welcome, Dannyboy. We're fortunate to have you back. Ray
  15. Heard a woman on the News say it was National Pancake Day on Tuesday so I went back to The Coach House and had another "Jung Special."

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Was it? I missed that! I think you should go back and have another just for me :-)

    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      I would, but I don't want to gain the weight.

  16. Dannyboy; In one of my earlier sessions with Mistress Zhao, she gave me such an intense tickling that I feared I would have an asthma attack. When I mentioned I might have an attack, she said "don't." I didn't. Ray
  17. I'd like to but my posts get stuck in a "saving post" mode frequently and I have to start over and it gets frustrating. I'm 5 session revues behind since mid December. I'll get to it soon and hopefully it'll send.
  18. Thought it was appropriate to revive this after Mistress Jung applied her spank/tickle combo to me on Monday.
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