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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. August 1st, August 1st, August 1st, August 1st, August 1st, August 1st, August 1st, August 1st, August 1st August 1st...

  2. Just on my palms? That would make my bottom and inner thighs jealous. Can we see a picture of your lucky red stick?
  3. It may have looked strange, but it felt just as cold and wet as it normally does when I was shoveling it this morning.
  4. I feared that I crossed the line and you were really going to come down hard on me.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      you won't know until we next meet!!

    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Keeping me on edge? Wish I could come in right now and accept the punishment you have planned for me. Unfortunately I probably won't be available until April. Hope you can be patient and forgive me for the delay.

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I suppose I'll have to wait. But in the even that I cannot, you will be held responsible for each Santa bashing and furry man beating you hear about on the news!

  5. Were you serious in your response about my comment about meeting your mother?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Should I change my name?

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      why haven't you changed your name to Big Trouble Baby yet????

    4. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Just saw this. Do you really want me to change it?

  6. Great account of the wonderful Ms Jung. While I've had some outstanding sessions with Her since, there's nothing like that very first time. I remember it like it was yesterday.
  7. As soon as I can find someone to show me how to send a picture.
  8. Hey little joey, maybe if you sent a picture with you on your knees would do the trick.
  9. Should I change my name to big baby?

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao


      It'll be my favorite incarnation of your name. I'll take every opportunity to address you as such :D

  10. Hey, Whip! I think you just discovered a cure for fear of flying. Have a Fortress Mistress order you on a plane as Her personal servant.
  11. I'm not much into New Years Resolutions but this year I do have one. After months with a knee injury (during which time I became I became depressed and lazy and gained 28 pounds) I finally got back in the gym this week. While the knee is not 100%, I was able to do cardio for 60-75 minutes without pain 4 times since Monday. Between the cardio and food intake adjustments (started Wednesday), I've dropped 5.7 pounds this week. My News Resolution is to drop all the weight I've gained and more. While health is my primary motivator, my second reason is that by being lighter, Mistress Zhao will have an easier time manhandling me (not that She had any problem last month ) and making me a more obedient sub for Her and Her Fortress Sisters.
  12. Be a Clown Be a Clown Be a poor silly ass And you'll always travel first class...
  13. You guys don't know what CFNM is? GEEZ!!! Actually, I never heard of it either. Googled it and Clothed Female/Nude Male came up. Maybe that's it.
  14. OO, I think everybody is apprehensive in the beginning. I know I was. It took me 4 months of looking at the Fortress Gallery and reading the Forum before I got the courage to request a session. I would contact the Fortress and explain your interests and see who they think is a good match for you.
  15. The mental image of being forced in front of an open window and being kept there while I struggle to escape is too funny.
  16. Late responding to this but...The Walking Dead is very intense and very gory. If you watch it, start from Season 1. I don't know anything about Deadwood. In the last 15 years the only tv shows I've seen, in addition to the four mentioned above, are The Sopranos, 24, Lost, and The Killing. I usually only take a look at something if someone says I would like it. Silly Santa
  17. Thank you for allowing me to finish the year with you last week. Couldn't have had a nicer time.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Woffy! I hope you've started off this new year right, with a positive outlook. Remember to use your heart instead of your head sometimes too!

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