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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. The last guy looked like a cartoon character.
  2. Don't know if this counts as a present, but...Years back a friends' brother, a doctor, was trying to collect toys for the children at the hospital where he worked. Every year I always gave toys at the Christmas toy drive at my job and I decided to add the hospital children. I took my friend to Toys r us and she helped me pick out a cartful of toys (at least 20) and we brought them back to her house for her brother to pick up. After Christmas, the doctor sent me a letter thanking me and how happy the children were. He also said everyone was surprised to get new toys as they were used to getting used ones. Although I never met her brother or got to see one child open their gift, that Christmas is my most satisfying.
  3. What a great idea. Back in 2002 the yoga studio I went to put out a calender with b&w pictures of the instructors (some nude) doing asana. It was beautiful. Unfortunately, they never did it again. Still have that calender.
  4. Yes! At 11:52 I put out the bottles and cans for the morning pickup and at exactly 12:00, I was watching the kettle boil water for a hot chocolate. Then I went back upstairs to continue watching the Twilight Zone Marathon, A true New Years to remember and cherish always.
  5. Since there's been talk about uniforms lately, I thought this should be revived.
  6. In a session I confessed to both Kennedy assinations, MLK's, Lincoln, Garfield, and the Lindbergh kidnapping.
  7. This doesn't help. Now I'm really curious.
  8. Yes Ma'am! Thank You, Ma'am! As a posessor of an ETP, I should have known that.
  9. Great pictures. Couldn't argue with these two choices.
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