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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. Love Boardwalk Empire. Also Dexter, Homeland, and The Walking Dead. Never saw Deadwood.
  2. Good morning Mistress Jung. Thanks for a wonderful session yesterday. August 1st, August 1st, August 1st...

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      I hope it's well ingrained in that shrinking brain of yours ;-) Blondieeeee!

  3. Hi Mistress Sunya. Good luck in your Fortress endeavors.

  4. We've all been there too. Savor the anticipation.
  5. It's been gone for about 5 years. I remember seeing it being transported out of town on the news.
  6. Mistress Kang, my very first session with you is still the record for bruises with me. My multi colored inner thighs finally faded on the 14th day.
  7. I still have two dual cassette decks but haven't used them in many years. I uesd Maxell tapes also. Still have them in a large cabinet. They were better quality than prerecorded tapes. Most of my tapes are filled with vinyl as I prefered records over precorded tapes. As of 2008 (last car I had with a cassette deck) they still sounded great.
  8. Maybe he was trying to say Holy Chit.
  9. Wow! Whip! After almost four years you've yet to kneel before the elegant Ms Zhao? This belongs at the top of your "to do" list.
  10. Hey Willie, how goes it? Feeling better?

  11. Saw a guest viewing this topic and thought I'd revive it. I would love to be a witness to this scene and when Ms Zhao is finished with Cruise, she turns to me, points her finger at me and says "YOU'RE NEXT!!!"
  12. Perhaps you'll dance for me next time we meet.
  13. Hi Ms, Jung. Interested in disciplining me next week?

    1. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      I see you're online again. Interested in next week? Yes? No? Maybe?

    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      I'm always interested in dishing out a healthy dose of discipline your way ;-)

  14. Hey, Phred. I once had a session where Mistress Zhao had me doiing aerobic excercises as she applied the cane if I slacked.
  15. Remembering those funny comercials with the little dog chewing on Sam Breakstone's leg. Maybe a session of doing bent over barbell rows with Mistress Kang standing behind you critiquing your form as she swats you with a cane might be a good motivator.
  16. Hey Track. Came across a woman called Serena Von Cure and saw a review from Trackwarrior. Is that you and if so how is she?

    1. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      I'll e-mail you over the weekend. Have to head over to the hospital for an overnight sleep test now. Talk soon. WB

    2. Big Trouble Baby
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