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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. I guess I am. I still have a large collection of record and cassettes. Even a reel to reel tape deck.
  2. Local diner by me has paper settings with old pictures and a history of diners.
  3. Hey, Mistress Lihari. Some of your "Just For Fun" album photos have disappeared.

    1. akiravn1


      Really enjoyed each and every one of those beautiful photos!

  4. Hi Mistress Jung. While driving the other day I was detoured to a road named "Mina Dr." Thought it was an omen that you would be my Mystery Mistress yesterday. Maybe next time.

  5. Hi Mistress Zhao, thanks for a fun and interesting time yesterday.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Glad you thought it was interesting :)

    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Maybe interesting isn't the right word. What did you think?

  6. It didn't turn into the scene from Pulp Fiction, did it?
  7. Mistress Kang, I've had many "sessions" with the dreaded SMK in the 4th grade and have experienced all of her "hurt sticks." I feared her so much that I had to stop eating breakfast to keep from vommiting in her class (which I did twice) and didn't have breakfast again until I was in the Army. If she was my Mystery Mistress, I would escape for real and the last thing you'd see is me running naked on Canal St.
  8. Yes Ms Chen. Having your eye on me is a good thing. It's when you get your hands on me is when I'll be in trouble. All kidding aside, Pacquiao was robbed.
  9. Couldn't access your link, Trackster, but I've seen the 1947 original many times and the remake once. That was Richard Widmarks' first movie and his only nomination for an Academy Award. Tommy Udo was one of the most sadistical characters in movie history.
  10. A pussy? MOI??? You've hurt me deeply.
  11. If the person is a real scumbag I might get a kick out of it, but otherwise, no.
  12. Hi Mistress Mei. Good luck in your Fortress endeavors.

  13. Don't know about Tran, But Jung and Chen are pussycats.
  14. Seeing Ms Chen's incredible eyes brought back my first Mystery Mistress session when I raised my head to see her face to face.
  15. Hi Ms Haru. Good luck in your Fortress endeavors.

  16. The name "Naomi" has it's origins in Hebrew and Japanese. It means beautiful, pleasant, delightful, and gentle. I've known two women named Naomi. A Puerto Rican girl who was a foul mouth bitch, and a Japenese girl who was the most beautiful girl I've ever known. While Mistress Haru is beautiful and probably pleasant and delightful, I have my doubts about the gentle part.
  17. What do you get if you show up late for dinner at the Dahmer's? The cold shoulder. If Jeffrey Dahmer had a son, what would he have named him? Stu.
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