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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. Hey Trackster, how goes it?

  2. Hey Toby. There must be some problem sending. I had some problems a while back also. My posts were duplicating for some time. Maybe contact Mistress Kang or go on the chat feature. If you want to contact me you can use [email protected]. WB

  3. Hi Mistress Jung. Hope you're enjoying your vacation. Just wanted to say I've changed my mind on your videos. While your first video was always my favorite of all the Mistress videos, your new one has surpassed it. Every inch of you is perfect. Your awkward Woffy

  4. Yes! For sure. I'll be checking in to the Home for the Bewildered for treatment starting Monday.
  5. Hey Trackster, sorry to hear of the loss. Always tough. Just lost my uncle over the weekend and it totally took away my mental preperation time for Ms Ree.

  6. Hey Trackster, how goes it? Back to the Fortress yet? I'm finally seeing Ms Ree tomorrow after two straight weeks of cancellations. WB

  7. Hey Toby, I responded to your comment on the Fortress Wives post a few days ago. Don't know if it was rejected or not as there haven't been any updates for awihle. If nothing gets posted by the weekend I'll respond here. WB

  8. Hey Toby, I remember a Toby without the 7016 responding to the trivia thread with Dannyboy. I'll assume it's you. I always considered Dannyboy to be the "Dean" of the Forum commentators and miss his wisdom. I too was devastated by missing out on a session with Minnie Chan. Looks like we were both in the same time frame. I had scheduled with her for a Friday in early December. When informed she wasn't available on Friday's, I switched to the next Wednesday. A few days before my session day I was informed she was no longer available. Had I moved my session up rather than back, I may have been able to see her before she left. As it was to be my first ever session and I was still apprehensive, I chose to delay. Still kicking myself. Like you, I saw Mistress Zhao and have had many fun times with her since. I've seen Ms Ahn and Ms Seung also and miss them both. Bullpen of husbands? I think I'm in. Ass hook? Homina homina homina. Funny you should bring up Minnie. I was just reading some of her posts recently.
  9. Yes Ma'am. Thank You Ma'am. A privilige, I'm sure.

  10. Hi Mistress Jung. Thanks for letting me "deliver" the cheesecake and use the restroom yesterday. I have to admit that if you had ordered me to get in the room and wait for you, I would have stayed for the session.

  11. Mistress Jung's skin is so beautiful and radiant.
  12. Hi Mistress Ree. Hope you're feeling better.

  13. I remember that one. With her cat watching if I recall correctly. I miss Minnie's Target Practice and Microwave Dilema and also Ms Vu's videos.
  14. Very nice. Ms Lin has such beautiful eyes.
  15. Darn! I got Ms Tran right off the bat and I was going to add Ms Lin and Ms Chen yesterday but didn't post. Blew my big chance.
  16. Yes Mistress Zhao. I'm sure whatever dignity I had would quickly be stripped away and I would be under your spell.

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