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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. The next Mystery Session mystery will not only be with whom, it will also be when.
  2. I'm ready to dust off the power block set in the basement. It's an 85 pound set with 5 pound increments the equivalent of 17 pairs of dumbbells. I bought these over 20 years ago in case I couldn't get to the gym for an extended period. Guess that time is here.
  3. I love mystery sessions. I had a streak of about 6 in a row where I successfully guessed who my Mistress was. It was broken in my last mystery session by Mistress Von Dietz. Wasn't disappointed, but I was surprised. Thinking about one for my next session.
  4. I have a hand fetish. Scents mean nothing to me as I don't have a sense of smell.
  5. You'd be a good choice for a novice. Your knack for keeping me at ease with Your sense of humor while beating the crap out of me is second to none.
  6. I always inform my Mistress that I'm sometimes a wimp in session and might need to be pushed. Some of my best sessions were when my Mistress didn't tolerate any wimpdom (is that a word?) or nonsense from me.
  7. Yes! Ma'am! I know they'll ne no excuses. I'm sure You'll hit me twice as hard with You favorite paddle for even attempting to use an excuse.
  8. Yes! Not only did she beat me, she confiscated my crutches and pushed me onto the sidewalk sending me crawling off into the night. Actually, I was able to walk with difficulty. The crutches were there in case my hip tightened and I required assistance.
  9. Dannyboy: I hear ya, Bud. "Session ready" today is a lot different than it was 3 years ago. I think I've aged more last year than in the previous 10. All we can try to do is keep on keeping on. Ray
  10. Probably not. I've become claustrophobic and the costume is confining and hot. But, you never know. I could be coerced.
  11. I thought it would be, but her response may as well have been "whatever."
  12. Yes! That was my last session. You landed a lot of hard hits on my bottom that day (as did visiting Mistress Rey). I thought You might take it easy on me as I was on crutches, but I was badly mistaken. Maybe You'll be a little easier on me next time as I probably have reverted to 'novice' status.
  13. Mistress Lovelace: I once did my annual birthday/Christmas session at The Fortress in a Santa costume. Unfortunately, my Mistress didn't seem interested in doing any role play with it. Ray
  14. Thank You Ms. Jin. I felt a cold coming on last night and it's already got into my lungs. I started the steroids and nebulizer today and hope I can head it off before it takes hold. Last time it took 6 weeks to fully recover. I'm hoping not to delay my Fortress comeback.
  15. Truly! I would have gotten a beating either way, so it was only fitting that I was 'wrong' on my weight guess.
  16. Mistress Kang: Remembering my first session with You when You required me to state my accurate weight. I said I was 204 that morning, but I probably was a little lower as it was a very hot day and I assumed I lost some water. I said 202 and when the scale read 204 (I still think that scale was a little off), You dragged me back to the Steel Room and gave me 204 cracks with the paddle. Fond (and painful) memories. Ray
  17. Mistress Ang: Go into my weight reduction mode of high protein, low fat and carbs. I'm anxious to start doing cardio, but I have to wait until the injuries improve. Ray
  18. Happy New Year to all the Mistresses and subs (past and present).
  19. JustAGuy: I hear you. I used to see an out of town Mistress who came to NY several times a year and she kept tabs on me by e-mail and weighed me at sessions. Except for one time, I always met my weight instructions from her. I haven't been to the Fortress in about 9 or 10 months due to a hip issue (relying on a crutch to walk). Planning my Fortress comeback in about 3 weeks, crutch or not. Ray
  20. Mistress Ang: I normally don't do resolutions, but after a weight gain from steroid use (injuries and lung issues) plus inactivity and eating, I will resolve to lose some lbs.
  21. I've enjoyed the accents of English, Australian, and Texas women in sessions.
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