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  1. Highly recommend the experience. Each Mistress is a unique gem, and together --watch out. I had a wonderful time, in spite of an "interruption" soon after we began ( oops). In fact it made it better as we sat for a few minutes and I talked to them as people. I think that made the rest of the session work much better for me. A little bit of real familiarity adds to the feelings, don't you think? The Fortress is amazing. The Tatami Room was very nice and small -- a point that makes it highly recommended in my book -- can't run that far to escape and it is very cozy. The worst thing I could say is that I had to wait in the shower a little while as Mistress Seung and Ahn got a towel for me, but even that wasn't bad as I kept myself busy scrubbing away (I bet they are smiling now if they are reading this -:- ) Hope to get back there someday. Hank
  2. My session with Mistress Kiroh was amazing. She is so beautiful (much more than her pics) and sweet, yet so devilish and harsh. I loved it when she laughed at my predicaments and scolded mre when I was bad. My time with her was great. Also, the place itself was wonderful. It was my first visit...but not my last! H
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