I had my very first session ever yesterday (which I realized after the fact was Ash Wednesday, so I guess we all know what I’m not giving up for Lent!) with Mistress Ree, and it was amazing. The Fortress is a wonderful environment, and Mistress Ree was excellent, seeming to know almost psychically what I was going through. She could tell exactly when (and how much) to push forward, and when to pull back, giving me a session that was painful and exhausting, but never more than I could handle.
One pleasant surprise is how much anticipation plays into the whole experience. There were a number of times I was either blindfolded or tied up in a position where I couldn’t see well, and I would hear Mistress Ree moving by me, opening cases, or taking out some implement or piece of equipment, and the anticipation (mixed with a bit of fear) about what was about to happen to me was fantastic.
Another fun surprise: I totally forgot I put face slapping on my list of things I wanted to try, so when Mistress Ree told me to look at her, then hauled off and slapped me (HARD), I was totally shocked. But loved it. I think it was all the better for having no earthly idea what was happening!
The only thing that marred my session slightly (only slightly) was my unrelenting nervousness. I was incredibly nervous when I arrived, which is undoubtedly to be expected as this was my first session, but somehow I couldn’t let go of that nervousness as the session went on. This is not in any way a critique of Mistress Ree, who took great pains to put me at ease. (Well, she attempted to put me at ease emotionally…physically, she kept me pretty uncomfortable!) I am a pretty severely introverted person with few friends and more or less no social life, so I think my nervousness was about a lot more than just what was going on in the room – I think it also had to with me just leaving my house and interacting in such an exposed way with someone I didn’t know. But the good, painful/pleasurable parts of the session far, far outweighed the nervousness.
I hope that Mistress Ree sees some potential in me, as I have every intention of going back.
If you’re someone who has never been to the Fortress, I highly recommend it. And if you’ve been but never sessioned with Mistress Ree, I think you can’t go wrong giving her a try.
My ass is like one big bruise today. Seriously.
Also, my nipples are still sore.
It was great.