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Everything posted by Tim

  1. That's funny how I put the letter B inside parentheses, and it turned into
  2. Iron Man 2 was enjoyable, but (A) lacked the more compelling storyline of the first one, and (, suffered from that sequel thing, where they feel like they have to "top" the first movie. So if there were 10 explosions in the first one, the sequel's gotta have 20! And if Iron Man fought a guy in a giant Iron Man-like suit in the first one, well then he's gotta fight a dozen this time! On the plus side, there's Scarlett Johnnsson in that costume. (You got any outfits like that?) *daydreams*
  3. I love that all the Mistresses have adorable first names. Really, do Emma, Kat, Mina, Lily and Mia sound all that dangerous? (Imagine the pain you'd be in if you took the liberty of calling them by their first name without permission! I love it.) And yes, we are unworthy.
  4. Is there an award for Best Post Ever? Can we just call this one now?
  5. I can't remember the last time I saw the words "German" and "Axis" appear together so often. Oh wait, yes I can!
  6. Amazing but true - the recent earthquake in Chile has caused Earth's rotation to speed up, meaning that our days are shorter now! Here's an article on the subject: Wild stuff. By the way, you can donate to the Red Cross by texting “Chile” to 90999.
  7. the Iron Claw and yawara...I will admit to not knowing what these are. Any help?
  8. Thank you, Mistress! (Odd...I feel like I should be counting when I say that.) I'm happy to hear you enjoyed our session too. I've been contemplating our next session (got a thread going in the other forum about how best to move forward), but whatever shape it takes, I know it will be great and hopefully I will be far less nervous. Thank you again for a wonderful time.
  9. I just tried it and got the same result you did, so it's not just you...
  10. I've always felt compelled to bare my inner sock monkey!
  11. I had my very first session ever yesterday (which I realized after the fact was Ash Wednesday, so I guess we all know what I’m not giving up for Lent!) with Mistress Ree, and it was amazing. The Fortress is a wonderful environment, and Mistress Ree was excellent, seeming to know almost psychically what I was going through. She could tell exactly when (and how much) to push forward, and when to pull back, giving me a session that was painful and exhausting, but never more than I could handle. One pleasant surprise is how much anticipation plays into the whole experience. There were a number of times I was either blindfolded or tied up in a position where I couldn’t see well, and I would hear Mistress Ree moving by me, opening cases, or taking out some implement or piece of equipment, and the anticipation (mixed with a bit of fear) about what was about to happen to me was fantastic. Another fun surprise: I totally forgot I put face slapping on my list of things I wanted to try, so when Mistress Ree told me to look at her, then hauled off and slapped me (HARD), I was totally shocked. But loved it. I think it was all the better for having no earthly idea what was happening! The only thing that marred my session slightly (only slightly) was my unrelenting nervousness. I was incredibly nervous when I arrived, which is undoubtedly to be expected as this was my first session, but somehow I couldn’t let go of that nervousness as the session went on. This is not in any way a critique of Mistress Ree, who took great pains to put me at ease. (Well, she attempted to put me at ease emotionally…physically, she kept me pretty uncomfortable!) I am a pretty severely introverted person with few friends and more or less no social life, so I think my nervousness was about a lot more than just what was going on in the room – I think it also had to with me just leaving my house and interacting in such an exposed way with someone I didn’t know. But the good, painful/pleasurable parts of the session far, far outweighed the nervousness. I hope that Mistress Ree sees some potential in me, as I have every intention of going back. If you’re someone who has never been to the Fortress, I highly recommend it. And if you’ve been but never sessioned with Mistress Ree, I think you can’t go wrong giving her a try. My ass is like one big bruise today. Seriously. Also, my nipples are still sore. It was great.
  12. Well, if I'm never seen again after tomorrow, at least you people will know what happened to me.
  13. I really hope it doesn't snow like this NEXT wednesday! (excited) (nervous) (totally psyched!)
  14. Do it! Seriously. I was exactly where you are just a couple weeks ago (scroll down in the forum to the topic "Help a Newbie" - that's me.) and I finally took the advice of others and emailed and chatted and worked through my fears...and now I have a session, my very first, coming up in just over a week. I am very excited, maybe still a bit nervous, but I can't wait. I know that finally facing these secret desires and moving forward is the right thing, and I'm sure you will too. Go for it.
  15. Still more than a week away from my first session, and I'm already creating a mental wish list of things to try in future sessions! Mistress Ree's electro + blindfold fun = on the list!
  16. It looks very cool, but seems to exist only in a bazillion internet reports about it - all with the same pictures. I found one site reporting on it that asked its readers "Would you buy one of those if they went into mass production?", so I'm guessing it's not yet available. Sorry. On the plus side, your seeking skills are probably just fine.
  17. Wow, nice story. Makes me even more excited for my own upcoming first session. You should be proud of yourself - I think it takes a lot of courage to try to turn your fantasies into reality, especially when those fantasies are things that some (ignorant) people would say are "wrong" or "weird". Making that leap is scary (I know - took me til age 40 to do it myself). I'm glad you had a great time.
  18. I did it! I did it! (Yay me!) Mistress Ree, you and I have a two-hour session scheduled for mid-February! (I would have made it sooner, but I'm going to be away for a bit. Now all I have to do is figure out how not to go insane with anticipation over the next 3 weeks...) While I'm sure I won't be able to tolerate nearly what a more experienced sub can, I do want a serious session to see what those limits are. My fantasies are all fairly dark - my Mistress's lowly slut, used and abused - and I'd very much like to see how close to that I'm capable of getting. I'm sure you will be able to take me beyond what I imagine possible. Use me for your pleasure Mistress - I will try not to disappoint, and to accept my punishment to the absolute best of my ability. (And if I turn out to be a crying wuss, show no mercy...) Is there anything I need to know / do / bring / prepare for my session? I will do as you command, in all things. And fellow slaves, I'd still like any advice you have for a first-timer. Do's and don'ts, etiquitte, tips, anything you can tell me to help me serve Mistress Ree and get maximum enjoyment from my first session. (Also - and this is a little awkward, knowing that my Mistress will read it - what about tipping? Is it common? Expected? If so, what is a normal tip? I want to pay proper tribute to my Mistress.) Thank you all for your input so far...you are a very kind and welcoming bunch, and I'm happy (SO happy) to be joining the fun!
  19. Thank you both for your advice. You've helped set my mind at ease (somewhat) about the whole thing, and I'm more determined than ever to stop fantasizing and DO this! Mistress Ree, I have looked at the photos, read descriptions, and perused the forum, and I think I've narrowed it down to yourself or Mistress Zhao (or maybe possibly Mistress Ahn - God, how to choose?!?) You seem like a fascinating woman and fantastic Mistress, and if we end up in a session together I hope to serve you well...or face appropriate punishment for my failure to do so! MisterWinerack, thank you also - I plan to email Mistress Jessy as you suggest to finalize my decision and work out what I want. I will report back on what happens!
  20. I am completely new to the BDSM scene. I've never been to the Fortress, or been with any Mistress anywhere. I know I want to try this, but I haven't a clue how to start. I don't really know yet what exactly I'd like or be into, and haven't a clue how to choose from the beautiful Mistresses. Does each have specialties? Is there a kind of "beginners session" that samples different things? How do I go about detailing my preferences, my limits, etc, when I have no idea what they are? The thought of submitting myself to a beautiful, dominating Mistress is so exciting, but I'm afraid of chickening out because I just don't know what I'm doing. I want my first session to be great, and the start of many new experiences. Anyone got any general advice for the clueless? I don't even understand many of the terms I see on BDSM sites. Certain things sound exciting, but I don't know if what I'm picturing is really what it's all about. For example, I've seen the phrase "slut training" numerous times, but can't seem to find a real definition for it. Any help or advice or stories of your own first-time dos and don'ts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all!
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