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Everything posted by tommygermany

  1. btw.... congratulations for the good first game although greece was really too bad to be a challenge... but that, because south korea really did play well
  2. yeah, there is a place in the Alps just on the austrian side of the "Zugspitze" which is like a little paradise, even not being an island with palms but I just had a surgery on the back, so it seems I have to cancel all my summer plans... that was the reason, why I wasn't here for almost 2 weeks....
  3. Sorry I missed this.... Happy Birthday from Germany!!!!!
  4. I am attending the summer welcoming AC/DC concert June 22nd in Berlin/Olympiastadium. I hope to come to America again this summer... and if I do so I will visit New York again But I have not made plans yet, since there were no flight offers.... otherwise I might go to the alps hiking...
  5. or you can come visiting as long as I am still in Berlin....

  6. thanks for still caring :) I hope to be back in New York soon and to see you again :)

  7. Oh my.... what a thought.... She would be a even sexier devil than Liz Hurley....
  8. let's chant together: UP THE IRONS and MAIDEN,MAIDEN
  9. no, it is one of the most famous iron maiden songs... the number of the beast... they sing about it... but that I like the song does not mean I am a fan of the devil....
  10. Being an epic IRON MAIDEN Fan I just realized there were 666 topics on this forum cool
  11. Dear Mistress Ahn, obviously you even missed out the ending of my dating dilemma.... unfortunately the date was called off :( I posted it on the forum... so you remain being the only woman I was seeing this year...

  12. is the second player one of the mistresses listed or can it be anyone from the fortress' players? and does the session have to happen until May 14th... or can I book it and then come back to it, next time I come to New York??? best wishes from Germany
  13. Dear Mistress Ahn, how are you doing? I hope you are not mad about me preparing for a date this friday... if you wouldn't want me to go, please let me know... otherwise your support would make me feel a lot better.... hugs from Germany!

  14. my best advice would be "ask Jessy" if you have no idea what you want to do and what is possible.... if you already have a prefernce for one of the gorgeous mistresses, then address that mistress personally and ask if she offers the service you are looking for....
  15. ...hope to see you again, soon! (somehow the comment was too long....)

    btw, if you want to share private messages feel free to use the email-address from the envelope :)

  16. Dear Ms. Ahn,

    reading from you, that you loved my little gift, really made my day today! you are more than just welcome! But you really deserved a special gift, since meeting you was the best that happened to me in 2010 so far! well,I had to send it... since at the moment I don't know, when I can be in New York again... thanks to Jessy who offered her mailbox! hop...

  17. strange enough, I couldn't even go to my own member profile... I got a notifiction, that I had a new message there, but now I can't read it...
  18. well it damn well would be a much better place to be right now than here... it's just quite a step from Germany and I won't get off at work...
  19. You're welcome, Mistress Jung I am sure you'll gonna find many exciting things to do! Enjoy your trip!
  20. Dear Mistress Jung, I was only on a one day trip to San Diego, driving there from L.A. ... As tourist I had to stop at the "Hard Rock Cafe" in La Jolla, where the "Maverick" helmet from Tom Cruise in "Top Gun" is shown. Which isn't very surprising, since Miramar, with the "Top Gun Air Base" is just around the corner... so don't be too surprised, if two fighting jets thunder over your beautiful head.... I am not so much into sushi and fish... I went to an "Islands" Restaurant it is some kind of Burger Restaurant with some hawaiian flair, which is only located in cities in Hawaii, California, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada... I think the view at the Coast was breathtaking... there were cliffs as well as beach... Wish I could be more of a help, but as I said it was just a one day trip... Have fun!!!!!
  21. ooops... now I am in trouble...lol I have just postet it in the devotee forum.... and missed completely, that there was a Valentine's Topic already... sorry... Now, after reading this post I think I understand the asian language posts... they are about "happy new year", right???? So on this post then "Happy New Year" to everyone, who celebrates it today!
  22. the more often I read it, the less I can understand it... well, one thing hopefully cheers you up... at least here at the forum everyone blames the Vegas guys.... so it can't be your fault
  23. Dear Mistress Kang, thanks for sharing! Cool pictures and nice video !!! The THE is recommended as one of the really better places, when I can trust german travel catalogues... so you really should have had a pretty comfortable home during your stay. But I haven't been there yet... Was the UFC the main rason for you to travel there or more like a cool by-product. Esp. with Ms. Tan's fighting background I at least clearly see the fascinating point of it What I don't understand after reading your post is.... what is wrong with the guys in Las Vegas? Are they blind? How can a damn pretty sexy lady like Ms. Tan not find a man for fun? Esp. not in Las Vegas??? And on a long weekend trip.... Sorry for her frustration and a big hug from Germany!
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