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Everything posted by tommygermany

  1. awesome, I think I speak for many members, if I say: "can't wait to see them"
  2. sessions available from Feb. 4th through 8th....? That means you should be back today.... Welcome back... I hope you enjoyed a great trip to Las Vegas
  3. Dear Mistress Ahn thanks, for your spirit raising reply. After being back to "boring everyday life" it is sooooo great to read from you!!!!! I am glad you remembered the fun times we shared, as you read my post ... I hope there will be another reason to make you smile again, soon Would you like to share your top 20 movies list? It would be interesting to find out, how many movies we share as favorites... All the best wishes from Germany, Tommy
  4. well, the Saints did it ... still not sure, if I like it or not...
  5. oh *mouthisdripping* wish I had those cookies and brownies for the big one.... I just had coffee, though, to keep awake.... it got past 4 a.m. here in Germany before the game was over... I am not baking anymore... if you're your only customer you put on weight like nothing.... I had to learn this the hard way when I first moved into my own apartment....
  6. hm.... all I read, heard and saw from the wonderful mistress-ladies so far rather attracted me, than scared me.... though I don't know how it would be in session, since I only met Mistress Ahn in person... but she was the cutest and the session was designed very playful.... so there was really nothing scary about the session and esp. not about Mistress Ahn.... she was just captivating... about the scary factor: a thing that could turn out scary might be Mistress Ree's first taxidermy project....
  7. can't believe this happened already 2 weeks ago.... Dear Mistress Ahn, have a great Super Bowl Sunday and a great upcoming week!!!! All the best from Germany! Miss ya...
  8. Ok, so I will start this topic... who should win and why? Sure, you have to say it is fair that both season-starting 13-0 teams are playing the Super Bowl... still with the Saints beating the teams with my sympathy in the Playoffs... - the Cardinals with Kurt Warner and the Vikings with Brett Favre (yes, I stuck with the Veterans and think both would have deserved a final Super Bowl appearance and even a Super Bowl Ring since I think it was exciting how they played in their ages of 40 [Favre] respectively 38 [Warner]) - ... I am not sure if I should want the Saints to win the Super Bowl, so that my teams lost against the best.... or if I should stay with Payton Manning and the Colts and hope they pay the Saints back for beating the Cards and Vikes.... Does any of the Mistresses have an opinion to this, or is there no interest in Football at all.... Last word...with Warner being retired, I hope Favre will play at least one more season, because he had the best numbers of his career...
  9. Did I mention I hate you....lol... how can you make such a post, when I sit here in Germany and I have to take days off at work to be able to watch the Games on tv... And even without the Olympics Vancouver must be a great city.... just thinking about the chance of whale watching, etc... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
  10. still, who wouldn't like to be punished because of that kind of reason
  11. sorry, couldn't help it, but as I read this dialogue I had to laugh ROFL that's just too hilarious...
  12. lol....must be a long time to cure... after almost 2 weeks she is still the centre of my thoughts.... but actually I don't think I would like to get her out of my head.... She's "Ahn-believable" and her beauty is "Ahn-deniable"
  13. Hey Fender, it took me over 2 years, before I managed to have my first session (well, ok, it's not so easy from Germany) but I just can say MisterW. and Woffy are right. I had all my conversations regarding my first session with Mistress Kang and she was really very patient and really welcoming with me as well and she recommended the right Mistress for my first session from her first reply.... for me it turned out to be Mistress Ahn, and I can't deny, that it turned out to be far beyond my expectations... on a scale from 1 (worst) -10 (best) I would put her on "infinity" but I am sure each of the players would have the qualities you are looking for. Look at them, they are all gorgeous, and with so many personalities I am sure the right one for you is amongst them! Tommy
  14. sorry to say, that searching the internet for the designer seems no help either... he is only in the articles about these umbrellas but nowhere listed how to find or get to contact him... --,-'-;{@} but maybe a little rose can make you at least a little happy as well...
  15. I love Las Vegas.... I wish you both a great and wonderful trip there! Enjoy your stay! In case you haven't been there before and want some information, what to do, feel free to ask... Best wishes from Germany
  16. oh my gorgeous Mistress Ahn, you can't imagine how glad I was, that it turned out that well since you were in the mix from the beginning, I had almost 2 years, and as I told you, two visits to New York before, where I just didn't manage to get a session... but in that time, I started to feel a sympathy for you already, so that in the end it was not so much of a surprise to me, to end up with you in that pink room I hope you liked my insight on our session, and my feelings before, too have a great week! I am up to work now... see ya later... yours, Tommy
  17. lol I'd have expected: Hopefully someone will stumble upon it and send me "the umbrella"
  18. Thanks OMG, I love the idea of the "birds eye view". It is so cool, if you really felt that way. As I read this I had to think about my most fav. movie ever. I am sure you know "The Crow" with Brandon Lee (god bless his soul)... when he can see through the eyes of the Raven?
  19. Dear Mistress Ahn, well, I cannot say, I was searching for that special mistress, since actually as I told you in our session and as I posted in my topic about our session I usually told myself not to be ridiculous and give in to that fantasy, that was about to grow in me. As long as I was "at home" I never thought about seeing a mistress at all. I rather wanted to surpress my feelings. As I happened to come to New York two years ago, I heard something about Escort services in New York, where you could ask women to go out with you, if you pay for it.... and since I was alone and I am very shy and didn't want to stay all alone during my stay I looked up that site called eros-ny. But I never happened to get in contact with anyone of the women there, because actually since I am attracted by gorgeous asian women I opened the asian girls site and the very first profile there was... sorry to say.... not yours.... but the one of Mistress Vu. I thought she was damn pretty and got curious... And from her profile I landed at the "fortressnyc"-website. There for the first time I read about bdsm and what kind of fetishes and plays are part of this lifestyle. And I was wondering if my fantasy would be somehow connected with this world. So that was the point when I decided that I wanted to try it out. But then there was the next challenge. Sure the beauty of Mistress Vu brought me to this site, but then watching the players site I had to realize that everyone at the fortress was a stunning beauty. Actually I must admit, that I think each of the players has at least one picture there, that makes me think you can't be more beautiful than her on this picture of hers... So since I couldn't make my decision I just wrote an email about what I wanted to try out and how long I was staying in New York and if some- when a session was possible. Jessy replied, and after reading her post on how she got started and dressing up her boyfriend, I am now surprised she didn't mention herself for the session, but maybe she was busy then... so she recommended you, Mistress Vu or Switch Seung for the session. But then Jessy and I never got on the same page for booking a session... Which gave me time to read the profiles over and over again and as I was told, that you were available for this sunday's session I kinda knew at that very second, that I really wanted it to be you to have my first fetishworld experience with. And the session confirmed it to me, that I was right. Which, please, in no way should make the other players, esp. Mistress Vu and Switch Seung, think I didn't like them. I still think you are damn gorgeous and would have been a great choice as well. Honestly it was less reason, than just a feeling, that for this session last sunday there could only be one right choice and that was you, Mistress Ahn. (I am just no spockme who would have taken all three in this situation [if available], I guess... lol).
  20. Hey if you google for LED Umbrellas you find a whole set, but they don't work with the fall of the rain. Those are just umbrellas with light, but you can buy those... but to the exact ones you were asking for I didn't find them to buy, only several reports about them. Sorry, seems like these are not yet into mass production... but maybe I am just not a good searcher on the internet as well... Sorry.
  21. How do you speak out "Kanged"? Does it depend on the session you make? Like when she beats you up, or uses a whip it is "kanged" like "banged" because she bangs on you and if you get transformed it is "kanged" like "changed", because you get changed into someone else (pet, woman, whatever)???
  22. two days after finally sessioning with Mistress Ahn, I have to say it is a really really nice tease... so it is creating a certain, maybe even a special expectation... but when you get to see her live you will find out, that she is even more gorgeous and it is just overwhelming when she enters the room!
  23. actually I thought this would start at least when I would know, when I come back to NYC, anyway...

  24. "I like the dress, but not as much as I liked you ^_^ "

    OMG, that is so sweet of you... thank you so much... Now I will be counting the days to see you again, although I don't even know when I will be in NYC again...

  25. @ Tim: yeah, it kinda felt like a huge step before, but if your mistress (it's going to be Mistress Ree, right?) leads you into the session as carefully and sweet and charming as Mistress Ahn did, then it won't feel that huge within seconds. There was really nothing scary or weird about that at all, once she was there.... so keep looking forward to doing this step @ leatherwings: thanks for saying you liked the post... actually I wasn't sure, if my English skills could be good enough to express the sensation of the session. And especially if they would live up to express the beauty of Mistress Ahn
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