Dear Ms. Fei,
I am single since 13 years... I haven't even been close to a relationship since.
I met some friends, who I thought I had a deeper connection, but I used to fall
in love with them and they never felt the same for me... right now, we are "still
friends on facebook" but I noticed we have nothing to say to each other anymore...
well I would have, but I noticed that in the last 5 years none of them started
a conversation...or sent the first message after some time...
so I think it is lop-sided and they are just pollite to answer... but they could
do well without having me as part of their least I feel that way
so actually I only say "Hi" now, when I see them online... but won't bother them
with any of my feelings and keep them happy and not worrying...
So for me finding the fortress and especially my first session with Ms. Ahn was
finding such a connection on another level... as you probably haven't read, since
it is an old thread... but when I sessioned for the second time and Ms. Ahn was
there again, I posted, that with two "dates" this would already make it my second
longest relationship...
and as special as every of the mistresses, that I sessioned with at the fortress
got to me over the years, I think there is a huge quality in each of you to make
someone, who is lost like me, somehow feel better as long as I am there...
btw by now my second longest "relationship" is with Ms. Kang... by number of "dates"
taken the time from the first session with her until now, it would even be the longest
I know this sounds pretty miserable... but I am not... I am used to being alone and
get along, but still I am allowed to dream, right??? It still can get better, if I
would finally find someone special in my everyday life... and I keep hoping for it.
And until then I am glad to come back to the fortress