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Everything posted by tommygermany

  1. Woe to you of Earth and Seas, for the Devil sends the Beast with Wrath, because he knows that Time is short... Let him who hath Understanding reckon the Number of the Beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty six... on the today's Top poster's list I just learned, that my next post, which means this post will be my 666th on the fortress forums... So this is too all Iron Maiden Fans out there... if I ever get to 2358 posts I will quote "2 minutes to midnight"
  2. Dear Ms. Sunya, you are more than welcome...I think, all your adjectives are getting the point...but sexy as hell is still what comes to my mind first And to your arches... well, I know, where the "inches" I brought with me, would fit next time, in case I forget to bring a bra have a great sunday, Tommy
  3. Dear Ms. Jung, since you took most of the pictures during our Halloween session, may I ask, if you can send them to me, please? Thank you and many hugs from Germany

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Hi tommy! I will ask Mistress Kang to have them sent to you! :-) Big hug to you too!

    2. tommygermany
    3. tommygermany


      Hi again :) is Jessy on vacation? 10 days and no pictures... no message at all :(


  4. Dear Ms. Ree now you'll have to come back from your break, so that I can meet you in session too... although it is always a pleasure talking to you prior to booking a session, too :)

  5. Dear Ms. Haru, I actually share the covered up in blankets, cold nose experience with you... still do it today... Hugs from Germany, Tommy
  6. Dear Ms. Tran... it needs no tying there... I can tell now Hugs from Germany Tommy
  7. Dear Ms. Haru, just the little time of laughter we shared made me feel like I could eat 5 burgers without regrets after that Hugs from Germany, Tommy
  8. Dear Ms. Sunya, these High Heels are very, very sexy Glad you found them Hugs from Germany Tommy
  9. thanks for accepting me as friend :)

  10. Lucky you, TeddyM. that you get a response that eager to meet again from the lovely MJK...
  11. Dear Ms. Sunya, when you are visiting Munich again, I think you can find some like those, that you described at a store that is totally dedicated to latex fashion... I am just not sure if I was allowed to "advertise" by posting the shop's name here... but if you want to, I can write the shop's name to booking, or if the mystery mastermind wants us to meet, I can tell you during the hopefully happening mystery session...
  12. Dear Ms. Haru, from that point of view I understand, how you meant it... clumsy at first but learning how to make delicate graceful steps in the end...
  13. Dear Ms. Haru, My thoughts actually went into the exactly opposite direction... I was wondering, how that person was able not to trip over with at least every second step he or she takes... which would make that person look really really clumsy, don't you think? Greetings from Germany
  14. maybe you find some hints inside this video
  15. Hi Bender... this is too easy...lol... you just need to find out, which of the mistresses is available at your birthday... so far as I know, each of the mistresses would say: me, me, me, MEEEEEE!!!! Since I guess it is one of the favorite plays at the fortress. I met 5 mistresses at the fortress for this kind of play, and all 5 were fabulous...
  16. Dear Ms. Sunya, honestly, I don't think I would or could do it... especially not as long as someone who knows me "in real life" could find out about it...nothing that leaves a mark or any hints... greetings from Germany
  17. Dear Ms. Koi, thanks for your reply I still hope for a scenario with really going shopping... asked for it several times, but then always something came in between... I am sure I'll ask for it again next time, when I am in NYC even though I don't know yet when it will be...
  18. Dear Ms. Koi, just out of interest, may I ask this question, please?...did you play that scenario, that the room you were playing at the fortress would be a fetish store...or did you really go shopping?
  19. too bad noone wanted to help me on that
  20. [email protected] right now, you should get a reply by either Headmistress Kang, Ms. Jung or Ms. Ree... and when you tell them, when you'd like to book your session, they will let you know in detail... even with time frames for each of the mistresses.... like Ms. Koi is available today from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and then again from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. And if you don't want to wait or a reply, then you could still call the office
  21. Hey C.F. Novice, I think there are two ways to make your decision... you could serach through the players profiles and see, if you're getting hooked by the beauty of one of the ladies...and then write an email to inquire about her special interests... and see if it fits... (pick the mistress and play to her rules) Or you can write the mistresses in the office about your most pressing interests and ask for their help finding the perfect mistress to fulfill your wishes... (pick the play and take the mistress, the office offers) so what is more important to you? Getting to know a certain mistress or getting to experience a certain kind of session... maybe (and I am almost sure, this could get true with all of the ladies) be lucky and experience both
  22. Thanks Ms. Kang... too bad you thought I didn't get your reference to the "Matrix"... Actually I thought about posting "Dear Neo" instead of "Dear Ms. Kang".... And wanted to say thanks to the designer of the Matrix for creating the wonderful illusion of the fortress... but then I thought a small compliment would be the better choice...
  23. Dear Ms. Kang, whatever pill you'd have taken, the result had to be amazing, too
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