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Everything posted by Tavares

  1. Personally i love s/m and im also a big comic book nerd(old habbits die hard) lol. Oddly enough i've never have the super villain/ bondage type fetish although does sound like it would be a fun session. Well i was just bored and wondering if anyone has had any sessions like this and if its enjoyable to bring into a session.
  2. Convenient and fun win win!! Mistress Zhao what do you mean by
  3. Gas masks are the way to go! A lot of fun!!
  4. haha i guess i did not think that through before typing. Ahh mistress Jung so wishes to come true =D cant wait to finish my psychology final and really start summer off with a good note at the fortress.
  5. Hi i have never had a session before and saw Mistress Jung and Tan and was blown away with their beauty. I was wondering if breath play (facesitting, gasmasks etc.) can be incorporated into a session with these two breathtaking mistresses. I look forward to meeting you soon and cant wait to get the full experience. Thank you for your time, T
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