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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. Watched another oldie: "The Man with the Golden Arm." Dannyboy
  2. Not bored. Just checked the temperature at Oymyakon, Siberia, Russia. It is now 7 degrees fahrenheit. Will check to see if I missed any other place on Earth. Dannyboy
  3. I was young enough to be truly frightened by the original. To borrow from a quote by Sonny Corleone: "Goddamn aliens don't respect nuttin" Dannyboy
  4. Saw "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" today. Dannyboy
  5. Just on a whim. 1. Leo McGarry (The West Wing) 87% 2. Dr. Alan Grant (Jurassic Park) 87% 3. John Munch (Law and Order, SVU) 86% 4. Richard Webber (Grey's Anatomy) 85% 5. Ray Arnold (Jurassic Park) 85% Others that grabbed me: 15. Odo (Deep Space Nine) 82% 28. Christina Yang (Grey's Anatomy) 80% 29. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) 80% 35. Walter Skinner (The X-Files) 80% 47. Gandolf (Lord of the Rings) 78% 62. Worf (Deep Space Nine) 76% 82. Morpheus (The Matrix) 75% 116. Black Panther (Marvel Cinematic Universe) 72% 540. Midge Pinciotti (That 70's Show) 17% I did this without spending more that 2 seconds per answer. Who knows the outcome had I spent 1 minute on each of the 28 questions. Dannyboy
  6. I watched "Them" last night. It was one of the first sci-fi horror movies I watched and it has to still be in the top 5 of my life. Dannyboy
  7. That so reminds me of a cartoon with a cow and a butterfly collector. He sang a song "Butterflies, butterflies, I'm a collector of butterflies. I swing my net and catch them as they flutter by. Horseflies, shooflies, fireflies and time flies for I'm at my best, when I'm in a nest of butterflies..........." I must have seen it in the '50's and it bounced in my head for all that time. There was something then that made a troubling impression on me. Now I have to find it or I can never die in peace. Dannyboy
  8. Ray: I don't remember if I saw that one. There were a number of good ones that year: American Graffiti, The Sting, Serpico et al. Dannyboy
  9. You mean the nurse didn't do it for you? Dannyboy
  10. SW: I was referring to his demise by stepping on the third rail in Pelham 123. His actual death at age 51 and the circumstances was shocking as well. I did borrow from bond. Dannyboy
  11. Dear Mina: I saw the original War of the Worlds several times but never saw the remake. Just watched The Graduate. Dannyboy
  12. His death was shocking, absolutely shocking! Dannyboy
  13. Saw "The Taking of Pelham 123" the original from 1974 starring Walter Matthau. Brings back memories of New York City in the last year of Mayor Linday's second term (1973.) Dannyboy
  14. I urinated in a public place while my young lady stood watch for me. It would have been much more difficult if she needed to pee. Dannyboy
  15. Wish I were Sir Galahad in Castle Anthrax. I would definitely have gone off script. Next? Leasing towards Silence of the Lambs but may go to Shogun. Dannyboy
  16. Settled on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Dannyboy
  17. Jayman: I respect Dr. Fauci as an objective scientist. The fact is that a new disease takes time to be identified and recognized. I remember when Legionaires disease made its initial appearance. It was a mystery and thought to be the next plague until they figured it out. Same with AIDS. The Spanish influenza was a disaster for the world because it started in the USA but the press couldn't write about it because of the war and the potential effect on morale. Spain was the first non-combatant nation to actually report on the pandemic and so it was dubbed the Spanish influenza. That virus flourished in secrecy and denial. It didn't have to kill more people than World War I did. Dannyboy
  18. Sorry: That was intended for Joelle25 and there is no edit function. Dannyboy
  19. Jayman: The turkeys are out in force this morning. They're annoying and crap all over the place. At least they are not accompanied by humans and they aren't carriers. Dannyboy
  20. Debating whether to start Shogun or watch Blackboard Jungle, Midnight Cowboy or Marathon Man. Passed on Godfather III and the original Little Rascals. Dannyboy
  21. Someone my "family" knew passed away in early February. It was attributed to something else but now there are second thoughts. Another is feeling sick and was told to assume it is positive and self quarantine. It's like being in a trench with cannonballs falling all around you. Which one will land on you!!! Dannyboy
  22. JAG: I have observed that the average American knows very little of her history and current form of government. Watching "The Civil War" ought not to be a history lesson to the viewer but in many cases would be. "Shogun" covers the last few years of the 1500's and the first couple of years of the 1600's in Japan. "Shaka's" story covers a longer span of time from the second half of the 1700's through 1828 when Shaka was assassinated. In general, both stories are the same as Europeans get involved in cultures and intrigue of different lands. Very absorbing. Dannyboy
  23. As I no longer live in a densely populated area in the city my streets are normally quiet. They are quieter now and people are respectful and courteous, some stepping off the curb to maintain the distance. The main streets have less vehicular traffic and the many parking spaces outside of the local stores and businesses are much less full. In supermarkets many wear masks and gloves and keep their distance. Dannyboy
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