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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. Dear Ms. Rey: I cannot read or write Japanese characters. I can't show this to my Japanese daughter or Japanese friends. I no longer have any Japanese Mistresses. So please, translate this and Ms. Von Dietz's writings. Arrigato gozaimas. Dannyboysan
  2. Counterpart of Johnny Cash?
  3. Let's play Twister, let's play Risk (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) I'll see you in Heaven if you make the list. (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Man on the Moon R.E.M.
  4. Dear Ms. Rey: I sessioned at different times with two Japanese Mistresses who were shibari experts. One memory has one of those Mistresses tying up a Chinese Mistress and securing her to a spanking bench. I watched with joy as she spanked her victim long and hard. Of course my joy was short-lived as I was next to be placed in bondage and subject to the vengeance of them both. I would describe shibari as almost an art form. I know of the connection with the Mistress as she practices her discipline (of shibari.) I wish you great success. Dannyboy
  5. Dear Ms. Rey: I wrote a reply a couple of days ago but lost internet connection and the work I did. Your post reminded me of tv series I saw in which a royal marriage had the wedding night witnessed much as the description of the "hard on" trial. Ms. Katz pointed that out aptly in her most recent post. I am reminded of something I first heard of in a high school music class ages ago. It had to do with a time when the lord of the land had the right to deflower any virgin on her wedding night before the husband had his turn. It was called "droit du seigneur" or jus primae noctis. It was also called prima nocta. So the privileged class always had its privileges. It still does today. Dannyboy
  6. The very best place to confront your fears is the Fortress. Take the first step. Dannyboy
  7. Dannyboy

    stocking tease

    Somewhere. Anywhere. It's always good to see.
  8. An old Bobby Darin song.
  9. I tell my secrets only in sessions or in private. So far I have not required a Non Disclosure Agreement: the Fortress has been honorable.
  10. Making offerings to the Buddha.
  11. Dannyboy

    Nightly Wine

    Red, Red Wine.
  12. JAG: I have ancient memories of doing it on the kitchen table - not upstairs and not exactly downstairs. Dannyboy
  13. Dear Ms. Kang: It was an unbearably long time. It was like withdrawal cold turkey. Looks nice though. Dannyboy
  14. Adam: She travels to Ohio on occasion. Maybe she poses as a man in Ohio. One can't be too careful nowadays. I'm not paranoid. LOL. Dear Ms. Kang: I appreciate your courtesy and your honesty. Dannyboy
  15. I haven't ever encountered hypnotism in a session nor have I ever known a Mistress with that particular expertise. The closest I've ever come to it was a girlfriend who saw a hypnotist to help her quit smoking. She gave up after 2 or 3 sessions. My understanding is that actual hypnosis is not as depicted on television or in movies. Whatever you anticipate an experience with hypnotism would be like, might be completely different. Have you thought about why this is so important to you? Dannyboy
  16. Adam: I aslo have a good friend who is a retired RN. I wonder is she is the same one as your good friend. It would be a laughable coincidence although it would be problematic should that actually be the case. Perhaps I am a bit paranoid but in my life reality has sometimes been stranger than anything I might have imagined. Dannyboy
  17. Years ago I gave Ms. Kang a Gwen Stefani CD. Never fantasized her as a Mistress though. Dannyboy
  18. I never purchased toys anywhere else but in Manhattan. Even when I lived in Brooklyn and had many experiences there I had imported everything from the Island Manhattan. The only Babes location I ever patronized was the Soho location. I truly have little interest in the habits of others and great interest in my own habits and that of the Ladies who like to spend naughty time with me. Dannyboy
  19. Thank you for sharing the positive results with us. I used to spend much time at the beach, mostly Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, and work on a tan. Not much information about skin cancer then. So I had my brush with skin cancer and thankful it wasn't the bad kind. We know what to do now. Dannyboy
  20. Lonewolf: Wow. You have another challenge in front of you and you set your goal and rewards at the gates of the Fortress. I salute you. Dannyboy
  21. Adam: Thank you for posting about your circumstances. I seemed to notice your absence with the understanding that all of the regular posters disappear from time to time, myself included. Of course I am curious about the nitty gritty details of your medical condition and have already speculated based on your narrative. Your privacy is paramount so please don't worry about my curiosity. More important is that you are on the road to recovery and very eager to get back to the place where all dreams can come true. Please be careful and listen to your body. Getting back to normal may take more time than you think but having the Fortress as a goal can't be a bad thing. In the meantime please keep us posted on your progress. Dannyboy
  22. manclawz: The key to curing skin cancer is early detection. If the doctor did not think it was melanoma that would be a good omen. The biopsy will tell all. Years ago I had to go through the wait. It came back positive for an easily curable form of skin cancer. I posted a semi-fictional account of my last visit to a dermatologist under the topic "Temperature and It's Impact." Please let us know how it turns out while we all hope for the best. Dannyboy
  23. Dear Ms. Kang: The philosophers will ponder your response for ages. Right now I wish I was Flash Gordon making love to Princess Aura, daughter of Ming the Merciless. Dale Arden was too much of a prude. Thinking specifically of the 1936 series. Princess Aura would be hot even today. The original is still the greatest. You may be a Mule but you are not Dumb. How many remember the Y2K panic? All computers were hardcoded with 19 as the first two digits of the year. No one anticipated that the Earth would survive to the last year of the 20th century, the year 2000. Most people got the millennium (century, decade) change wrong. Stanley Kubrick got it right with 2001: A Space Odyssey. BTB and I did not cause the problem. The servers attempted to calculate a more unfathomable quantity - "How many lies have clients told to spouses, significant others and employers to attend scheduled sessions at The Fortress and how many were ultimately unsuccessful. It's like telling the computer on the Starship Enterprise to calculate the value of PI until final resolution. By the way, no one needs a good reason to come to The Fortress for punishment. Why does one climb a mountain? Because the Fortress is at the peak!!! Dannyboy
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