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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. For me it's not the room but the Mistress. I've sessioned in all the rooms many times and never wished a different room was available. Dannyboy
  2. Dear Ms. Rey: What you wrote should be put in a frame and hung in each room of the Fortress. Beautiful. Dannyboy
  3. One of my impressions upon seeing Ms. Shankar for the first time is repeated here. She looks much better in person than her photos would suggest. Thank you for the review. Dannyboy
  4. Adam: So I did. That session could be a case of competitive domination particularly with regard to NT. I placed my young lady ahead of The Nipple Monster and Mina Jung in that endeavor. Rey destroyed me and my young lady did the same. It was a draw between the Ladies and a major loss to my nipples. Dannyboy
  5. Dear Ms. Li: You were quite the attentive student when I first met you under the tutelage of Ms. Rey. Now you are in the driver's seat and setting your own pace and style. Dannyboy
  6. Rick: Communication is everything. Feel free to discuss your expectations and fears with booking. If you haven't selected a Mistress, booking will match you with one who will work best with you and for you. One point I want to make is that sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality and sometimes the reality is better than the fantasy. You are beginning on a road of self-discovery and your true BDSM self may not yet be known. You are fortunate to have the Fortress as a beginner. One drawback is you won't know how good the Fortress is if you haven't tried the rest. If you start with the Fortress you may never want to leave. Dannyboy
  7. Dear Ms. Brinks: Nice! Enjoy your trip. I've never been there. Please be careful though because judicial caning is practiced in Singapore. i don't know if it applies to women. Perhaps you might administer one yourself as a visiting disciplinarian? Dannyboy
  8. Congrats, who have you seen in California? Dannyboy
  9. Is that why we have dreadlocks? Dannyboy
  10. Congratulations on your first session. Starting at the Fortress is a blessing. You may never want to try another dungeon again. Best wishes, Dannyboy
  11. Dear Ms. Li: There is a historical concept of "Sovereign Immunity." That could easily apply to a Mistress in session. Dannyboy
  12. Jay: I'm not surprised by the slap on the wrist. Judges generally are more lenient with themselves than they are with the people who appear before them. Dannyboy
  13. betty.... Danny???? Hmmmmm!!! To quote Shaggy: "It Wasn't Me." Dannyboy
  14. Dear Ms. Kang: Almost pissed my pants. Lucky I'm wearing depends. Anyway I think this was a clear case of a Judge losing control of his Courtroom. As a serious legal question though I think it could not have been construed to be a binding legal order or judicial consent for such an action. Should the defendant have actually attempted to whip it out, the bailiffs would have removed him from the Courtroom. The Judge should have removed the defendant before things got out of hand (so to speak.) I think the defendant is clearly non compos mentis or possibly one who is gaming the system. A tactic of some hardened criminals is to claim poor representation and attempt to fire their attorneys before trial starts and go pro se. So the guy was either nuts or sly like a fox. The Judge was probably brought up before his superiors because he sank to the level of his antagonist and lost judicial composure. I spent a lot of time in Courts and Courtrooms. Never seen anything like this in real life. Dannyboy
  15. Oh I can remember the Marvelettes who sang "Please Mr. Postman." That was so long ago. It might be updated to "Get Your Ass Over Here Mr. Postman (your PostMistress requires you." Dannyboy
  16. For those of us who have made the Fortress a home away from home you are preaching to the choir. More importantly your message to those who may be sitting on the fence has to have a great impact. Glad you enjoyed your session. I hope your post inspires others to take that leap. Dannyboy
  17. Dear Ms. Kang: I have, among many other peeves, punctuality issues. When someone is late for an appointment or a date it upsets me immensely. Perhaps that can be a pet peeve. It would be very difficult to incorporate that into a session if my Mistress was late unless I wanted her to be intentionally late and then get punished for getting upset with her. Our session years ago with "Tiny Dancer" afforded me the opportunity to give her a fairly strict spanking. She was awful where punctuality was concerned and that was one of the motivating factors in enjoying her punishment. Could a religious rule be equated with a pet peeve? Not for the sake of denigrating the religion but more for the sake of recognizing the control it may have over the follower. I read the writings of a Mistress who had an Orthodox Jew as a client. In the session she placed bacon strips on his back. Certainly the client wanted this in session for whatever reasons personal to him. She didn't make him consume the bacon. I'll see if any other ideas come to the fore. Dannyboy
  18. Dannyboy

    I see a heart of stone.
  19. Dear Ms. Kang: Far be it from me to try to convince you of anything you don't agree with. It is always the case that the opinions of Dannyboy do not represent the opinions of the Forum host, the Fortress, it's owners, employees, agents and shareholders. I am convinced of your greatness though. Whenever I want to be naughty with my young lady her reply is always "if you want to." Instead of going along with her and being happy I will argue that it's not good enough if she doesn't want to. I will argue that she really wants to but doesn't want to admit that she is as freaky as me. Then it escalates to "I'm not a perverted freak like you, I do it only to make you happy, I want to be normal." Eventually we stop talking to each other and nobody is happy. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. I do know about OCD as I live it all the time. Seems i have a choice of being happy or being right. I'll choose right all the time and end up unhappy. Dannyboy
  20. I can recommend many but no good ones. Sounds like my ex-wife many years ago showing up for the child support check. Dannyboy
  21. Dear Ms. Kang: Knowing you for some time I would suggest that you have some degree of OCD and idiosyncratic behavior. I do not judge and mostly I enjoy. I am always enraged when I see someone pushing a baby carriage and talking on a cell phone at the same time. My urge is to perform a "citizen's arrest" for child endangerment. I have never done that but often I would say "shame on you." Another thing, when I am waiting for my young lady to show up (in Koreatown) I often look at the most beautiful Asian ladies who come into the cafe and sit nearby. My look "says you are so beautiful and I wish I could get to know you." In my fantasy I hope they are thinking "old degenerate bastard do you think I would give you a moment of my time, except to say go away creep." When my lady shows up I notice the eyes of other old and young degenerate bastards and think "gotcha." Dannyboy
  22. SW: You are one sick dude. I know you haven't talked about this to your therapist. Anyway, I like popping the bubble wrap and I have pressed all floors on the elevator. One day the security guard told me to cut that shit out. Oh well, someone always wants to ruin it when you're having fun. Dannyboy
  23. Reflecting a bit I realize I had a tendency to bring my music to a session. In the early years with the Headmistress I would put together a CD with select music on a number of occasions. With Mina Jung, after being assured that I could connect my MP3 player to the audio, meticulously putting together a playlist was a significant part of my pre session activity. Same with Eva Koi. I don't do that anymore. Dannyboy
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