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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. Oh Jessy! Why always angry women? Dannyboy
  2. Dear Mistress Zito: So many memories but never more than 3 Mistresses at a time. Dannyboy
  3. I actually replied with my choice last night but somehow messed up the process of posting. So I will try to replicate the same reply to the best of my recollection. I would choose the nude body of the one in the center to sleep with me tonight. (Or any other night she chooses.) I would select the outfit on the left for my Mistress to wear while in session with me. Dannyboy
  4. Dannyboy


    Checking it twice.
  5. Dear Ms. Von Dietz: I often ask myself how I would want my Mistress to feel after using a belt on me? Your words have come the closest so far. In the experience there is a reason for the punishment and a lesson to be taught. The satisfaction you express seems to be a personal fulfillment. I am loathe to describe it as sadism as the dynamic of the experience incorporates so much more. The overall dynamic and what both participants derive from the experience has personal importance and relevance during this period of my life. Thank you. Dannyboy
  6. We were all against NE but someone close to me ended up winning the final in her Super Bowl Box. Next morning I saw her with an envelope full of Franklins. Dannyboy
  7. Forgive me Ms. Kang as I may be wrong. The only Mistress with blue hair I ever saw over 10 years ago, 13 to be exact, was Cheryl Lynn Khan now known as Thora Nang. When I first met Cyber she had black hair. I sessioned with Cyber at Arena/Blaze and ran into her at that location several times after. She recently visited NYC and sessioned at Pandoras Box. I haven't seen her in years. Dannyboy
  8. Dear Ms. Von Dietz: No one has ever said that to me.....ever. Feels like the very first time. Dannyboy
  9. Is that the erection lasting more than 4 hours that we hear about in the Viagra commercials? Was this discovered in the year of the Cock? Dannyboy
  10. What a stern Mistress I see in the face of Ms. Shankar! How mysterious is Ms. Li and will she surprise us once she let's us see her true self? I must find out! Dannyboy
  11. I see the look of a demanding Mistress. Welcome to the Fortress.
  12. Dannyboy

    Mistress Li

    Welcome to the Fortress pretty lady.
  13. Dear Ms. Fang: One undeniable fact is that it over and the result is written in the record books. How we got there will be remembered by those who watched it. Was it a collapse? Was it a comeback? Nothing changes the result. Yogi Berra once said "it ain't over 'til it's over." All we can do now is wait until next year and do it again. Dannyboy
  14. Lucky... I actually give credit to the Patriots' defense much more than the offense. I fault the Falcons defense. It seemed that they were exhausted with a quarter and a half to go and lost the will to win. Dannyboy
  15. CO: Si ma tante en avait, on l'appellerait mon oncle. A friend from many years back whose primary language was French said this to me when I lamented the result of a sporting event. If only the jockey kept the horse on the rail instead of taking him wide I'd have won $500. Roughly translated: If my aunt had them (balls) she would be called my uncle. And so there were a number of significant fuck-ups by Atlanta that would have changed the outcome of the game. There were also some extremely lucky moments, especially that catch by Edelman, that impacted the game in a major way. If you favored the winner you'd have no "what if" laments. If you favored the loser there were several to be found. Dannyboy
  16. Well, it's over. Nothing has been moderated so I don't know what people are saying. My view is that the Falcons collapsed much more than the Patriots came back. They were walking around like the walking dead in the third quarter. I was greatly concerned at that point. I didn't bet so nothing our of pocket. Just slow torture watching them give the game back. Dannyboy
  17. Not picking. In my opinion the Super Bowl started with the Jets in 1969 and ended with the Giants in 2012. Dannyboy
  18. JJB: I didn't have a taste for Indian ladies until I sessioned with an Indian Mistress a long time ago. She is well known as Cyber and she is known internationally. It wasn't until later that I met this young lady as our waitress in an Indian restaurant. She was a Bangladeshi who bonded with myself and my significant other (and current ex.) She was also petite, pretty and a giving person. My fantasies about her frequently ran rampant but I never acted on them because it was dangerous. I did describe a vivid fantasy about her to Mina Jung and had her very much in mind when I first met Lahiri. I sessioned with other Indian Ladies on infrequent occasions but none ever equalled Cyber as a great Mistress in her own right. The majority of my sessioning years had me almostly exclusively with white Mistresses with perhaps a rare black or latina Mistress. It took years before I ever sessioned with an Asian Mistress even though I fathered a child with a younger Japanese student while attending college at night on the G. I. Bill. Could I possibly raise those fantasies with Ms. Shankar once she passes training? We'll see. As it stands my lady drains my energy, my portfolio, my patience and my essence. My dream come true is also my worst nightmare. Dannyboy
  19. Dear Ms. Kang: Ah, what is love? That has always been my downfall. Can't live with it and can't live without it. Dannyboy
  20. Dear Ms. Kang: You are torturing me just by posting this announcement. Another Asian Mistress? Wow! Did you know I have a thing for Indian or closely related Ladies. In 2012 I did a training session with Tran and Lahiri (Bangladeshi.) I had a Bangla friend who was often at my place with my ex. Had the most vivid and kinky fantasies about her and hoped Lahiri would represent that lady in actual sessions. Alas she left. As to painful punishment with marks I am healing from my last kinky encounter with "Inverse Ada" and want to be in tip-top condition for our next visit when she she shows the Mistress how she has transformed from a precious little barbie doll to a cruel bitch with paddle. LOL!!! She is already a Nipple Monster in her own right. Why do I put myself through this? Anyway except for that I would certainly run to the Fortress to help train Ms. Shankar (Shankar? Really?), she not related to Ravi Shankar I'm sure, for painful punishment with marks. I will contact you further, though, because there may be other activities above that would not interfere with my plans for the couples session. Thank you so much. The Fortress lives on!!! Dannyboy
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