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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. So St. Patrick's Day and your birthday turned out to be a great day for you with the help of a special Mistress. Very nice!!! Dannyboy
  2. I was being polite Bradley. Actually it isn't as bad as the Love canal decades ago but if I'm welcome it has to be low class. As far as the butt plugs, I would roll them back if I could fit a 10 foot pole could fit into the stall. No other way would I ever touch them. One at a time???? The visual is appalling!!!! Dannyboy
  3. Dear Ms. Katz: I has been my lot in life to be undone by femmes fatales. So, once again, I am cast into the abyss by a lovely Lady. "Sie mir gut, sie mir gut, sie mir wie du wirklich sollst, wie du wirklich soloist, cause I don't have a wooden heart." Dannyboy
  4. Dear Ms. Katz: You've blown my cover. I'll never be able to walk into a respectable bathroom again. It takes a lot of training to do that kind of undercover work and it takes a discerning ear to distinguish butt plug removal from retrieving condoms filled with the white powder from Columbia. I could imagine how embarrassing it is for someone to wait for the adjacent occupant to leave before the grunting starts. I am happy to report that several of the butt plugs that rolled into my stall were Fortress property. The written report that names the culprits is in the mail. Manpeach you are in trouble. The mailman, on the other hand, was voted employee of the month for his creative utilization of free time. Dannyboy
  5. Dear Ms. Rey: The loss of any sense is in some respect tragic. Certain smells remind me of times and places past; of special moments with a lover. Having to give up any sense is undesirable and it is only when confronted with a hypothetical question one will give a hypothetical answer. Would I ever want to give up the sight of her special smile, her taste, her voice, her scent or her touch? Never! Dannyboy
  6. From "Take the Money and Run." Do you think sex is dirty? It is if you're doing it right. Read the lyrics of "Psychotherapy" sung by Melanie Safka. "....til his analyst assured him that he really was inferior." Bradley: If I didn't feel perverted and dirty I would have to stop. Why take the fun out of it? Dannyboy
  7. Dear Ms. Kang: I tried my best on Friday but the timing just did not work that day. I will follow up by email. Dannyboy
  8. job..: You must be tickled pink or perhaps green. Enjoy your birthday!! Dannyboy
  9. Dear Ms. Katz: Don't you hate when that happens? Dannyboy
  10. Lw: Powerful words! On occasions throughout my history those words would apply. "The pain of being without her exceeds the pain of being with her." My words. Dannyboy
  11. Dear Ms. Rey: I could defer a reply for a week or so to find the best possible reply but I can't guarantee I will live that long. LOL The clip was a calming, feel good about oneself kind of a presentation. I have no idea as to the credentials of the authors or the underlying research to come up with these hypotheses. Should we be ashamed of our participation in these activities or should we be public and unfettered in all of our sexual activities? I would say neither. For myself I enter into these activities voluntarily whether I understand the reasons or not. Do I need to go to work in the morning and announce to those in the office that my Mistress urinated on my face and I enjoyed it very much? Of course not. Do I accept that someone in the office discusses his panty fetish within earshot of others at time when work has to get done? No I don't. Am I particularly judgmental about the activities? No, but we need to be mindful of time and place and the sensibilities of others. My activities are not subject to examination by and discussion with others. I want to be free of unwelcome intrusions by others' sexual proclivities as well. This clip does not help or inform me in any way. Some of the points make intrinsic sense to me but the overall thesis rings hollow. The only category of activity that meets the definition of fetish is "uniforms." Domination and Submission or public sex is not by definition a fetish. I loved her accent and the "peaceful, easy" tempo of the presentation. Thank you for putting this question before us. I am curious to read the responses of others. Dannyboy
  12. I suppose I fear the loss of sight more than the loss of any other sense. Yet if I could see but not have the sense of touch or being touched that would be a tragedy in its own right. In fact I could image a blind person having an enhanced sense of touch and a profound feeling of intimacy with a lover. If I could still hear her voice, feel the warmth of her body, taste her body in most intimate ways the eyesight may be a bit less important of the two. Would never choose to loose any of my senses. I guess that the sense of smell might be the only one I could relinquish upon threat of life and limb. Dannyboy
  13. Tamburlaine: Of the kinds of sessions that are not my cup of tea, tickle torture is one that I have never asked for. Never asked for though surprised by Ms. Zhao and completely off guard when she decided to inflict it on me. It is a torture that for me is unbearable. The fact that Ms. Zhao enjoyed it made it my burden to bear. I never felt so helpless. Some of you seek and gladly submit to it. For that I am happy that a Fortress Mistress is skilled (apparently multi-talented) in that activity and keeping subs interested in coming back. I hope your wish comes true. Dannyboy
  14. Mike: While I may be a perverted old man not many are as advanced in perversion as I am especially in my age group. It is refreshing to hear that a beautiful young lady can be described in the same terms. 1969 was quite a good year for New York sports teams. Times Square was significantly different back then. Dannyboy
  15. Lonewolf: I'm very happy that Ms. Katz has impressed you to this extent. I know of those special moments and sessions that make an indelible impression. So happy that they continue as the Fortress lives on. Dannyboy
  16. Please Mr. Postman look and see Is there a butt-plug in your bag for me. The Marvelettes did the original. Dannyboy
  17. Jack....: Besides The Story of O and Venus in Furs I would add: Fanny Hill, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and Autobiography of a Flea. Isaac Asimov? I might have read some of his works and I know he was a long term member of Mensa at the time of his passing. I never had the honor of meeting him though. A couple of sci-fi short stories that I remember from my remote past: A Fall of Moondust and It wasn't Syzygy. Dannyboy
  18. Dear Ms. Kang: You always seem to notice the obscure details. Love the Ewok chick. Dannyboy
  19. Bradley: I am at least as circumspect as Andrew "Dice" Clay so please respect my limitations. Dannyboy
  20. Oh! How gross! Never thought I'd read such things on a respectable Forum like this one. LOL. Dannyboy
  21. I guess I missed this post so I will add my name to the first post on this Forum. Dannyboy
  22. First experience ever or first at the Fortress? You seem to echo everyones experience with Ms. Rey. Dannyboy
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