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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. Ray: My recollection may be faulty but I believe I saw Haru in person first and her photos after the fact. Those comparisons would certainly be less dramatic and relevant having already seen the person in real life. As I recall, in 2012 when I sessioned with Ms. Tran and Mistress-in training Lahiri, Ms. Haru came into the pink room for a moment and I saw her then. Shortly thereafter I had another training session with Ms. Kang in charge and Haru as the trainee. In that session Ms. Kang was out of the loop as Haru and I conversed in Japanese. Then Haru was sidelined as Ms. Kang and I made up for lost time by going over past experiences and people. It was during that session that I was informed of Vu's departure. Haru was beautiful in her own right. A combination of Irish and Japanese. Now where have we seen that before? Dannyboy
  2. Ray: For a long time I sessioned only with Ms. Kang, Vu or both so the thought of seeing the others never went further than a mere thought. Virtually all of the other Ladies made significant impressions upon their subs. Photos don't always convey the full picture. I would say that Eva Koi was more lovely than her photos but the picture of Vu's butt truly conveyed the loveliness of her derriere. Dannyboy
  3. JJB: My memory is getting a bit fuzzy after all these years and life's struggles. I would say September, 2006. I had a tour of the facility before the doors officially opened courtesy of the Headmistress. Dannyboy
  4. BTB: Ditto that. Of course this posting occurred just about a year before the dim sum. That was quite an evening and truly a great combo of Mistresses and clients. Those were the days. Dannyboy
  5. BTB: I didn't look here for orphans. I saw Quan at a lunch I had with Jessy and Vu. Quan tagged along with Jessy. We had a grand time back then. Dannyboy
  6. Dannyboy


    I fear tickle torture more than corporal punishment. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that fact.
  7. Dannyboy


    Cafe REY Salle a l'etage. Are you on the menu?
  8. Dear Ms. Rey: I've given up resolutions made solely based on the completion of an old year and commencement of a new year. Those generally have no deeper commitment and are done just for the sake of participation. I would note, that Thanksgiving has not yet arrived and we already see Christmas advertisements. The thought of New Year's resolutions is premature just now anyway. Frankly, I don't know if I'll make it out of this year alive. I'll let you know. Dannyboy
  9. One never knows. Sometimes I find myself smitten and unable to resist. Glad you're back safe. Dannyboy
  10. Dear Ms. Rey: Over the years some Ladies have had an instantaneous and hypnotic effect on me. Sometimes the internal script reads "OMG she is so beautiful I will do anything she desires just for the privilege of being in her presence." That happened the day I first met the Headmistress. Dannyboy
  11. Ms. Rey: Although there are forms of torture that are exceedingly cruel and harsh, the experience of tickle torture was unbearable for me when Ms. Zhao unexpectedly applied her unique skills without warning in December, 2013. Never again!
  12. Not all that you mention would be my cup of tea but you portray that first session in a very moving way. Glad you enjoyed. Dannyboy
  13. Ms. Rey: I never had an interest in hypnotism nor do I believe it works the way it's depicted in the clip. But please let us know what you discover as you pursue this topic. Dannyboy
  14. Ray: You may use that title for a piece of the action. The Mets snatched defeat from the jaws of victory last night. Would the Dodgers have done better? The Royals are playing like the Dodger championship teams of the 60's. Dannyboy
  15. Ray: The shit hit the fan in my life this year. Full of regrets, uncertainties, depression and pain. No one gets out of this world alive. Hang in there my brother. 63 was a good year for this Dodger fan. I hope the Mets justify beating the Dodgers this year by pulling this one out of the fire. Dannyboy
  16. Ray: Good to see you're still posting and getting ever closer to that milestone. Same year as Kyu Sakamoto's #1 hit. Dannyboy
  17. Shocking! Positively shocking!! Dannyboy
  18. Ms. Kang: My old man fathered a daughter with a black woman. I did so with Japanese and Puerto Rican women. Of course I have a legitimate Irish child. My sister had a Filipino child, two Jewish and 2 Puerto Rican kids. A Mistress who I sessioned with a week before our first session was Chinese/Filipino. I'm sure Fistlvr knows who. One who I know for 9 years is French/Vietnamese. Another who was interviewed by you and Vu was Vietnamese/Latina. My present source of comfort and joy is Panamanian/Cherokee. You may see her with me soon if everything falls into place. She is my caramel "Tiny Dancer." Dannyboy
  19. For me Japanese does it. No secret. No Vietnamese Lady ever spoke her language in my presence nor had an accent. Ms. Kang's friend counted to 100 in Korean in session but sounded more Latina in her accent. I played with a Tibetan Lady for a while and loved her accent - especially when she called me daddy. I find Tagalog sexy in a woman but haven't heard it in session Dannyboy
  20. Couldn't ever imagine a silent session. Have done a Japanese session. Dannyboy
  21. Sounds hot. I'd love to meet her too. Dannyboy
  22. I haven't watched any of this show lately. Don't particularly care. He's playing a game but he's going down a treacherous path. Dannyboy
  23. Jessy: I thought it was my wit, my charm, my intellectual brilliance, my devotion to you and my puppy dog eyes. It hurts to know that I'm just another big dick. Dannyboy
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