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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. Dear Ms. Kang: It's great that you can keep it going by finding candidates who meet your high standards. I never requested a Lady of a particular Asian ethnicity. You know how I tend to long for the past and that is a request you cannot grant. Right now I am on vacation, recharging my batteries and fantasizing about ever pretty and scantily clad lady within eyesight. I'll write more about that later. Best of luck with the new trainees. Being a Fortress Mistress is an honor. Dannyboy
  2. It is with a bit of pride that I welcome Ms. Lu to the Fortress as an official player. I do remember your schoolgirl uniform in your very first session at the Fortress. I know we will meet again soon and I'm sure to be impressed with your growth as an Official Fortress Mistress. Dannyboy
  3. Mysterious indeed. But on your birthday your adventure will be successful. Dannyboy
  4. skeech.. I don't take the term literally. I see it as losing every sense of resistance and control. We may submit but there is usually something underlying that we have control over. It's when that control is removed we are broken. Dannyboy
  5. Howard: So many times we place protective layers over the losses, failures and hurts in our lives. A Mistress might aggressively reopen a scar and all the repressed emotion comes out. There may also be a Mistress in whom your trust is so expansive that you share your most vulnerable moments with her. You voluntary shed those protective layers and expose your vulnerabilities. That can be a frightening experience from which there is no escape, yet the moments that follow are so cathartic and so emancipating. This is also true of Mistresses who have a public persona to maintain. I've been with a few in their most vulnerable moments, tears flowing, bodies shaking, despondent. Then my inner strength and empathy is there completely: I truly understand and make it safe for them. Dannyboy
  6. You've got a case of Fortress fever. Dannboy
  7. The hugs are always great whenever they take place plus the ones at the end are so precious. I have a fertile and devious mind to quote a great Mistress. Dannyboy
  8. Manpeach: The aftercare or debriefing part of the session is very important and and strengthens ones connection with his Mistress. Sitting naked with friends is not on my list of things to do unless they are female and my wife is not present. Dannyboy
  9. Nobody believed the truth. Dannyboy
  10. whip: Many times I am my own worst critic. The software creates words and if I don't proofread everything it slips by. Dannyboy
  11. KANGbang!! Geez, I'm off the Percocet. Dannyboy
  12. KANGback might be a registered trademark. Dannyboy
  13. Howard: I'm sure they are up to it and would. To be sure, the AOD on that Saturday night walk, assured me of her protectiveness and the damage she would do to anyone who threatened my safety. I felt very secure that night. Dannyboy
  14. Manpeach: That would not be possible now but I appreciate your sense of humor. Dannyboy
  15. Manpeach: Before the term "nerd" was ever coined I was in the advanced class of genius, gifted and egg-headed students. Subsequently nerds. The tough guys would pick on us but I was very witty, could run very fast and was not above kicking someone in the nuts when necessary. If that didn't work my big sister would kick ass. Dannyboy
  16. Dear Ms. Zhao: Howard misspelled "tribble" not "triple." Had he misspelled triple that would belie his intelligence. Tribbles are highly dominant, especially with regard to Klingons. Perhaps Howard is a Klingon in Devotee clothing, ergo "tribble Domme sessions." The Tribbles were the fuzzy creatures, highly reproductive, who ate the poisoned Quadrotriticale on Startrek Episode "The Trouble with Tribbles." Howard's error was the result of his impulsivity but was reflective of higher, even lofty, intelligence. Just saying. Dannyboy
  17. Howard: I see.....was thinking only of the shoes. Won't say how much I ever spent on a gift for a Mistress in one day, and would depend on the level of our connection. Dannyboy
  18. Howard: I saw a price, unless it was for a different shoe,in the vicinity of 5 nude sessions. I had more than a passing interest in the idea and there is a backstory which prevents me from following through. It they're much more expensive as you suggest I wouldn't not consider making the expenditure. Dannyboy
  19. Dear Ms. Koi: It's been years since I've taken a Mistress shopping for shoes or boots. I'm sure they cost more than a 4 hour nude session. Dannyboy
  20. Well, the idea that a Fortress Mistress not wait and be part of a lineup is an innovative solution to a process that can be both stressful and degrading. It works for the Fortress for many reasons and doesn't work for dungeons that are inferior to the Fortress. As Howard stated, that concept exists already as a Mystery Mistress session. Could it work as an overall policy? I doubt it. Wouldn't you want the option of selecting a Mistress who appeals to you visually and in terms of other attributes and specialties. If you have a great session wouldn't you want to see that Mistress again? Would you rather be selected by another Mistress? With apologies to all Fortress Mistresses present and past, it is a business transaction. I never think of a session as a business transaction and always appreciate the humanity, empathy, skills and understanding of every Fortress Mistress. Yet we can choose from a group of highly skilled, well trained and lovely Ladies and we do develop preferences and connections that can thrive. Also, if you have a particular fetish and hated others would you want to be forced to do something that you would never consider doing? So I want things to remain as they are and to experience the Fortress Ladies as a matter of choice not assignment. Thanks for the thought provoking topic. Dannyboy
  21. Jay: Just tell her what you want and she will decide what you need. Dannyboy
  22. Pat... Mistress Jung has been taking care of me. You'd be in very good hands when you come back. Dannyboy
  23. Dog..... Where have I heard this before, it's so familiar a lament. Were I to have one or more Fortress wives - greedy bastard that I am - it would be understood that they would have access to all outlets and diversions available. That would include male, female, mechanical, etc. to keep them satisfied. Of course I might want access to naughty girls with cute butts who need a good spanking and my wife(ves) might watch or join in. Every problem has a solution. Dannyboy
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