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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. No spare time?? :shock: Mistress Ree: Hmmmmmm. I guess it's a matter of definition and perception. I perceive myself in a Hell where there are so many demands on my time that, no matter what I do, none of my time is spare. Put another way, in any 24 hour day I have 28 hours of things that I must do and such a low tolerance for frustration that I dissipate all my energy in 6 hours. Some of the things I do are enjoyable and others are purely obligations. Turning myself over to a Mistress is a relief from the treadmill of life. Dannyboy
  2. I probably covered this at different times in different posting but here goes: My first tour before the Fortress opened. Meeting Vu for the first time. A training session with Jessy and Vu. A deeply emotional session with Jessy and my Tiny Dancer. A serious session with Jessy and Vu. Being the first to play in the Tatami room with Jessy. Sessionioning with Seung, Zhao and Choi for the first time (individually). Dannyboy
  3. Dear Choi: That song is on the Imus Ranch Record. Wonder if it should be part of the Fortress music? I'll burn a copy. Dannyboy
  4. Deat Mistress Ree: It's called "trichotillomania" or "trichotillophilia". I seem to compulsively enjoy plucking facial hair and hair on my head. I occasionally think about a session where I am bound and the Mistress plucks hair. Never did that in a formal way but a remember chilling with a Mistress before she joined the Fortress in 2007 as she pulled chest and abdominal hair and deposited each hair in my navel until she accumulated a sizable collection. I wonder if she used them on a voodoo doll? Dannyboy
  5. Mustanggt, I think you should give credit to Paul Anka before Ms Ree or Ms Choi nab you for lyric stealing and gives you a Spokme-like punishment. Ray Woffy, honestly those lyrics came to me in my sleep, like Danny Partridge, also just penned this; Hey jude, don't make it bad... Hows it sound You never heard Lonely Boy before??? Gotcha!!! Actually I once saw Paul Anka perform live at Freedomland on the site now known as Coop City in the Bronx. He started with a song about his babysitter, Diana. I'm so young and you're so old. I wonder if she "deflowered" him. Dannyboy
  6. Dear Mistress Ree: I may be exaggerating but I don't believe I have any spare time. I session on stolen time and post on the Forum when the "boss" is not looking over my shoulder. Darling, if I were your age I would be young again. Dannyboy
  7. Dear Mistress Kang: I remember 4 years ago when I used to tape the UFC fights for you. It made me feel like I was truly serving my Mistress and making her happy. Dannyboy
  8. You were so lucky to start with a Mistress like Vu. The only downside to your experience is that you may not find as good an experience anywhere else. You'll have to come back to the Fortress. Dannyboy
  9. mongoose: I saw that movie a long, long time ago. Polanski had an uncredited role in the movie itself. I will never forget him in Chinatown when he sliced Jack Nicholson's nose with a knife. Dannyboy
  10. Ms. Choi was superb as a submissive. What she's best at? I can't say. Finding out is half the fun. Dannyboy
  11. My imagination tells me that I understand. Dannyboy
  12. mongoose: Drinking is not a pre-requisite to enjoying a party. I have attended a number of "parties" where being sober was a major advantage over being drunk. It also put me in the position of getting my Ladies home safely, without accident or incident. Dannyboy
  13. Dear Mistress Ree: Generally I don't celebrate Halloween. The last time I did anything on a Halloween night was in 2006 and was mentioned a number of times in this Forum. I was invited to a gathering for a very special scene related cause. I also declined to go out on Saint Patrick's Day during my drinking years. I considered it to be amateur's night. Dannyboy
  14. Ray: Maybe it whipper's, paddler's, caner's or spanker's cramp? Dannyboy
  15. Dear Mistress Kang: Thank you for the lovely wallpapers. The one of Mistress Vu tugs at my heart. Dannyboy
  16. Dear Mistress Zhao: Is this praise or criticism? Dannyboy
  17. Dear Mistress Jung: Of course I enjoy your photos. Sometimes I feel like a young boy in a toy store and my mother is telling me I can have only one. The relationship at the Fortress rises above the typical competitive nature you would see in most settings. Dannyboy
  18. Ray: While I am usually impressed with each Fortress Lady's photographs I tend to be conservative in public expressions of praise lest I offend those with more seniority. That is so deeply imbedded in my psyche that I frequently apologize to Mistress Kang for booking a session with anyone else. Dannyboy
  19. Mistress Kang: I haven't seen the Little Darling for a while but another song reverberates in my head. Billy Joel singing "I Love You Just The Way You Are." Dannyboy
  20. Mistress Jung: Welcome to the Fortress. Forgive me but I'm in an impish mood and thinking of a Frank Sinatra song. Fairy tales can come true It can happen to you If you're Jung at heart Anyway I wish you success at the Fortress. The standards are high and Mistress Kang has the skills to find the best and most talented Asian Ladies to fill her roster. Dannyboy
  21. Dear Mistress Ree: Welcome to the Fortress. Interesting caveat. I wonder how many regulars still have "balls" after the Fortress Ladies have had their way with them? Dannyboy
  22. Haha Yea, she's got that *crazy* look in her eyes... WATCH OUT! Mistress Kang, Looking at Mistress Jung's candid photos she has beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile. I can see her charming a sub and drawing him into the Fortress. Her demeanor suddenly changes, an icy stare is revealed, and finally a "crazed" look in her eyes tells the sub it's too late...he's trapped. I'd hate to be on her bad side. Ray Ray: Some shrinks have told me that our expressed fears are actually wishes. Dannyboy
  23. Hey! If you can't control yourself I'll do it for you! Just imagine all 4 of us on our worst day ready to kick the crap out of the junk in the trunk of you "mustang-gt" LOL - me, Mistress Vu, Mistress Ree (with her "nice rack" and super strong legs" and Mistress Ree (with her crazy "I'mma-gonna-killya-eyes"!) Kicking and kicking and kicking...until you're nothing but a shell propped up on cinderblocks. Dear Mistress Kang: I love your subtlety. Dannyboy
  24. Ray: The first fight had Angelo Dundee cutting Clay's glove so he could have an extra 2 minutes between rounds while a new pair was laced on. The left hook from Cooper was devastating and he needed time to clear his head. The fight was stopped in the 5th round. The second fight was a title fight, Clay became Ali and it lasted one more round before it was stopped on cuts. Panama Lewis was the one who gave Aaron Pryor a special drink after Arguello clocked him before the end of the round. Then Pryor knocked out Arguello in the following round. He was the one who removed the padding from Luis Resto's gloves in the fight with Billy Collins, Jr. Collins later drove off a cliff in a suspected suicide as a result of the career ending beating he took in that fight. Dannyboy
  25. Thank you, I certainly will. For me, it was Mistress Kang, having met her before the Fortress was conceived. Every dungeon or other kind of location was elevated by Mistress Kang's presence. The Fortress then became the top of the pyramid and the place to be. Dannyboy
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