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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. Dear Mistress Kang: I remember this post well. I may have offered a reply at that time. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Dannyboy
  2. I would define submission in this context as the giving up of something, the doing of something or the tolerance of something that you believe you would not or should not consider in your ordinary vanilla life. Pain is not necessary. Dannyboy
  3. Ray: I frequently wonder how my life would have changed had I made different choices or decisions along the way. Then I get wrapped up in the "butterfly effect." Would the slightest change in a past moment eradicate the future that we see as the present today? Would it be a matter of life and death? Mistress Yin could well have been suited to your personality. I found her to be mature, goal-oriented and mentally disciplined. Conversing with her pre and post session was easy and speaking with her subsequently revealed a warm personality. She is more serious than the light-hearted and fun loving ladies of the Fortress, though. You'll never know for sure, but perhaps you'd have found your way to the Fortress in any case. Dannyboy
  4. Ray: Haven't heard of any Elvis sightings lately. Some fringe rumors that Michael Jackson's death is a hoax. I wouldn't be surprised if a number of women actually try to copy her look. I could speculate about Mistress Kang's location or even try to get the time zone right. But I won't. Dannyboy
  5. ....picking up, the fundraiser was a success both financially and socially. I took my pretty little brat home and then went home, reverting to my vanilla existence, no one having any clue as to my special world. Although, I believe, that pro-dommes are necessarily more intelligent as a group, there are 3 whose brilliance impress me: M. Yin, of course, Kat9 and Jade Vixen. No disrespect intended to Mistress Kang and her Ladies all of whom are impressive for many reasons. Last April I attend the Dim Sum with Mistress Kang and 4 of her Ladies. It was fun and a success but there are many logistical and economical factors which make such an undertaking difficult to schedule as a regular event. Coming full circle, my Japanese photographer celebrated a special birthday in December, 2007, at an East Village location. I escorted Mistress Kang to and from the event. Too bad that Mistress Kang had to return to the Fortress by mid-night because she missed the birthday spanking that was expertly administered by Darla Kincaid to the birthday girl. She also missed the altercation that almost blew up into a violent incident as another Mistress, who was persona non grata, attempted to crash the party with a couple of surly looking slaves. Anyway, lashee, I know Mistress Kang appreciates the interest, input and participation of the members. Perhaps some of us might figure out how to arrange a social event, like the dim sum, for future participation. Dannyboy
  6. lashee: No, I didn't attend. I was shown the invitation by someone who was invited. There is so much to unravel given the passage of time but my friend was also asked to attend by Mistress Darla Kincaid. Darla Kincaid and Nurse Noelle both worked at Jasmine's at one time. Nurse Noelle used me in session to help her teach a Mistress-in-training at Jasmine's where, coincidentally, I first met Darla. In 2005, before I met Mistress Kang, I sought the services of a photographer who informed me that she frequently worked with Mistress Senju, a dear friend of mine since 1998. Small world isn't it? (apologies to Johnny Mathis) My Japanese photographer shot a session with me and Senju back then. She became a fast and loyal friend of mine to this day. Once again, as fate would have it, I found out that her and Darla were very close friends. Moving on to 2006, it was Darla and Nurse Noelle who were involved in the demo in which Noelle fell on a champagne glass and severed an artery. Mistress Yin applied first aid before Noelle was taken to the emergency room. At the fundraiser, several evenings later, Darla was there, but not the photographer. I first met Troy Orleans, Domina M, Crickett and a few others whose names escape me. Although I escorted the most beautiful lady of the evening (Submissive Kitty to be) I made her very nervous when my gaze was focussed on the arriving Mistress Kyoko. As Kyoko passed me I said "konbonwa Jo O sama", she then did a double take and recognized me. ---to be continued---
  7. Mistress Yin is one of the Asian Mistresses on Mistress Kang's Asian Dominatrix List, imbedded in the Fortress web-site. Last Thursday, while visiting my favorite Japanese scene photographer, I was shown an invitation to a wedding celebration for M. Yin. It was to be a fetish themed celebration that evening. I wish M. Yin well. Mistress Kang directed me to session with M. Yin on Election Day, 2005. I found her to be a highly competent and intellectually brilliant Mistress. The last time I saw Yin was at a Halloween eve fundraiser for Nurse Noelle who was injured in a freak accident during a demo at the October, 2006, SMack party. I escorted a Mistress who subsequently became Submissive Kitty at the Fortress. Did anyone ever meet Mistress Yin and/or attend her wedding celebration? Dannyboy
  8. Ray: I never finished the last installment of the Dim Sum events which has much to do about Mistress Choi. It's sitting around as a draft. Thanks for the reminder. Haven't thought much about a Forum favorite but Mistress Choi would certainly loom as the morning line favorite. Dannyboy
  9. Ray: Henry Cooper was stopped on cuts after he knocked "Cassius Clay" on his butt with a beautiful left hook. Before the rematch ole 'enery soaked his face in pickle brine to toughen his skin. He was stopped on cuts again. Will that help you? Let us know. Dannyboy
  10. mono.... This is not a new question; it's one that I have given much thought to over the years. Generally I think much less about it when I am actively involved and more cerebral when I am removed from the actual experience. I will weigh in on this later but to add some flavor to the question, it is something I keep isolated from the vanilla world, rarely participating when a "vanilla denizen" or closet fetishist broaches the subject. I don't want others to know of my interests; don't want to explain or justify its existence and don't want to be branded by others not in the life as weird or kinky. Dannyboy
  11. Dear Mistress Kang: Being broken is sometimes physical, sometimes emotional and often a combination of the two; I would describe it as being taken beyond limits within which you feel you still retain some control or command. You broke me in August 2005 physically and you stopped because I was getting dizzy and felt faint. I would have endured anything just to be with you so it was ok with me. You took care of me by nursing me back to stability and we shared time to decompress and bond. In our double session with my Tiny Dancer I was broken emotionally by her. My spirit just gave up and I felt total despondency. She relented in her cruelty and moved into a nurturing mode. You know that she has gone her own way and I no longer have those demons inside of me. We had a relationship that became deeply personal and intimate before and after that event. Eventually my tolerance for her wore out completely. There was a double session with you and Vu during which I was broken once again. I don't think we've ever gone that far again. There were other instances of being broken over a span of years with other Ladies and other circumstances but in my present circumstances the intensity of my play has abated. Dannyboy
  12. To state, once again, that it took me all of 10 seconds to become enchanted with Mistress Kang upon first sight over 4 years ago. Having seen the photos posted from San Francisco I mused about the thought of ever forgetting how beautiful Mistress Kang is. Of course I would not or could not ever forget (barring amnesia or Alzheimer's disease) but if I ever did the photos would quickly shock me back to reality just as a defibrillator would shock my heart back to a normal rhythm. Dannyboy
  13. They say, you can take the boy out of Brooklyn but you can't take Brooklyn out of the boy. Dannyboy
  14. Mistress Kang: Thanks for the info. I wondered myself what ever happened to the tiny Lady. As you know, "Tinys" have been the bane of my existence but I digress. Dannyboy
  15. Coil: I assume this is a "suspension" event? Knew a young lady who was into that. She sent me photos of her own suspension that was done for her as a birthday present. I worried about her but she knew what she wanted. Dannyboy
  16. Back in New York and back in the groove. Lost very little at the casino overall and mostly played early winnings until they were gone. Participated in sports, did some sightseeing and went to some nice restaurants. Good vacation. No dungeons and no Asian ladies. Nothing is perfect. Now to get back to the Fortress!!! Dannyboy
  17. Dear Mistress Kang: I specifically remember that you posted on the old Yahoo group about someone who did this for you in session. You mentioned that he did a number of stretching exercises on the subway before the session. He may have looked weird on the subway but any explanation as to why would have been mild by comparison. I have been told to "go fuck myself" on many occasions but never to "go suck myself." Oh yes, I have never done either. Dannyboy
  18. Many thanks to you who have responded. My access to the internet is limited and my significant other doesn't let me stray too far. I feel honored to have well wishers and friends who have sent emails, texts and have called me while I have been away. There has been no "play" time for me but my mind has worked overtime concocting imaginary sessions and roleplays with some of the beautiful young ladies who have crossed my path in the last few days. The only Asian Lady I've seen is at the casino blackjack table. She is not real; just a projection of live dealer. I like the personal touch and interaction of a live dealer so I have not played blackjack at all. Played for over 2 hours on house money and quit when I lost it back. Breaking even is almost as good as winning. Take care everyone. Dannyboy
  19. Dear Mistress Kang: I'm going on vacation for a while. My batteries need to be recharged and I have to get away from the daily routine. When I return I will try to visit the Fortress and renew the special connection I've had with you and Vu as well as the other lovely Ladies I met in the last 9 months. I doubt there are any dungeons where I'm going but I won't be free to explore anyway. Please be well. Dannyboy
  20. Dear Mistress Kang: One of my missions, especially in 2005 and 2006 was to provide you with music of your favorite artists, plus my own special playlists, and to cherish the music you were kind enough to give to me. In my last session at the Fortress I repeatedly "named that tune" naming the artist and the year released. The Mistress was impressed but I had a distinct and unfair advantage having heard the music a number of times in the recent past. Still that has been my forte and sometimes my curse. Still remember the New Year's Song by the China Dolls and "She Said" (not the Beatles song) - a hauntingly moving tune. Dannyboy
  21. lashee: To some, crying is not a loss of status. It can be a sincere offering to his Mistress and or a well needed cathartic release. Some Mistresses actually appreciate the trust and sharing of deeper emotions. Dannyboy
  22. Everything becomes an true beauty. It looks like he saw you as Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop Congratulations on your summer look I'm sure you will love the freedom of shorter hair. HD. The pic you posted didn't come through for some reason but I found it and here it is ;-) Also the pic you have in your profile looks way cool - what the heck is it though?! LOL Goodbye Norma Jean Dannyboy
  23. Hi Mistress Kang, Two hours??? It takes my guy less than ten minutes and that includes the beard. Can't wait to see your new look. Ray When my Irish Lassie get her hair done I could sneak to the Fortress, buy breakfast for all the Ladies, balance the federal budet and get home an hour before she's done. She tips more than I pay for my haircut. Dannyboy
  24. Only if I put it there... ...with a branding iron Dear Mistress Kang: TOUCHE!!!!! Dannyboy
  25. Ray: She is evermore fantastic in person, in session. Dannyboy
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