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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. thesybarite: I think you hit the nail on the head. A Fortress Lady will bring so much out of a sub because of her talents, mind and beauty. The hand of Mistress kang is alway close by in this phenomenon. You have to learn quickly, for your emotional survival, that so many of us would love to run away with a favorite Mistress or two. Seung and Choi are newer to me and each is so lovely. Vu owns a piece of my heart and MJK is my all-time favorite. Perhaps seeing more than one Fortress Mistress might be the key to preserving your mental health, LOL Dannyboy
  2. spockme: I should find out more about Choi soon. Dannyboy
  3. curious.... Please accept my apologies, I was commenting about myself not about you. The quote that I made is not consistent with me and the way I usually approach most issues on the Forum. I should have worded those comments in another way. Dannyboy
  4. How about "Once you go Yellow, You're hooked for life fellow" Actually I have a much deeper respect for Mistress Kang and the Ladies I've met and tend not to categorize people. She is very special. Dannyboy
  5. Dear Mistress Kang: Since we went on dst the clock on the forum is always 1 hour behind. Is there anyway you can adjust the clock until the fall? Dannyboy
  6. Ralph: I'm glad you discovered what some of us know. Vu is unique, fun and lovely. Dannyboy
  7. Dear Mistress Kang: Could you be the modern "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" LOL. Beautiful. Dannyboy
  8. Dear Mistress Ahn: I have no personal knowledge of London dungeons. I suggest you start by clicking on the Asian Dominatrix listing hidden in the Fortress website. Lower right or left. It is a blue area. Hold your cursor over the area and then the link name will appear. Click and see what appears. Check Asia, Chi, Kulit and Suki. Also find Dante Posh and Darla Kincaid. You could find them both at http://www.theenglishmansion.com as well as a large number of London based Mistresses by clicking on the dom listing. I hope I have been of some assistance to you. Dannyboy
  9. Dear Mistress Kang: I noticed that porn star Marilyn Chambers was found dead yesterday at age 57. She starred in "Behind the Green Door" and her face appeared on boxes of Ivory soap until her connection to the porn industry was discovered. Dannyboy
  10. Dear Mistress Kang: Hmmmmm. I seem to remember something like that in January 2007 when you stopped and put something on my butt. My bloodthirsty little darling was with me then. It all seems so foggy now. Dannyboy
  11. Dear Mistress Ahn: I tend to be reserved in my opinions, especially if I have no actual experience. You are confirming my suspicions as I was sure you would. I'd love to read a review of this slave's session with you before I dare to find out on my own. Dannyboy
  12. tokyo... I have not yet sessioned with Mistress Ahn. I suspect she is capable of giving a strict caning but any professional Mistress will be guided by the slave's prior experiences and certain professional standards. I know Mistress Kang can give a hard caning but if your cup of tea is Mistress Ahn, by all means go for it. Dannyboy
  13. Its okay, Im a computer geek too. I have personal reasons for getting that particular tattoo... I wouldnt usually tell people because its still a touchy subject for me. . .but people keep asking and giving cheeky noncommittal responses won't work forever I suppose. My younger brother passed away recently, the tattoo is a memorial. I didn't want to get a name, or a picture- a bit tacky and ghetto. So decided on binary, since its because of him Im such a computer and video game nerd. So... yea. Now you all know. Dear Mistress Ahn: Thank you for sharing that deeply personal information. Please accept my sympathies. Dannyboy
  14. O.K. your loseing me here with all this techno talk do you mean something like a screen saver:?: Sounds tempting but what if my hag of a wife sees it mustanggt: That happened to me once. Certain pictures of a Mistress were forwarded by me to her computer and they went into a remote area of my computer. My wonderfull doll of a wife saw one of those pictures. I was very lucky that the Mistress was making a funny face with her tongue sticking out, pierced tongue and all. There were other pictures of her and me that didn't pop up at the moment. I quickly yelled what the f is that on the computer. Let me erase that spam and figure out how to keep it from happening again. I erased the entire folder and saved my ass. Dannyboy
  15. Speechless: Thank you for pointing out the coming event. In the past, there have been long lines and waits to get in, especially if the spring weather is warm. My dearest Japanese friend, who affectionately calls me ojiechan, usually attends the Cherry Blossom Festivals in Brooklyn and in Washington, D.C. She is a photographer as well. Dannyboy
  16. For some clients it's the location and for others it's the Mistress(es). Once you session with a Fortress Mistress you are hooked. Dannyboy
  17. Yeah, but in poor Floyd's case it's a bit like hurling your body through the air to save me from a Nerf ball. I understand completely. You are kind and compassionate. Dannyboy
  18. Dear Mistress Kang: Some of us will defend you zealously. Of course you ultimately decide what is permitted and what is not. We had and still have the best of intentions. Dannyboy
  19. Mistress Kang: I wasn't persistant enough. Sorry. Dannyboy
  20. Jessieeeee!!! Why do you torture me so? Dannyboy
  21. closest thing to it i could find - Max: I saw those on that site. It seems that there are no "asymmetrical" novelty sunglasses being offered at all. It's beginning to look like mustangs suggestion might be the only possibility. It's just too much to expect krazy glue to hold up though. Dannyboy
  22. Dear Mistress Kang: Last time I saw you in that coat you and Vu double teamed me. The artwork you did on my butt is almost healed. Oh yes, I loved your coat. Dannyboy
  23. Noble effort. I'm sure Mistress Kang appreciates all the efforts we have made. Dannyboy
  24. Dear Mistress Kang: Could be associated with sissy play. Is there any information about the safety of this activity. Imagine an exploding fetishist? Dannyboy
  25. mustanggt: My first reaction is that you solved the problem the way Alexander the Great did, "cutting the Gordian knot." As a practical matter I don't think the krazy glue solution will work so easily if at all. Nice try anyway. Dannyboy
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