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Everything posted by Dannyboy

  1. Mistress Kang: I will try my own search to see what I can come up with. Setting aside the free tax work I'm doing for friends and love ones, the medical care I'm receiving from the heartless beating you gave me while Vu giggled (LOL) and March Madness I will try to help my Greatest Mistress. Dannyboy
  2. Dear Mistress Kang: Not that I want to give you any ideas about torturing me, but: 1. Making a slave hold his breath for the duration, with consequences for failing. 2. Smothering for 1 minute. 3. Nipple twisting (holding your grip until the sands run out.) 4. Interval caning or spanking. How many strokes could you deliver in one minutes time? 5. I have another thought but I know I couldn't remain conscious for the length of time so I won't mention it. Dannyboy
  3. Hah! Actually the game was over before it started as I never got a turn at bat the way any visiting team would. I was always playing defense and not doing a good job of it. The entire day gave me much to write about because I carried much with me for the rest of the day and evening. My mind was a fertile field with no off switch; I just need some free time to pull all those thoughts together. Dannyboy
  4. Dear Mistress Kang: Of course that is a baseball term for the most part. Today I had my first doubleheader of the year with you and Vu. I missed you in session for a long time. The last time I doubled with you it was with Vu as well. I had forgotten how heavy handed you could be, having gotten used to Vu's more delicate touch but you reminded me before too long. My poor butt has the "fever" right now and it will be with me as I go to an Irish celebration tonight. You are always my Greatest and Vu is my sweetest. A deadly combination. Dannyboy
  5. I'm an F-cup blond with "SLUT" tattooed on my ass and a few hundred devoted men on call 24/7- what do you think the chances are that I'm hard up for sex? Dear Mistress Kang: You sure have a way with words!!!! LOL Dannyboy
  6. Floyd: I understand. Sorry but I have no experience submitting to tickle torture but I'm sure at least some of the Mistresses might enjoy doing it. Dannyboy
  7. Floyd: I know that Seung enjoys tickling in her sessions but not from personal experience. Vu definitely does not like tickling. I wouldn't dare try tickling Mistress Kang. Check out some of the reviews, especially of sessions with Seung. Dannyboy
  8. Dear Mistress Kang: Number 23 of the Fur set appeals to me especially because of the positioning of her butt and the effect of gravity on her breasts coupled with her "come hither" glance. Number 17 of the Schoolgirl set, with her polka dot panties coming down almost to the point of no return, depict a schoolgirl weighing the mystery of stripping naked in front of me, her professor, and her as yet unconquered sense of modesty reflected in her facial mask of ambiguity. Of course Vu represents to me the negation of our respective frailties; the antidote to what had ailed me so thoroughly once upon a time and the very special darling who can always rely on me to accept her without condition. No matter how beautiful I see Vu when face to face. Ms Zhao takes near perfection and creates near immortality once again. Dannyboy
  9. Dear Mistress Kang: I noticed the last photo from Thailand and the boxers who appeared to be smaller than featherweights and presumed that she did box. I know something about "Filipina Pride" having been a guest in a filipino household to watch the Pacquiao-Marquez fight last year. Pacquiao, of course, is a national hero of the Philippines and pretty much retired the Golden Boy Oscar de La Hoya last fall. In the 90's I knew a young lady who was a pretty good amateur boxer. She made it to the finals in several tournaments but she didn't look the part as she was very pretty and graceful when not boxing. She was also a fairly decent long distance runner. I never sparred with her but couldn't beat her at 5,000 meters and 5 miles. She was half my age though. If I get to meet Kat in the dungeon I wouldn't want to fight her. Dannyboy
  10. coil: We both have Mistress Kang's best interests at heart. I wish you the best. Dannyboy
  11. coil: If this comment has to do with removing the wish lists I have mixed feelings. I don't know the facts or the players involved but I think Mistress Kang is trying to hold everything together in a way that's fair to everyone. If a Mistress is asking for extras as a condition for a good session that is wrong. Mistress Kang sets a tribute schedule that makes the Fortress accessible to the average player who may not be able to afford more, especially with the shrinking number of dungeons and shrinking economy making life worse for everybody. If a client can afford to tip or give a gift on a completely voluntary basis, that is another story. I'm sure your gifts to your friends come with the best of motives and I don't think the issue is directed at you. There is a slippery slope, though, from giving altruistic gifts to expecting a "quid pro quo" i.e., demanding improper acts from the Mistress in exchange for money or gifts. It is also potentially toxic to permit an atmosphere where a Mistress might offer "extras" for money or gifts, putting the Fortress itself in jeopardy. Mistress Kang has a greater responsibility to herself, her Ladies and her clients and she must set a standard that keeps the Fortress viable. By all means you should be appreciative and generous with your friends if you have the ability to be that way. I always stand ready to help Mistress Kang and anyone else with whom I feel a deeper connection, so long as it is voluntary, within my means and is truly from my heart. Dannyboy
  12. Dear Mistress Kang: If I am in NYC when she visits I would happy to treat you both at a place of your choice. A double-domme session may be a possibility too. Dannyboy
  13. Ray: You cover so much ground in your last 2 responses but I will take it piece by piece. I didn't post Fats Domino's birthday but he is one of my favorites from that era. One point, some of his songs were "covered" by white artists. "Ain't That a Shame" was a top hit by Pat Boone and Ricky Nelson hit the charts with "I'm Walkin'." Of course the original was the greatest if not the most lucrative. My other point is that back in 2005 Mistress Kang flew to Hong Kong just as Katrina hit New Orleans. Fats Domino had to be rescued from the flood and could easily have been killed then. Many thanks to Providence for preserving someone go gave us so much. Dannyboy
  14. Dear Mistress Kang: While I am not aware of the circumstances, I know you are eminently fair and will not take this kind of action without good cause. There are instances in the past that show you are ethical and responsible. I didn't participate in the wish list only because I have been so busy and distracted by vanilla life. I wanted to come back to it in due time. Too bad it's gone. Dannyboy
  15. Please let us know about the session with Seung. I am curious and so are a bunch of her fans. Dannyboy
  16. Spockme: 2008 has been a better and life affirming year for me. Thank you for your positive words and encouragement. Thanks always to Mistresses Kang and Vu. Dannyboy
  17. Ray: How about "Houseboat" and the Sam Cooke song "Almost in My Arms?" Sam Cooke, on one of his albums, did a rendition of "Danny Boy." You Send Me was released on the Keen label. Passing on the first 3 from 12/11, Teri Garr first caught my eye in an episode of Star Trek, Assignment Earth, playing the role of a secretary in a mini-skirt and I loved her in Tootsie. I've seen every Twilight Zone episode at least 5 times. I remember that episode well. After the ship departed he changed his mind but it was too late; he was marooned for the rest of his life. James Whitmore starred in one of my favorite sci-fi/monster movies: Them! I remember the 45s and the 78s. Somehow I recall The Four Lads singing Constantinople with the 78 disc spinning rapidly. There is a Latin instrumental fused with an Asian influence that I'm sure nobody out there ever heard of, by Alfredito: "Chop Suey Mambo." I played it for a nickel in a diner in Brooklyn so many years ago. I'd love to find it and make it part of my collection. Could it have been an omen of things to come in my life? Sorry to elicit feelings of envy,that's not my intent. I cherish those memories and I will always be grateful for their helping me get through some very difficult times. Dannyboy
  18. I posted too fast, didn't check my facts on Pete Rose. He was not born on 9/11. On 9/11/85, Pete Rose got hit number 4,192 breaking Ty Cobb's record of 4.191. Ty Cobb's last game ever was on 9/11/28. I figure Ray or some other stickler would have caught my error if I didn't catch it myself. Dannyboy
  19. Ray: You don't know what coincidences you brought to the surface but the Twilight Zone is not so strange after all. I remember reading about Bottomley so many years ago. He set a record, driving in 12 runs in one game against the Brooklyn Dodgers. Sam Cook's first big hit, "You Send Me" and all of his other top songs are part of my music collection. He was in the ring in Miami after Cassius Clay aka Muhammed Ali beat Sonny Liston for the heavyweight title in 1964. Little did he know that he had less than a year to live. He was shot by a woman. I once knew who played Robbie the Robot. I had to look it up today to refresh my memory. His name is Frankie Darro. More about him when I connect some points together. Mistress Kang, I'm sure, is much to busy to view Shogun. I tried. The 11th as a date has made it's famous and infamous marks in history. Pete Rose was born on 9/11. My own experiences on 9/11/01 cannot be discussed here. The 11th has monumental importance in my life for other reasons equally confidential. Brenda Lee? Of course I remember her and her powerful voice. "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree" has become a classic beyond her other top hits. It is uncanny but I had a similar birthday experience. In 2005, Mistress Senju did a session with me which was photographed by a female scene photographer whose name I won't mention. One or two of those photos were used in Senju's web-site, which has recently been shut down. Mistress Kang and the photographer lady appeared together in the old Yahoo group photo section. We celebrated Senju's birthday on 6/29/05 at Honmura An, a Japanese restaurant in Soho. When I mentioned my birthdate, the photographer informed me that we shared the same birthday. We compared id's and confirmed the coincidence. My birthday, and hers, is 11 days after mS Zhao's, yours, Rita Moreno's and Brenda Lee's. Mistress Senju has been below the radar. The photographer lady and I have been the best of friends for almost 4 years. We celebrated Mistress Kang's birthday for the last 3 years at different locations, Mistress Vu joined us in 2007. Now for the strangest of the strange in the world of coincidences. On the old Yahoo group I describe in message 2600 the time that my 2 non-marital daughters met for the first time. One, whose mother is Latina, was born on Mistress Kangs's birthday, the other, whose mother is Japanese, was born on my birthday - the same as the photographer whose happens to be Japanese. Where does Frankie Darro fit in? He was born 11 days after your birthday on my birthday. Dannyboy
  20. Spockme: I am blessed to have known Mistress Kang as a Mistress and as a wonderful human being. She has been very helpful and kind during more difficult times in my life. Of course she is a Great Mistress. I think we share a mutual respect for each other. With this history, there has been much loss and much pain in my life. I don't know how many people would trade their lives for mine if they knew all the facts but there have been some blessings that make it more bearable. Dannyboy
  21. Ray: I'm working on a reply. Not enough time but you've touched on some remarkable coincidences. Dannyboy
  22. Ray: My immediate reaction was to respond but I wanted Mistress Zhao to respond first. One of my many avocations is that of a movie buff. A number of classic movies were made before under different names or were based on classic writings. West Side Story from Romeo and Juliet. Forbidden Planet, which I believe was a nexus in the progression of science fiction movies from War of the Worlds to 2001 - A Space Odyssey, was based on the Tempest. The King and I starring Yul Brynner was made previously as Anna and the King of Siam. A trivia connection: Rita Moreno had a part in the KIng and I and later had the role of Anita in West Side Story. Over the years I provided Mistress Kang with music of her chosing. Although the tasks sometimes bordered on Herculean the satisfaction of serving my Mistress made it all worthwhile. She in turn gave me a movie and some interesting songs including a Chinese New Year's song. I hoped to get her to watch Shogun without success. With permission Mistress Kang, as a birthday present Mistress Senju brought me a cd from Paris entitled Les Rarissimes Des Lili Kraus, her favorite, but relatively obscure, pianist. I think it is very special when a Mistress exchanges books, movies and music with her sub. Dannyboy
  23. Dear Mistress Kang: Reminds me of old times. Dannyboy
  24. Dear Mistress Kang: Your favorite lingerie pic is my fav too. What I have to say should be understood within a certain context. It is often said that you look so much better in person than in your photos. Yes, you are so beautiful. This shot though reminds me of the old time Playboy centerfolds. Even the best of them could not compare to this pic of you. It takes you and makes you look even better; absolutely perfect. An image to worship, a true Goddess, the epitome of perfection. You could start your own religion: "The Cult of Kang" and that photo could be the image of the True Goddess. You have quite a talented photographer in Zhao. Dannyboy
  25. Speechless! Breathless! Like a punch in the solar plexus. When I recover I might render an opinion. Dannyboy
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