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Everything posted by Bucheon

  1. I am not a fan of calling anyone Mistress. It sounds like you are cheating or you are Tiger Woods. I would prefer to call these ladies Ms. or Goddess.
  2. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them. The question is who would be the least likely to inflict pain. I digress!! lol
  3. I have been addicted to this game. Maybe I have a tackling fetish. lol http://www.free-cartoon-games.com/freecartoongames/daffy-duck-games/wide-receiver.html
  4. I am glad you agree with me about Goddess and not that other word. I guess the other word works if you are a guy cheating on your woman, but that is not me for sure. Yeah, it is kind of sad that I have been to just about every country that the staff is from except Bangladesh. I enjoyed Asia a lot, but only saw mostly the northwest and southeaast part. India looks fantastic too!!
  5. That would be an honor. I would like to go to Bangladesh someday. I do dislike the word Mistress. It sounds like I am Tiger Woods and womanizing. I am single. I prefer the word Goddess, but that is me.
  6. I would love to be in that movie. I had a change to travel all over Asia, but have not seen much of Western Asia. I will write the movie and want a role in it.
  7. No thanks! Noodles have too many carbs!!! lol
  8. I would volunteer to take pictures with one of the dominas. I was on a website in another country. For some reason I enjoy it a lot.
  9. I don't believe you told anyone. lol jk I won!!
  10. I am going to guess that none of the feet are Ms Jung's.
  11. I feel a cramp coming on when I see these pictures. lol
  12. It has to be with MS Jung. She has got it all. I like her picture from Malaysia. Lot of close seconds, but might choose MS Ko. However, I don't cheat, so MS Jung and I will keep our marriage a big secret.
  13. What about a nice suit for all my hard work!!! lol jk It would be an honor for you to do almost anything, well maybe not almost anything. I might need to find another domina there. jk In all seriousness I enjoy traveling and like giving advice if needed.
  14. You looked happy that day, so that is not a bad thing. I was thinking of having a double session, but I think I can barely handle you. lol Welll thanks for taking time out of your trip to check in. Be safe!
  15. Yes, I needed to cry that a few times. I figured I would let you have a little fun at my expense. Yeah, I can never look at turkey at the same light again. lol I know you are going on a trip, not sure when, but have a great one!! Have a Happy New Year!! Be safe!!
  16. You better have a hunch who I am. lol jk That was my first post, so even I did not know I was in the forum. Identify myself in a clever way?? How about..................... Ha Ji Ma!!!! lol In all seriousness I want to wish you and your staff a very Merry Christmas. Of course make 2011 the best!!!
  17. Love her little snicker!! I had a very good time with her a few weeks ago and not sure I can work with any other!!
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