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  1. I just noticed in a lot of pictures on the site the mistresses wearing shoes usually worn with socks (which is a look I love by the way- great pictures), they are platform wooden shoes with a big heel, and I guess I noticed how wicked they looked and was imagining being kicked with one of those. I had never seen them before and wondered if they were particulary an Asian thing. I realize it was probably a stupid question to ask, however, so don't feel you need to answer it.
  2. Hi Mistress Ahn, You don't by any chance still have an old pair of your soccer cleats anywhere do you? One of the wildest fantasies I would like to experience is that of the "Angry ball-breaking soccer girl" who makes me smell her dirty socks and lick clean the bottoms of her dirty cleats clean after thoroughly breaking me down. I also love the sound cleats make on the feet of a beautiful woman as she walks across a hard floored surface, just imagining the unspeakable pain she could cause me with such little effort.
  3. Hello mistresses, I love the fetish fortress site and always wanted to come in for a session, even though traveling around NYC intimidates me a litte bit. I was wondering if one of you could answer a couple of questions about sessions. I am abour three hours from NY and from someone who does not know the area, could you tell me if I took a train into union station, how could I then get to your studio. Could I take a subway or a cab, and approx. how far do you think? I was also wondering why individual mistresses' interests were taken down. I enjoyed being able to read which mistresses would thoroughly enjoy kicking a guy in the balls so I could determine which creul lady I would like to see, but this section was taken down some time ago and I was wondering why. One last question, and please forgive me if UI ask this the wrong way, but I noticed that most of you wear a special type of wicked looking platform shoe, I assume it is a cultural thing, I was wondering what they are called and if any of you have actually worn them in session to kick a guy???? (just curious) Thank you.
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