Hello mistresses,
I love the fetish fortress site and always wanted to come in for a session, even though traveling around NYC intimidates me a litte bit. I was wondering if one of you could answer a couple of questions about sessions. I am abour three hours from NY and from someone who does not know the area, could you tell me if I took a train into union station, how could I then get to your studio. Could I take a subway or a cab, and approx. how far do you think?
I was also wondering why individual mistresses' interests were taken down. I enjoyed being able to read which mistresses would thoroughly enjoy kicking a guy in the balls so I could determine which creul lady I would like to see, but this section was taken down some time ago and I was wondering why.
One last question, and please forgive me if UI ask this the wrong way, but I noticed that most of you wear a special type of wicked looking platform shoe, I assume it is a cultural thing, I was wondering what they are called and if any of you have actually worn them in session to kick a guy???? (just curious)
Thank you.