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About TrackWarrior

  • Birthday May 7

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  1. Hey TW. I saw you on forum today. How is your health?

    1. Dannyboy


      Yes! I see you've been on line. Hope things are better.

    2. TrackWarrior


      Hey MP, Dannyboy, Yea I was just looking around. Still struggling with my health. I was in NYU for 8 days over Christmas. I have a viral infection in my brain. Home getting anti viral iv therapy twice a day and it is pretty toxic. Hope you guys had a great Christmas and Hppy New Year.

    3. Manpeach


      Sorry to hear that TW. Hang in there I'll be thinking of you

  2. Hey Edgar just wanted to say hello. I think I still have your email. Hope all is well.

  3. Hey Phred, just wanted to say hello. I think I have your email too. Lots of changes LOL. Hope you are doing well

  4. Hey, been a long time.....lots of changes here. How are you Wolfster?

    1. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Hey Trackster, I was thinking about you today and was planning on contacting you tonight. I'm okay, making a comeback from some injuries and lung issues. How are you doing? Lots of changes. Seems like a whole new place with all the departures.

  5. Still out there TW? How you doing?

    1. TrackWarrior


      Hey Brad. Wow lots of changes hehe. How are you?


  6. Hey TW, I've been thinking about you. How are you doing?

  7. Think about You a lot Ms Zhao.....i miss Your leather like a fat kid misses cake :) Hope i will see You soon.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      TW! I miss you too, my friend. I bet you're overfilled with blood and in need of a thorough draining :D Sending good vibes your way and I hope to see you soon!!

    2. TrackWarrior


      i think i need a strong two hour dose of Zhao and Tran......a little perspective. hahahahaha

  8. hey TW, haven't heard from you. glad to see you were viewing the forum today. get strong

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dannyboy
    3. TrackWarrior


      Thank you so much Dannyboy. Hope you are well.

    4. Manpeach


      It's good to be cancer free! You've had the best doctors poking you, hopefully the insurance companies are picking up the tab

  9. Hey TW, long time no see. I read some of your past contacts and hope you are on your way to recovery and the New Year brings better things.

    1. TrackWarrior


      Thanks so much Edgar. It means a lot. :)

    2. Dannyboy




      I'm wishing a better year for you.

  10. Hope You had a wonderful Birthday Ms. Zhao

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Thank you TW. I hope you are still feeling the healing energy I am sending your way!

    2. TrackWarrior
  11. MsZ...Miss Ya a bunch :)

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I miss you dearly, too!!!! How's your body healing up?

    2. TrackWarrior


      Hit a bump in the road. Looks like it's back! Don't know if i can do another surgery. Spent five months healing up. I told them 2 months ago that something wasn't right. Constant abdominal pain. i'm going to work everyday but it's hard. Recently came across the tube you extracted from me and it made me smile. Hope You had a nice Thanksgiving :)


  12. Years ago you helped me when i was going through a hard time. i posted something under another name and you responded in a very helpful way. Thank you!!! And I hope you make a full healthy recovery!!! Thanks!! Sean

    1. TrackWarrior


      Thank you Sean. Dying to jump back in but I just have a problem walking back through the doors of the FF because I am not 100%. I have to go back to NY Pres. in 6 weeks for a scope of my abdomen to make sure the cancer isn't growing. i am working but not feeling great and I am actually on a medication to help me with fatigue. Thought I would be back on my feet now and I am struggling. Thanks Sean. Your kind thoughts mean a lot.

    2. Outcast


      Your kind thoughts mean a lot to me too! I'm wishing you a full recovery so you can get back in. I hope everything at the hospital comes out as favorably as it can for you and youre back 100% !!

  13. Hey TW! I hope things are going well with you. Saw this ad, thought of you:

    1. TrackWarrior


      VERY COOL Phred. Thank you :)


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