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Everything posted by TrackWarrior

  1. Hey Edgar just wanted to say hello. I think I still have your email. Hope all is well.

  2. Hey Phred, just wanted to say hello. I think I have your email too. Lots of changes LOL. Hope you are doing well

  3. Hey, been a long time.....lots of changes here. How are you Wolfster?

    1. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Hey Trackster, I was thinking about you today and was planning on contacting you tonight. I'm okay, making a comeback from some injuries and lung issues. How are you doing? Lots of changes. Seems like a whole new place with all the departures.

  4. phred email me trackwarrior@gmail.com

    1. Phred


      Sent you a message, TW.

  5. Dude, email me trackwarrior@gmail.com

  6. Think about You a lot Ms Zhao.....i miss Your leather like a fat kid misses cake :) Hope i will see You soon.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      TW! I miss you too, my friend. I bet you're overfilled with blood and in need of a thorough draining :D Sending good vibes your way and I hope to see you soon!!

    2. TrackWarrior


      i think i need a strong two hour dose of Zhao and Tran......a little perspective. hahahahaha

  7. Hope You had a wonderful Birthday Ms. Zhao

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Thank you TW. I hope you are still feeling the healing energy I am sending your way!

    2. TrackWarrior
  8. MsZ...Miss Ya a bunch :)

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I miss you dearly, too!!!! How's your body healing up?

    2. TrackWarrior


      Hit a bump in the road. Looks like it's back! Don't know if i can do another surgery. Spent five months healing up. I told them 2 months ago that something wasn't right. Constant abdominal pain. i'm going to work everyday but it's hard. Recently came across the tube you extracted from me and it made me smile. Hope You had a nice Thanksgiving :)


  9. Coming in next week to see You :):):):):):)

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      But then you cancelled! Did something happen??

    2. TrackWarrior


      Really bad cold.....i can't catch a break.....heavy sigh!


  10. I am not what happened to me, i am what I choose to become. Carl Jung Been a hard road but i am getting stronger. Your words and thoughts have been on my mind. i hope You have been enjoying the summer. Hope to see You soon :)

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      The commonly used quote, "that which does not kill us makes us stronger" comes to mind. I'm glad you're keeping your head above water and using your adversity to strengthen your soul. Miss you!!

    2. TrackWarrior


      Thank You Goddess of Fire.

    3. Dannyboy


      Keep focused on the goal. Progress may seem slow but small gains add up over time.

  11. Ms. Zhao, Finally home after 8 days. I had a 6 hour procedure followed by a VERY BUMPY and painful 3 days. Very hard when the pain meds make you worse. Anyway, healing up with my focus being in front of You on my knees again. So far things look really good. Hope You are enjoying the weather (Heavy Sigh)

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Just always remember that you deserve to be well and healthy. Don't ever let that thought fall out of your head! And do little things that make you happy, because your health depends on it!

  12. Ms. Zhao, i am in great need of Your protection.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      It seems that we are all under a sort of subtle psychic attack lately! How may I serve you, TW?

    2. Dannyboy


      TW: Ms. Zhao was kind enough to offer encouragement back in January. She and the other Ladies were so valuable during that time. I know this is very helpful to you. Best wishes for a full recovery.

    3. TrackWarrior


      Thank you Dannyboy. Having trouble getting my own head around this. Opening up about it just isn't there yet :/


  13. So what's the problem?? LOL Ms Zhao is a lot of things…sadistic is one small piece. Open your mind and trust Her and She will take You on a wild journey. i would die happy if I drowned in the tidal wave of the energy that She generously shares. You have medical insurance….right? jk jk Make the call
  14. Hello Ms Zhao, i was hoping to come in last week but life seems to keep getting in the way. Been thinking about You and hope You are well. Now that things have begun to thaw i hope to visit soon,

  15. Hello Ms. Fei, Hope You enjoy Your journey here. This is a special group. These women are amazing

  16. OK you need to tell me about the new picture. If it was a FF project, your atr work blows mine away LOL

    1. Manpeach


      Hey TW. Really sweet icon huh? Mistress Kang drew it for me in her response to my Vortress Valentine Verse on the Guest Forum. Check out the whole pic there.

  17. Ms. Tran, in session You are most generous but i am always blown away by Your generosity, candor and kindness to everybody on the forum. btw LOVE the Batman top. Hope You are well :)

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I very well. How are the pups?

    2. TrackWarrior


      Pups are good. Lucy is settling in. She was badly abused and is just ultra submissive but she is starting to find herself. She cowers at everyday noises that she should be familiar with which makes me think she was kept in a basement. She is so sweet and never leaves my side. Trying to mend her soul :)

  18. Hello Ms. Zhao, You have been on my mind a lot this week (heavy sigh) Happy New Year :)

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Happy Year of the Horse! How are you??

    2. TrackWarrior


      May the horse be with You! LOL working on getting strong physically, mentally and spiritually. Going to try to come in March 4 or 5. Visits to You seem to keep me on the right path. :)

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      MAY THE HORSE BE WITH YOU!!!! PRICELESS! You made my day with that!!

  19. Ms Tran, Hope You are well. Have to tell You that i rescued a 1 1/2 year old mantel great dane 2 weeks ago who is already dominating my 2 males. Her name? Lucy! Pictures to follow :)

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Ahhhh so cute! Im not surprised she is already running the place....Top Bitch!

  20. The Goddess of fire dances around my head often……what a lucky dance floor i am…hehe

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      OH! What a fabulous idea to have a dance party on you! I bet you didn't know that I love dancing and that I have many a pair of dancing shoes!! :D

    2. TrackWarrior


      i'm betting You are not referring to the "Old soft shoe" I see You and Ms. Tran as more of the "flamenco" or "Clogger" type. LOL

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      And don't for get "tapper" too!

  21. Pee enters your mouth??? Is that true?? LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      What do you mean you're not sure where you stand?

    3. TrackWarrior


      This was with the Domme that i have been seeing the past few years. i think i need to step away from Her. Can't go into it on here. Hope to be in soon to see You Ms. Zhao. Hope You have an amazing day on the 11th :)

    4. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I remember you telling me about her and your relationship. And I have an article from Psychology Today you should read. I'll bring it for you next time you come in! And thank you for the birthday wishes!

  22. LOL Yes.....i seem to remember that.....a true gelding.....
  23. You look great Mistress Kang. Lucky horse i was standing outside the coral with my 8 year old niece when she asks me," What is that thing hanging from Warrior?" As i turned purple I asked," What, his tail?" She said, "no the big thing hanging down in the back there." I said, "His leg?" She said, "No no the big pink thing. I asked Aunt Ellen what it was and she said it was nothing." to which i replied, "Well your Aunt Ellen is spoiled" Before i get bombarded, i posted this because it was funny and by NO MEANS physically accurate
  24. Ms. Zhao, Just totally wiped out today but a new beginning. Thank You for pushing and carrying me through our session. What a treasure You are.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I just learned that otters rape baby seals to death :(

    3. TrackWarrior


      That is bizarre....i see seals here on the beach at different times of the year..very cool! i have been summoned to Soho in 2 weeks. Told Her about You Ms Zhao and some of the things we discussed. Not sure if it means the end or having my ass handed to me :) We have been chatting a lot. btw i carry the tube with me and Your aura surrounds me. Pretty nice. Stay tuned...

    4. TrackWarrior


      Meeting for dinner at KOI this week. i have mixed emotions. Part of me would rather be seeing You at the FF but i need to figure this out :) i will see You soon Ms. Zhao.

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