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Everything posted by chardy

  1. I found a beautiful picture of you taken at Bear Mountain in a photography forum, I assume by a friend of yours. Just wanted to say that seeing your beautiful smile outside of the Fortress Forum made me smile!

  2. So honored to make you laugh yes....
  3. Okay I am DEFINITELY going to need to know where you work out. I'm at the point where I want to disregard my fantasies and make my new fantasy making all of your fantasies come true!!
  4. Mistress Tran, do you mind telling me the names of any bars you frequent?
  5. I don't know if it has been suggested, but I would be more than willing to call brick & mortar retailers of Jeffrey Campbell tomorrow and see if they offer shipping to NYC...
  6. You are probably thinking of the same cartoons that got me interested! I'd be thrilled to be in your cauldron!
  7. I guess I am supposed to add this one.... haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e0Gsn4khss
  8. You're right, that was wishful thinking... But thank you for thinking of me with these anyway! I don't know, I think the first picture looks like it is intended for someone who is into (to borrow from my newly learned terminology ) Macrophilia, or fantasy involving giants. The second picture looks to be from the perspective of someone who is into the butchering and consumption of people. The closest representation to my fantasy that I have found online, if I am allowed to post another website, is Muki's Kitchen. They do real life photo sets of meal preparation. Although with them the participants sometimes look too willing, and are never male... Wow, the more I talk about it the more I realize just how strange and really specific my fetish is.
  9. You're right Mistress Zhao. I'm sorry, I won't let it happen again!
  10. I've actually never heard that term before. I suppose that is what I somewhat have. The problem with most of the people and most of the sources on the internet with this fetish is that they are typically male dominant, and the focus a lot more on the butchering and umm... dispatching of victims instead of their peril and preparation. I suppose I have the PG-13 version of this fetish as opposed to the NC-17 version. Frankly, the other versions frighten me. Based on many of the horror movies coming out of Hollywood, I'd assume there is a certain fascination in many people surrounding death. But in most tormentor-tormented scenarios, the death is the end of the interaction. But in a cannibal scenario, death is only an end for the tormented, but not for the tormentor. The degrading of the tormented goes beyond death. And unlike most scenarios, the act isn't necessarily carried out because of hate, anger, or sick amusement, but at least in part to achieve the basic human necessity of eating. You plea for mercy if someone wants you dead. What do you do if they are hungry too? I think that aspect adds a cerebral level to the torment. I don't desire or fantasize about dying, and I am not someone who is particularly drawn to pain, and I don't think about the actual act of being eaten, but the idea that a group of beautiful women would strip me of my humanity (and clothing), and put me in a position of absolute peril against my will is something that I find extremely exciting. And the idea that they are doing it in a celebratory tone as they move me towards a horrific fate, that just a lot more fun. And just as long as I've had this crazy fantasy, I've also had a foot fetish. So the idea that they would utilize me for their pleasure and amusement seems to go perfectly with this scenario. And I absolutely would love to see your pictures! I enjoy all of your pictures already since you never look anything less than drop dead gorgeous. Your mother has the right idea, although you shouldn't be the one being eaten!
  11. I guess I can see a connection. For me I think it is more of a connection between fine wine, fine cheese and fine mistresses feet. Things with strong, distinct pungent smells. Speaking of which, would any mistresses be interested in personally stomping some grapes for a delicious custom wine?
  12. : ) Wow I would be so honored mistresses! Or you could always prepare me like Mistress Ree prepared the lobster from her video...
  13. Ever since I was a little kid having seen some cartoons relating to my fantasy, I have been obsessed with the idea of being prepared as a meal by beautiful mistresses. It isn't the pain or cannibalism aspect that I like, but the idea of being treated as nothing but meat, or sub-human. I fantasize of being tied up like a thanksgiving turkey as my preparers inspect meat quality and discuss the best way to cook me. It is never an angry or violent discussion relating to the act that is actually being committed but merely an everyday conversation that would typically be had when preparing a meal, with maybe a few teasing and humiliating comments towards me mixed in. For their amusement, and to keep me quiet, my mouth is kept busy by being forced to worship their beautiful feet. Finally, when preparation is finished, an apple is placed into my mouth and I am slid into the oven. It is something that I have thought about since I was about 4 or 5. Is this a normal or accepted level of bdsm? Would a fantasy like mine be welcomed?
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