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Jung's Jewboy

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  1. Well, Hasidic men already ritually bind themselves with leather straps and have experience with edge play at a very young age (8 days old!). Hasidic women are into wigs. So, they are already primed for kink.
  2. GOALS: Join 'Hostel Takeover' : It's a group of fans of the Hostel movie franchise who get together twice a year and 'take over' a private estate in Estonia to re-enact key scenes from the movies. Seems like we are losing members every year. Seriously though, would like to be on my way to having a genuine FLR (Female Led Relationship) with a naturally dominant woman that involves service (domestic services etc) and Chastity for long periods. Maybe I won't get there but the journey could be interesting even if I just meet some genial pervs who share similar kink and vanilla interests.
  3. My sin can only be washed away by accepting your painful and humbling communion. Until then say 12 hail marys and 450 "#TIMESUP's
  4. Yummy.....yes, between the earnest fervor of the young novitiates and the teenage mindset of the pent-up school girls there isn't likely to be even ONE shade of grey, just the black and white of sin and punishment. The young nuns, still adjusting to the finality of their chastity vows put all their thwarted energies into the canes and switches they are using on the father. The two young women holding his arms down and the third kneeling before him as he accepts his painful communion start to feel a kinship with the young novitiate wielding the cane. They see that glimmer of anger and lust in her eyes and note her flush face. Her forehead is glistening from her exertions and her nostrils are reddening like a salamander on the beam of a flashlight. There's a suggestion of a smile as she says 'twenty-five!!'. The father's outcry distracts the others from the groans of the young zealous novitiate whose body is shaken by a sensation she has already given up without understanding the extent of that sacrifice. As she lowers her cane and arm she feels an emptiness in the pit of her stomach. She notices the young woman who is cradling the weeping priest's face in her hands. She notices her slender fingers comforting the repentant priest. Her lovely pale face, her shock of red hair and her look of empowerment. That empty feeling is no more.
  5. Really? Dommey outfit aside I find her very 'asexual'
  6. To borrow a phrase from MVD, a hard no on both for me. Gwyneth,, I'll pass on Mistress Goop. I can see her appeal but nothing particularly domme-ish about her. Madonna. I've never found her sexual content to be very sexy. Always struck me as an attempt to shock and I suspect underneath it all shes VERY vanilla
  7. Love it Mistress Von Eucharist! I think I have my answer to an earlier question: It was Roman Catholic Sunday School.
  8. OMG, Natalie Dormer. Agree wholeheartedly.
  9. Great clip. It's actually accurate and based on the banned gospel that didn't make the cut "The Gospel of Master J". Baptism with bodily fluids seems more appropriate. An anointing as well as a baptism "This is the sweat of the goddess" etc.
  10. As usual a standard run of the mill experience all of us have experienced. Ho hum. Dude, seriously, I don't often post but when I do it's to say that you are the most interesting man in the world. Stay kinky, mis amigo!
  11. Why do you hate me?!
  12. Adrianne Palicki...love her.
  13. Who was the first Mistress you sessioned with? Mistress Helga (I was in my 30's?) Who was the last (most recent) Mistress you served? Mistress Mina Jung Mistress Helga was a Brit who worked out of The Dungeon of Angel Stern on 23rd Street. She was quite tall, slim and had a regal way about her. My first GS was hers. I made her a tea then drank it....second hand. She was drinking it while seated on a plexiglass toilet box. She talked about how it was likely the closest I've been to a pussy and that I'm unlikely to get closer to one, much less penetrate one. She's right about the penetration. If these are two different Mistresses, how do they differ? Do their differences reflect your own growth/changes in BDSM? Very different sorts. I didn't fall in love with Helga. If your "now and then" Mistress is one of the same- consider yourself extremely lucky :-)
  14. Taylor Swift? Really? She barely registers for me. I wonder if she'd write songs about subs that disappointed her!
  15. Laverne and Lena are good choices!
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