Now a 'public enema' in front of other Mistresses or Subs would not suffice. It must be in front of a 'vanilla' audience. Perhaps a group of young student nurses or home care assistants in training. Maybe having to make eye contact with each of them (as per Ms. Jung) and answer questions?
"Does it hurt when your bowels are full like that, Sir?"
"Mister, do you always get wood when you get an enema?" (Maybe the teacher/instructor comments "Gee, Mandy ,you have sharp eyes. It would be easy to miss such a small erect penis!")
"Mandy, I don't think he enjoys the actual enema. He's just a perverted older man and lets face it, you and your classmates are all attractive young ladies. Actually, why don't you gals wait here while I speak with Ms. Kang. Perhaps she will allow us to see a male masturbate to ejaculation. Men make the silliest facial expressions when they ejaculate. LOL"
Mandy then walks over to the poor sap and really gets in his face. "Gee, must suck to be you right now, huh?"