being a slave for a little less than two years i often wonder what happens to a submissive who refuses to acknowledge the fact that he is submissive.
does it lead to emotionial of psychological problems?
i can't answer the question because i engage in the servitude of Asian dominants. i can't imagine not giving in to my submissive nature.
i'll definitely be a slave for the rest of my life. i'll be eighty years old in the dungeon and still getting my ass whipped by a young Asian domme.
i hereby beg on my knees with all my heart and soul the following Superior Mistresses for more Ms koi pics; Superior Head Mistress Kang, Superior Mz, Superior Ms Koi, Superior Ms Sunya. i beg like an an inferior dog on my knees.
ooops! please forgive the faux pas Superior Mz. the baby kangeroo didn't mean it the way it sounded. i meant you are a superb photogrpher not some spray and pray artist. your excellent photographs are an integral part of the fortresses' success. from your aesthetically pleasing close ups to your grip and grins you are simply the best! oh, yes, you are still the epitome of Fortress pulchritude!
i need to be resentenced. it's been over a year since my former Vietnamese Asian Mistress (not a Fortress Domme) sentenced me to life in Asian Prison without parole!
You are right Superior Mistress Sunya. i should have made my request in a more respectful manner. i humbly apologize to Superior Koi for this. so Ms Koi if it's ok with you and Fortress Administration i would like to see an expansion of your photo gallery please. thank You.