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Mistress Ko

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Everything posted by Mistress Ko

  1. I’m not all that and a bag of chips. I’m the whole damn party mix.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. akiravn1


      You sure are and I am really lovin' this particular Party Mix!

    3. joey


      YOU'RE all that and a helluva lot more!

    4. johnnystorm


      well godamn i need a party mix

  2. Get out while you can or she'll tear you to pieces.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Who's tearing who to pieces? You tearing us (me) to pieces? Sounds intriging.

    3. akiravn1


      Thanks for the warning, but a welcome action from You beautiful Mistress!

    4. joey


      i would definitely like that!

  3. Men are from mars and women are from hell.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Not really. Sometimes it seems that way though.

    3. akiravn1


      Then this Martian from outer space wants to meet the gorgeous She Devil from the Hell fires.

    4. joey


      women are still far superior to men.

  4. That is can you handle me?

  5. people say i'm borderline crazy, sorta kinda.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Very good qualities.

    3. Danny


      I like a spontaneous woman. :) So, why do you think they call you borderline?

    4. joey


      borderline crazy, kinda. sorta or not, i still adore YOU!

  6. ahh that would be a dream come true. hahaha well we do have that effect on guys ;)

  7. I eat men for breakfast.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Put some sugar and bananas on me and I'm yours.

    3. Danny


      hmmm, I don't believe you. :)

    4. joey


      i'd love to be YOUR granola bar.

  8. aw it was fun making your nipples and your ass sore ;p

  9. busy dominating the world ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mistress Ko

      Mistress Ko

      don't worry after the world is mine, you guys will be mine too

    3. akiravn1


      Now that is a dream come true.

    4. Danny


      you're a beautiful woman.

  10. Good I look forward to meeting you ;)

  11. HOPE for japan -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danny


      My sympathy goes out to those who lost loved ones.

    3. Quiet Storm

      Quiet Storm

      I actually just heard there was a 7.2 quake off the coast of Japan few min ago, tsuanmi warning in place... Unbelievable.. So sad...

    4. Mistress Ko

      Mistress Ko

      I really hope Japan gets alot better.

  12. aww it was awesome to meet you too ;]

  13. of course =D it would work better than a cig!

  14. aw well i quit before but i guess stress bought me back to it :/

  15. aw thanks for caring, i wont be smoking forever :/

  16. aww :/ hopefully we'll meet sooon

  17. of course but i love cigarettes ;p

  18. aw there will be other times!

  19. ahh will you be an awesome ashtray?

  20. ahh i know :/ but hey! i can still keep up!

  21. thats what i like to hear >:]

  22. of course >:] but its more fun if they dont listen.

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